0 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Prophecy Club: 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three. I live in Teaneck, NJ, just outside NYC. I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? Now if they shut them down, I might try to make it over the mountains. If it hits on the east coast then the gulf of Mexico will have all the bodies and trash that it can handle, plus all the people that were wiped out from the panhandle of Fla. over to Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana as well. What state should I move to? Think positive! All of you people claiming this is going to happen, that is going to happen month after month, year after year, and nothing? If you guys have questions about ANYTHING please reply with my name! sorry, I think fema camps would follow as well. I live in Chelmsford, MA. You can go west to New Jersey. Should I be ready to move out of Fl completely soon? Development along the shoreline is based on those predicted tides, plus potential high water and waves from a flood that has a 1% chance of occurring each year (the "100-year flood") or from storm surges from major hurricanes. We are in perilous times!! Would it travel that far ? A decades-old theory has resurfaced online after a volcanic eruption on a Spanish island that caught the world's attention. Linden will be fine. I have bad news for you. In reviewing the comments, 1 thing is SUPER CLEAR, people need to learn how to read a MAP! Its all a bunch of apocalyptic scare nonsense. I live in the Allegheny Mountains in Pa. New research published this month by NOAA finds that, on average, the U.S. East Coast experiences about 25 meteotsunamis per year though most are less than 1.5 feet high and relatively harmless. A tsunami advisory has been issued for the U.S. West Coast and Alaska. Heres another GLP comment that supports the binary theory: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4147947/pg1#75353045. Iam the only swimmer in my house hold of 6 adults an 3 children. This aint a hurricane. I also dream or she had a little boy. If a 100 tsunami hit the west coast about how far would it travel East? I truly believe what you wrote. I wonder if this is a warning from the universe. Make sure your soul is right with God first. Im only about 10 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay bridge so I could head west pretty quickly. That means that a 500-foot high Tsunami could traverse 5000 ft of land. My sister and her husband went through it one year after a hurricane. For the sake of argument. From the middle of the clouds I was looking at, there appeared a clearing see thru, resembling a fine dew made of clouds but looking like see thru dew. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. If pole shifts have anything to do with field polarity reversal as Earth passes a null zone, it would have to be from the strong field of a solar binary companion, but not the galaxy. When is your dream saying now so I can prepare fully? As I descended I saw the hem of his garment and I wondered what was the vision about and the meaning of it, when I heard a voice saying: Prepare to leave and after I heard the voice saying that the dream ended. However, there will be a moment. The $10 shows a tsunami. stream That was funny! Omg, I am in Orlando with my kids until Sat. I live in Manchester NJ approximately 15 mies from the ocean and approx 10 miles from the Toms River River and the bay. Your more detailed map of Maine shown in the article barely reaches north to even Freeport, which is about 1/5th the distance along Maines coast coming up from Kittery. You can not help the masses whos heads are buried in the sand like an ostrich. Please, keep talking and prove that sentence rightI DARE you! Change). Several observations regarding a 300 foot tsunami would be the probable devastation of the following major East Coast cities Even a 75 foot tsunami ! Hes had several dreams and one of them is about a meteor that hits the Atlantic Ocean sending a 1000 foot wave over Puerto Rico. @ Anthony w. lane If a tsunami hits Anywhere, Florida the best thing you could do is try to get to a boat or surf-board and aim it at Mexico!!! You can read the interesting chapters here: https://www.scribd.com/document/413555560/World-in-Peril, Maybe theres a PDF of the whole book somewhere. I dont know at what Speed it hit Alaska. Karen Tsunami travel times from La Palma to North America. Im dead because im on the Delmarva lol. Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? I see a lot of people here asking about their specific location and how that would be. Protection against lightning strike. So, your 100 ft flood tide would sound about right, assuming that the waters mass is able to lose sufficient momentum through convolutions within anyones local topography. It was awful, in my last dream, I estimate the wave was 100-150 feet high.. But the first one is of a massive earthquake emulating from the ocean floor and causing destruction throughout the eastern sea board as far inland as Hartford, Ct. Hi Angie! The Warren area specifically. We ceased to be one nation under God when the Supreme Court defied God law that marriage should be between a man and a woman. A tsunami that reaches a height of 300 feet when it rears up at the shore (or any height), will lose energy as it travels inland. So have backpacks with a change of clothes, jackets and medications that you need or might need and also a first aid lit. Actually, if you have the time, the safest location nearest to you is Todt Hill on Staten Island. The northern and southern coasts would be quite different. This Planet comes by roughly every 4500 years, never the same +/- 500 years. In almost any SHTF scenario, the East Coast is a terrible region to be in. Near-daily articles on a wide variety of prepping & preparedness topics that you might find interesting or helpful. I live in the heart of Savannah and my kids go to school on the island were screwed if one comes huh? I stay ready for anything ready to go. .. .. .. All Im saying is that figuring out whose house will get flooded depends on a huge number of factors not the least of which include, volume, speed, frequency, direction. Tsunami East Coast Dream - Robyn Ward - 444 Prophecy News The entire coastline from Alaska down to Mexico was going to be destroyed, and a part of California that juts out to the West on the ocean will be . All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. Cool thread by the way. Martial Law will mean Travel Restrictions, Food Restrictions, Gasoline Restrictions, etc. Gulf is 64 miles to the west. Not if but when. A narrowing inlet will see higher wave heights than a circular island with a steep base. People didnt pay attention to all the signs in the movies, tv shows etc when 9/11 happened. A celestial body will land on the Atlantic Ocean creating a tsunami 300 meters high, traveling at the speed of sound. Tonga Fiji Tuvalu nothing will be left of these islands if this hapoens . Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. At the most, we will have a twelve hour notice. No way, no how. I saw the Lord weeping over the globe not wanting to allow this, but. I am prescient. We need to prepare now. In other words, earthquake vibrations are VERY robust, carrying with them lots of information and kinetic energy (the kinetic energy is carrying/housing the information, *infodynamics conduit). We cannot tell when but it WILL happen. I dont know if they will be affected but along with Fema region 3 they also ordered a lot of supplies for Austin Tx, In response to Marleys comment: on October 3, 2013 at 2:19 PM. Those who wish to survive may want to change the direction theyre going and where they plan to escape to. https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4147947/pg2#75353775. <> Thank you so much for this but my question is this if a mega-tsunami hits the coast will be an earth quake as well I live in Michigan I know Im in land quit a bit An have felt the Holy Spirit tell me tech tonic plates back in the summer when they started to peel apart I know just the devastation alone is not all well have to worry about industrial plants that will be exposed to the ocean will contaminate it plus many other things but lets say these plates move if Michigan feels those whats the point system because ive seen things that God has shown me that when that happens Detroit is built on top of salt mines plus Michigan has the most resource for fresh water 3 lakes would be contaminated Detroit an some surrounding areas would be under water because lets face it that water is going to go somewhere can you please answer any of these questions They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. And I dont say this to scare any of you, I really dont.. TSUNAMI EAST COAST PROPHECY AND PRAYER. -Share- Can you tell me where I can find the video you mentioned, on BIN? I had a dream this past July.. it was either a 100-150 ft wave as I estimated from going outside and looking at my tree line and gestimating how much higher the water was.. this dream was so real, most intense dream Ive probably ever had, I could HEAR the tricking and then rushing of the water all around me.. at first I tried to forget about it and move on.. but it has stuck with me.. Disperse container handling and recommission US Army Railroad Transportation Corps. I also saw a documentary on television regarding the same subject. The latter observance was while hurricane waves were being generated before the actual landfall. Your next moment is not guaranteed. It will only achieve its true height when it hits the shore. It is too arid. Not sure how well it would stand up. Also, food shortages, electrical power, clean water, and waste sanitation.. Very true,Ive seen it myself and have done the same,May God be with you and your family. Will The La Palma Volcano Cause A Tsunami On The East Coast Of America We are One nation under God this is what it says on our money! Rapture. I live in a small town called Dorado, at the north of the island of Puerto Rico there is a valley and then some small mountains 100` but my dad is in a wheelchair and weights 200. Parkchester is very inland. When our time comes the faithful will look forward to dancing at the feet of Jesus as my Mother used to say. .. one dropped near nyc and the other near dc , how would we fare ? The biggest problem will be surviving the aftermath even if you are lucky enough to survive it.. Only about 12 people know this Earthquake is coming and six of them work here. Perry describes another vision he had around September 10 (2019) of a huge wave of water coming over a mountain range and flooding into the valleys nearby. I hope I am wrong. Focus on bettering yourselves and your family, and control what you can. Perry Stone is best known as a Bible prophecy teacher, but what most people don't know is that the Lord has shown him many things in dreams in visions, and many of those things have already come to pass. Thank you. It was as if my body was still in front of the wave and my mind was looking to access the physical body without being able to establish the connection, and it took me a while to understand that I was dreaming. Real gas shortages. With the disappearance of current . Just out of curiosity. As Ive pointed out before, The Suns binary companion never gets closer than 1500-2000AU (it is currently near aphelion at 4000-6000AU). I agree it (asteroid hit tsunami) will happen at some point in time again but its not going to be on September 24 because some guy in Puerto Rico had a dream about it. The Canary Island government has declared a yellow alert for an eruption on LaPalma. I began having dreams in 2004 when I moved to the east coast. Atlantic Tsunamis | Maritime Museum of the Atlantic We are outside of Statesville and I hope we are far enough from the coast. Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. Kellie H I have seen in a vision about six years ago, the plates shifting under the coastline by California. I sense strongly in my spirit. As far as our Govt goes, when have you ever know it to tell us the truth about anything? Go from September 22nd-September 25th. Thats whats causing all of this. One year of famine and drought. We live on Long Island and will drive into the Pocono mountains if need be do get away, as its only 1.5 hrs away. looking back on my life i can see Gods hand on my shoulder guiding me to where i am today. Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. GOOD-LUCK. So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? Im about 3 hours inland in southern Virginia so I think were okay, at least from that. Hmmm, its 2021 and I dont think this prophecy came true. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. This landslide is not a question of if it will slide into the sea, but rather a case of when, as it has already slipped 4 meters towards the ocean. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. It looks like its touching us from 225-300 ft. May God bless you and cover you with His peace and protection thru Christ Jesus. silver says; In 1977, William Branham has 7 visionsall have come to pass and the seventh is getting ready now.he saw nothing but burning stubble and devestation[?] February 5, 2015 by Brett Creamer 25 Comments. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. In this video, Stone describes a huge tsunami which he has seen hitting the east coast of the United States. I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, which is a barrier island. But I believe in God as does my family and I believe we will be ok, we have a great work to do for Him. Wish I could convince my husband to fly us home right now! If the wave is 300 feet its going over Florida into the gulf there all dead. The later would float as debris as well as the flooded animal areas filled with fecal matter. The disturbance in the ocean happened so suddenly like in the twinkle of an eye! I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. Hey anonymous,if you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure (sorry i spelt it insure before lol) . YOULL swim with the fish.
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