Do you realize that when you feel overwhelmed by health problems, or too many commitments, or relationship difficulties, or emotional distress, its possible the enemy of your soul has already formed a stronghold within you and is having a heyday with your thought life? I pray for salvation for Steven, Jerron, Kendrea, and Michael. Prayer is an important part of any persons life. Scripture gives us an excellent antidote to worry and negative thoughts. 6 Miracle Prayers for the Impossible That Works Instantly, Praying for a Relationship with a Specific Person: 7 Prayers, 8 Healing Prayers for my Mom to Get Better & to be Healed, 5 Prayers for Husband to Come Back Home Today (Powerful), 7 Prayers to St. Anthony: Lost Things and Miracle, 7 Prayers for Growth in the Church: Spiritual Development, 8 Prayers For Someone Facing Jail Time To Be Released, 8 Prayers For Unborn Baby And Mother To Be Healthy And Safe, 6 Prayers to St Thomas Aquinas Before Study: Success and Focus, 7 Condolence And Comfort Prayers For The Loss Of A Loved One. You need to use the prayer for a positive outcome and the prayer for good news. Many times, when we pray, we ruin our prayers with negative confessions. Thank you. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? Lord, I need the Holy Spirits presence upon my life. God, endow my body and keep it purified. Prayer is the ultimate stopper. 2. God our Father, You are God who loves me. God in heaven I need your peace and presence in this moment. There was no skin cancerthe spots were benign and thus not harmful. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.. The prayer starts with an introduction of yourself. Praying for a negative test result does not mean that you are giving up on your treatment or that you dont believe in your illness. I command all the negativity to vanish and empty my house for positive light and lively vibes. Help us not to turn away from You in these fragile, painful moments, but rather towards you for grace and strength. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. I got a transfer in my job in last a distant place and every day husband drop me there at and most of the time, he wait there till 3.30 pm. This is the first prayer to make for a positive outcome. Hello my dear friends at a ChristiansTT, thank you very much for your love and support. Whatever the reason, there's no denying that these beautiful stones pack a mean punch. I went to the doctor for my annual physical and blood tests and thought all was well. This prayer is in tune with the previous prayer. You get 1 track now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it's released. In Jesus Name, amen. 2 - Remove all Negative Blockages. is it okay to take melatonin after covid vaccine. Why do I lack (hope /purpose/ compassion / a sound mind) today? Hear me, God, and see my plight. Have a blessed and God-filled day! I woke up to the sound of a shrieking and wailing cry. Im glad we caught it now and not later, but I dont want breast cancer, Lord. Father, we come before You to pray for those infected with this virus. Salvation for my family & Healing for my Husband. I ask You to attract good things to me, attract good energies to me and keep me away from all the evil present on Earth. Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give in to discouragement, deception, and doubt! I rebuke his negativity out, in Jesus' mighty name! Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. Therefore, it is not everyone that will enjoy positive results from their endeavors and efforts. Help me start fresh right now to make choices that honor you. Your doctor has noticed something irregular or abnormal, or of concern in a certain area of your body, such as your breast, prostate, skin, colon, or lungs. 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children 23 Short Prayers to Give Hope to Your Soul, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. I hope for the best, I want the best, but I know that sometimes this is not enough. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. May positivity come into my life. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I love you. Prayer for Negative Biopsy Results - Pray With Me NB: *The word condemn also means 'challenge',' cancel', 'reverse', etc. When we pray for something, our intentions have an impact on the outcome. Well, God, I guess Im now old enough to have prostate problems. Thank you for all of your grace and mercy you have shown me. Dear God, my doctor said Ive got to have a lung biopsy because she saw a spot on my lungs during my last checkup. We pray for that. Some people have tried to do a lot of things consistently for years without any tangible result, and it has brought them to a halt (if this looks like you, then this article is about to give you the best way to tackle such a situation). Chanting this miraculous Shiva mantra will destroy the biggest sins It is the best way to ensure that every form of disappointment is taken away. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for You lead me to walk in a plain path of righteousness. I'm strong and I have a good family who will stand by me. From my various experiences in life, these prayers have granted me all the desires of my heart. I know that you can do much more than just heal me physically; I believe that you are capable of healing my heart as well. Let the words I speak have your approval. I pray for these biopsy samples to all come back negative and benign and not skin cancer. Lord, this feels a bit awkward to pray for something like this, but I believe you want to know everything that is concerning to me, so I pray to you. Praying for peace of mind and confidence. Prayers For A Better Relationship With God. Or the way they seem to shimmer with an inner light? How to Do an Egg Cleanse: Ritual & Interpretation - wikiHow Prayer For Nezhel Pray for Negative Result of Medical Exam Nezhel Lord thank you for all the blessings that you've given me and sorry for all of my sins. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life (Psalm 139:23-24 NLT). I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ, He just includes phrases like, So I prayed to the God of heaven (Nehemiah 2:4) and But we prayed to our God (4:9). 5 Prayers for Battling Negative Thoughts in Isolation Rid me of these thoughts that hold no power over my heart and mind which belong solely to You. These seven realistic prayers for good biopsy results cover the most commonly requested biopsy tests. By asking the universe for a positive outcome, you will enjoy a whole world of possibilities, and good luck will be attracted to you. It can be helpful to pray this type of prayer if you feel like your test results might put yourself or others in danger.Prayer for GuidanceThe fourth type of prayer is prayer for guidance. The prayer for a positive outcome will not only affect what you are praying for, but it will also affect your atmosphere and everyone around you. Prayer for medical test results. The prayer for a positive attitude should be made in the morning and night consistently until you see the result. Leave a Reply for "Prayer For healing and good test lab results" Prayer for a test in school. I ask those surgeons of light to immediately heal the wounds that are left in _______ spirit. I had prayed for this exactly so I was so grateful to God, of course. The positivity short prayer can be used at any time of the day. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The stress of having negative entities enter the physical and spiritual bodies can cause the affected persons spirit to fracture. Lord, thank you for your greatness. Please help me with my addiction to drugs, alcohol,abusive toxic relationships, food my addiction to everything I have abused in my life!amen, Claiming this in the mighty name of Jesus ~ , Id really appreciate if you can pray for me as I am in a bad place, a person that I work with is trying to Destroy my life and I am not the only one that has had bad thinks happen to me at this current company they beat each other up he has been putting me down and judging me as if I am a dirt ball! Father i thank you for your mercy and your grace upon my life and my family, be thou magnified, in the mighty name of. Getting positive outcomes is a beautiful part of life that everyone wants. Search results for "Hoodoo &Folk Magick; Rootwork, Conjure, Spells with Prayers &Protection to Banish Curses, Negative Energy &Psychic Attacks" at Rakuten Kobo. Thank you. I know all this is possible because of you . Help me receive good news and have a very happy day. Amen! It happens. According to this passage of Scripture, we are to worry about nothing and instead pray about everything. I pray that my biopsy results are negative and I pray that I do not have cancer. My OB-GYN just told me that she needs to do a biopsy on my cervix, Im seeing something that is of concern. Shes going to return in a few minutes to perform the biopsy and have the pathologist take a look at the sample. Article Images Copyright , 5 Ways to Use Prayer to Stop Negative Thoughts in Their Tracks. You already know the outcome of this situation, and are prepared to meet every need. Allow me to . Prayer for My Test Results to Be Negative With Covid I pray that my biopsy results are negative and I pray that I do not have cancer. Lord Jesus, we ask your healing power for the negative result of lab test for my father-in-law, may you restore his health and his continue with his normal daily life. Another issue that can occur is sometimes is negative entities leave behind a fragment of their spirit which can cause a lot of problems if it is not removed. Fear of Entities Nothing to Fear They Actually Fear You, The Ewe Story -Take On the Essence of the Lamb of God, Fear of Entities | Never Fear | Why They Fear You, Spiritual Protection Should You or Should not You? I beseech You humbly for (mention the type of medical test) to have a good outcome (mention the desired outcome), if it be Your Holy Will. In Jesus name AMEN. Therefore, whenever you sense a strong atmosphere of positivity around you, the positivity short prayer can be said to the universe. Feel free to come up with your own missile prayers. By the power of Jesus Christ (or whatever title you refer to as God), I command all curses, hexes, spells, Satanic and all types of dark bonds, cords, tags, and imprints or any type of dark programming and all their effects to be null and void in _______. You should never joke about this. We won't send you spam. The positivity short prayer takes away every form of negativity around your environment. 40 prayers for good medical test results 1. Lord, I give you (name your situation or the person youre having negative thoughts about) and ask that you (name your request). You might not feel any effect. LiV Free By Cancelling Negative Words Spoken Over Your Life I place myself in your healing hands, O God. But those negative thoughts dont need to have their way with you anymore. Whether its fear, doubt, a critical spirit, anxiety, or just the dreaded case of the what-ifs theres a way to close the gate on all of that negativity entering your mind and dragging you down. Thank you. This MIRACLE PRAYER will WORK! If you have been faced with disappointments for long, this prayer will put an end to it. The . As prayer connects us with God, I'm honored to write prayers to help you make that connection. I pray that the spot be just a simple spot that is benign and not of concern in the future. Therefore, you have to make this prayer before the sun rises. Thank you God for everything. May the negativity thoughts that arise be blocked by the unbreakable faith. Make sure that you are praying with honesty and compassion for yourself, as well as the person or thing you are praying for. I waited for a week to hear the results. Right now, what seems like an undeniable, scientific medical fact, is an opportunity to confound the wisdom of science with a good result on this medical test. Prayer is not about seeking answers from God; it is simply about allowing Him to be part of your process and your journey. Third, my goal was to shield my son with light after the removal of the negative entities by offering a spiritual shield protection prayer similar to the following. prayer for negative test results - Therefore, using this prayer will address the root and common problem. [4C,5F] The pain is often worst at night. My mother see people and talk to them try get them to Leve her home but no one else see them what is the best and fast prayer to get rid of them please let me no thank you Christy. I Love you God with all of my heart, mind and soul. Why are my thoughts so focused inward on self? Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen. It's this waiting, Lord, that's about to do me in. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. If you would like to further understand about healing a fractured spirit, see my blog titled, Prayer to Heal a Fractured Spirit. By the Power of Heavenly Father, I command all types of dark portals in and around _________(the name of the person, place, and/or thing) to be immediately filled with Jesus Christs light (or the title you refer to as the creator of the earth) forever dismantling, closing, and sealing these portals. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus (NLT). Give me the strength to understand what these anxieties of these medical tests mean for my life whatever the outcome of them. However, it is sad to note that this reality is not going to be everyones story. You can say this prayer before you start work in the morning as well. If this is something you or a loved one is. Why would they need to do a biopsy unless something was wrong? I pray for your miraculous blessings and I pray for strength to help me get through the stress of waiting for the results . Therefore, if you desire a positive outcome in your life, say these prayers now. But Powerful Prayers to Renounce all Unholy Ties, Agreements, Relationships & Covenants That Are Working Against Your Life and Destiny It is possible for someone to come under demonic attacks and oppression as a result of an unholy agreement, covenant, soul-tie or relationship. Why am I discouraged or doubtful? He has an unidentified infection spiking his temperature and is battling Parkinsons, Heavenly Father, please protect me from all negatively. God desires to give us the best of life, but we must be willing to ask him. The devil can not take there souls forgive pls play that devil has no hold on me again pls help me. This type of prayer asks for Gods. So I have to be awake all night with them and also go for job. Are you drawn to teal crystals but don't know where to start your collection? All you have to do is to have faith and courageously approach the task given to you with an assurance of a positive outcome. Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ., Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose., DECLARATION I declare that Im released from the spirit of fear, from the negativity of the world and from the spirit of disappointment. I pray this biopsy procedure goes smoothly and I ask that the results be negative, which would be great news. It is in these moments that we can envelop ourselves in the peace of God by placing our trust in God. You acknowledge them. I want to fly and soar as the woman God created me to be. When we do, along with telling God what we need and thanking Him for what He is already doing, we will experience Gods incomprehensible peace which will prevent us from continuing to worry and be drug down by its effect on us. Your email address will not be published. I had told her Id been short of breath lately and wasnt sure why, so she took some pictures of my lungs and thats when the spot was discovered. Negative entities do not respond well to anyone trying to interfere with their missions to control and spread negativity.
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