(2) The opening in the table shall be kept as small as possible. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) Sec. Openings for oiling. (2) Foot operated devices. e-CFR 1910.219 (a) General requirements. Guarding of clutches, cutoff couplings, and clutch pulleys -. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. 2. Instructions for use of the test rod shall be noted on a label affixed to the presence sensing device. b. Mines. (vii) The two hand control device shall protect the operator as specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(e) of this section. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004]. (12) For all circular saws where conditions are such that there is a possibility of contact with the portion of the saw either beneath or behind the table, that portion of the saw shall be covered with an exhaust hood, or, if no exhaust system is required, with a guard that shall be so arranged as to prevent accidental contact with the saw. The certifications are made to the validation organization. Design certification/validation for a new safety system, i.e., a new design or new integration of specifically identified components and subsystems, would entail a single certification/validation which would be applicable to all identical safety systems. A correlation of the brake and/or clutch degradation based on the above tests and/or estimates shall be made and documented. 1. 1910.1050 Methylenedianiline. (1) Bite means the nip point between any two inrunning rolls. The employer shall evaluate and test the PSDI safety system installation, shall submit to the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the necessary supporting documentation, and shall recertify that the requirements of 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix are being met. The manufacturer shall design a set of integrated tests to demonstrate compliance with the following requirements: Sections 1910.217(h)(6) (ii); (iii); (iv); (v); (vi); (vii); (viii); (ix); (xi); (xii); (xiii); (xiv); (xv); and (xvii). (3) Scrap handling. Safety Standard for Guarding of Machinery and Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus. 7, 1996]. There are other general safety precautions which should be followed by everyone even if they dont work directly with conveyors. This should enhance the reliability of the device and ensure that it remains operable. (i) The operator training required by paragraph (f)(2) of this section shall be provided to the employee before the employee initially operates the press and as needed to maintain competence, but not less than annually thereafter. This subparagraph does not apply to manually operated sprockets. Showing movable guard with size of opening correct for full size wheel but too large for smaller wheels. Title 29 was last amended 2/24/2023. (iii) Cast steel, or structural steel, safety guards as specified in Figures O-36 and O-37 and Table O-9 shall be used where operating speeds of wheels are faster than 8,000 surface feet per minute up to a maximum of 16,000 surface feet per minute. On presses with provision for manual lubrication of flywheel or bullgear bearings, lubrication shall be provided according to the press manufacturer's recommendations. (7) Lubrication. a. They shall be located in front of the saw and so arranged as to be in continual contact with the wood being fed. (24) Ejector means a mechanism for removing work or material from between the dies. ), (8) Top grinding. 2. (v) Two-hand controls for single stroke shall conform to the following requirements: (a) Each hand control shall be protected against unintended operation and arranged by design, construction, and/or separation so that the concurrent use of both hands is required to trip the press. of this appendix, above, not less than 180 calendar days, nor more than one year, before the expiration date of its current recognition. 1910.95 Occupational noise exposure. flat belts two (2) inches or less in width which are free from metal lacings or fasteners. (ii) furnish and enforce the use of hand tools for freeing and removing stuck work or scrap pieces from the die, so that no employee need reach into the point of operation for such purposes. 4. Ts = Longest press stopping time, in seconds, computed by taking averages of multiple measurements at each of three positions (45 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees) of crankshaft angular position; the longest of the three averages is the stopping time to use. (50) Single stroke mechanism means an arrangement used on a full revolution clutch to limit the travel of the slide to one complete stroke at each engagement of the clutch. Table O-8 - Minimum Dimensions for Straight Flanges Used as Wheel Sleeves for Precision Grinding Only. Any press whose safety system has not been recertified and revalidated within the preceding 12 months shall be removed from service in the PSDI mode until the safety system is recertified and revalidated. Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding. 1910.255 Resistance welding. Object sensitivity describes the capability of a presence sensing device to detect an object in the sensing field, expressed as the linear measurement of the smallest interruption which can be detected at any point in the field. Blanking of the sensing field is not permitted. Certification/Validation Program Requirements. 1. A. (41) Knockout means a mechanism for releasing material from either die. (See Figures O-10 and O-11 and subparagraph (9) of this paragraph. Such cross-referencing of specific requirements from paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section is intended only to enhance convenience and understanding in relating to the new provisions to the existing standard, and is not to be construed as limiting the applicability of other provisions in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section. (i) Blotters (compressible washers) shall always be used between flanges and abrasive wheel surfaces to insure uniform distribution of flange pressure. Abrasive wheel machinery guards shall meet the design specifications of the American National Standard Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels, ANSI B7.1-1970, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. Wheels bonded with clay, glass, porcelain or related ceramic materials are characterized as vitrified bonded wheels. 2. Design Safety Standards for Electrical Systems, 1910.302 Electric utilization systems. If its necessary to clean belts or drums while the equipment in is motion, insure proper barrier guards are in place and that no part of the equipment can be activated which could endanger the individual at work. Subpart GOccupational Health and Environmental Control. When frequent oiling must be done, openings with hinged or sliding self-closing covers shall be provided. (i) Spring counterbalance systems when used shall incorporate means to retain system parts in event of breakage. No changes found for this content after 1/03/2017. (OSHA 3170-02R, 2007) Title: Microsoft Word - FS Conveyors2.doc Author: rudnick Created Date: 11/18/2011 5:41:31 PM . (3) Work area. Cup wheels (Types 6 and 11) shall be protected by: (i) Safety guards as specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (10) of this section; (ii) Band type guards as specified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section; and. (iv) Mechanical power presses with a configuration which would allow a person to enter, pass through, and become clear of the sensing field into the hazardous portion of the press shall not be used in the PSDI mode of operation. Appendix B to Subpart T of Part 1910Guidelines for Scientific Diving site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: (ix) The control design shall preclude any movement of the slide caused by operation of power on, power off, or selector switches, or from checks for proper operations as required by paragraph (h)(6)(xiv) of this section. (4) Flywheels and bearings. (3) Guarding vertical and inclined shafting. 1910.144 Safety color code for marking physical hazards. However, the guarding of these gears is highly recommended. 1910.18 Changes in established Federal standards. This trimming operation can also be done cold, as can coining, a product sizing operation. 1910.421 Pre-dive procedures. (11) Safety system certification/validation. When dies are being changed or maintenance is being performed on the press, the following shall be accomplished: (i) The hydraulic pumps and power apparatus shall be locked out. It is free of direct influence or control by manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, representatives of employers and employees, and employer or employee organizations; and. (xiv) The clutch/brake control shall automatically deactivate in event of failure of the counterbalance(s) air supply. The removal of a hand from any control button shall cause the slide to stop. Surface Feet per minute .262 12 1,000 = 3,144 s.f.p.m. The safety factor and/or derated percentage shall be specifically noted and complied with. (iv) Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, aprons, and other items) shall be worn. 6. 2 Adapted from U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 479. 1910.15 Shipyard employment. (12) The knife blade of jointers shall be so installed and adjusted that it does not protrude more than one-eighth inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. (8) Die handling. The tripwire cable or wire center cord shall operate readily whether cable or cord is pushed or pulled. Conveyor power transmission equipment shall be guarded in accordance with ANSI B20.1-1957, Safety Code for Conveyors, Cableways, and Related Equipment, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. In all other industries, wood guards shall not be used. The requirements of this paragraph are also applicable to sliding cutoff saws mounted above the table. This does not apply to constant pressure controls used only for setup purposes. (iv) Records of the installation certification and validation and the most recent recertification and revalidation shall be maintained for each safety system equipped press by the employer as long as the press is in use. This subparagraph does not apply to manually operated sprockets. 2. (This may be through reference to published sources which describe the test methods or procedures used.). (vii) Where presence sensing device location is adjustable, adjustment shall require the use of a special tool available only to authorized persons. (i) A two-hand trip shall have the individual operator's hand controls protected against unintentional operation and have the individual operator's hand controls arranged by design and construction and/or separation to require the use of both hands to trip the press and use a control arrangement requiring concurrent operation of the individual operator's hand controls. Regulation 1910.178(g)(2) also mandates "adequate ventilation" in battery charging areas. (g) Swing cutoff saws. 1926.555 (a) (5) Where a conveyor passes over work areas, aisles, or thoroughfares, suitable guards shall be provided to protect employees required to work below the conveyors. (1) Use of lead. This table shows the distances that guards shall be positioned from the danger line in accordance with the required openings. (i) Shafting shall be kept in alignment, free from rust and excess oil or grease. Public review and comment period. Table O-9 - Minimum Basic Thicknesses of Peripheral and Side Members for Safety Guards. (The operational and installation requirements of the PSDI safety system may vary for different applications.). 1910.214 Cooperage machinery. Ample room for cleaning machines, handling material, work pieces, and scrap shall also be provided. These safety training PowerPoints cover the items specified by OSHA standards. a. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. 1910.121 [Reserved]. (e) The safety distance (Ds) from the sensing field to the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: Ds = minimum safety distance (inches); 63 inches/second = hand speed constant; Ts = stopping time of the press measured at approximately 90 position of crankshaft rotation (seconds). Momentary operation of the stop control shall immediately deactivate the clutch and apply the brake. 1910.1002 Coal tar pitch volatiles; interpretation of term. (3) Bearings. The time increase allowed shall be limited to no more than 10 percent of the longest press stopping time measured at the top of the stroke, or 10 milliseconds, whichever is longer. (2) Redundancy, and comparison and/or diagnostic checking, exist for the critical items that may cause injury, and the electrical, electronic, electromechanical and mechanical parts and components are selected so that they can withstand operational and external environments. Demonstrations that such adjustments as may be needed (such as to the brake monitor setting) have been accomplished with proper changes made in the records and on such notices as are located on the press and safety system. A separate set of restraints shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is required on a press. (30) Foot control means the foot operated control mechanism designed to be used with a clutch or clutch/brake control system. The guard shall be constructed of heavy material, preferably metal, and firmly secured to the frame carrying the rolls so as to remain in adjustment for any thickness of stock. (9) Continuous means uninterrupted multiple strokes of the slide without intervening stops (or other clutch control action) at the end of individual strokes. Air controlling equipment shall be protected against foreign material and water entering the pneumatic system of the press. (1) Flywheels. ANSI B20.1-1976 was an extensive revision from the 1957 code. (b) Being a single control protected against accidental actuation and so located that the worker cannot reach into the point of operation while operating the single control. Peripheral grinding wheel having a diameter, thickness and hole. All trip and emergency switches shall not be of the automatically resetting type, but shall require manual resetting. The employer shall provide means for handling scrap from roll feed or random length stock operations. (xvii) Controls with internally stored programs (e.g., mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic) shall meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(13) of this section, and shall default to a predetermined safe condition in the event of any single failure within the system. (ii) Scheduling and recording the inspection of guards and point of operation protection devices at frequent and regular intervals. (3) Conveyors. 1910.37 Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes. 1910.102 Acetylene. (ii) All presses shall be installed in such a manner that they remain where they are positioned or they are anchored to foundations sufficient to support them according to applicable engineering standards. All applications submitted will be accepted by OSHA, and their receipt acknowledged in writing. 1910.1003 13 Carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl, etc.). Adjustments shall be made only by authorized personnel whose qualifications include a knowledge of the provisions of Table O-10 and this subparagraph. A validation organization may be considered independent even if it has ties with manufacturers, employers or employee representatives if these ties are with at least two of these three groups; it has a board of directors (or equivalent leadership responsible for the certification/validation activities) which includes representatives of the three groups; and it has a binding commitment of funding for a period of three years or more. will bring you directly to the content. (ii) The employer shall certify that employees have been trained by preparing a certification record which includes the identity of the person trained, the signature of the employer or the person who conducted the training, and the date the training was completed. Organization and Purpose (d) Each pull-out device in use shall be visually inspected and checked for proper adjustment at the start of each operator shift, following a new die set-up, and when operators are changed. Cold trimming presses shall be safeguarded in accordance with 1910.217(c). (ii) Unused keyways shall be filled up or covered. Guards shall be affixed to the machine where possible and secured elsewhere if for any reason attachment to the machine is not possible. Belt shippers and shipper poles. 1910.212 General requirements for all machines. The safety trip control shall be one of the following types or a combination thereof: (i) Pressure-sensitive body bars. The hood and mounting shall be arranged so that the hood will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of and remain in contact with the material being cut but it shall not offer any considerable resistance to insertion of material to saw or to passage of the material being sawed. Refer to OSHA 1910.132 (Personal Prot. The spreader shall be slightly thinner than the saw kerf and slightly thicker than the saw disk. 1. Compliance with this requirement shall be determined by using the heaviest upper die to be used on the press, and operating at the fastest press speed if there is speed selection. (16) Inorganic wheels means wheels which are bonded by means of inorganic material such as clay, glass, porcelain, sodium silicate, magnesium oxychloride, or metal. When required by paragraph (c)(5) of this section, the control system shall be constructed so that a failure within the system does not prevent the normal stopping action from being applied to the press when required, but does prevent initiation of a successive stroke until the failure is corrected. Toeboards shall be four (4) inches or more in height, of wood, metal, or of metal grill not exceeding one (1) inch mesh. b. (i) See Figures O-36 and O-37 and Table O-9 for minimum basic thickness of peripheral and side members for various types of safety guards and classes of service. 1910.265 Sawmills. (i) Wood guards may be used in the woodworking and chemical industries, in industries where the presence of fumes or where manufacturing conditions would cause the rapid deterioration of metal guards; also in construction work and in locations outdoors where extreme cold or extreme heat make metal guards and railings undesirable. Eligibility. 7. Prior to conducting the brake system test required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii), a visual check shall be made of the springs. If it so determines, it shall revalidate the employer's recertification that the PSDI system is in full conformance with all requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix A. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(2)(iii). (a) All guards shall be rigidly braced every three (3) feet or fractional part of their height to some fixed part of machinery or building structure. Electrical and/or electronic cards or boards assembled with discreet components shall be considered a subsystem and shall require separate testing that the subsystems do not degrade in any of the following conditions: (1) Ambient temperature variation from 20 C to + 50 C. (ii) For installation certification/validation and annual recertification/revalidation has reviewed the employer's certification that the PSDI safety system meets the requirements of 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A and the underlying tests performed by the employer, has performed additional tests and analyses which may be required by 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A, and concludes that the requirements of 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A have been met. (36) Adjustable barrier guard means a barrier requiring adjustment for each job or die setup. The stroking selector generally includes positions for Off (Clutch Control), Inch, Single Stroke, and Continuous (when Continuous is furnished). Without hearing. Vertical belts running over a lower pulley more than seven (7) feet above floor or platform shall be guarded at the bottom in the same manner as horizontal overhead belts, if conditions are as stated in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) (a) and (c) of this section. The validation organization shall demonstrate a capability for selecting, reviewing, and/or validating appropriate standards and test methods to be used for validating the certification of PSDI safety systems, as well as for reviewing judgements on the safety of PSDI safety systems and their conformance with the requirements of this section. 1910.268 Telecommunications. 1910.8 OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. To accomplish this, the machine spindle shall be made to nominal (standard) size plus zero minus .002 inch, and the wheel hole shall be made suitably oversize to assure safety clearance under the conditions of operating heat and pressure. 1910.219 Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. (i) Mechanical power presses used in the PSDI mode shall be operated under the control of a safety system which, in addition to meeting the applicable requirements of paragraphs (b)(13) and (c)(5) and other applicable provisions of this section, shall function such that a single failure or single operating error shall not cause injury to personnel from point of operation hazards. (5) Saw frames or tables shall be constructed with lugs cast on the frame or with an equivalent means to limit the size of the saw blade that can be mounted, so as to avoid overspeed caused by mounting a saw larger than intended. 1910.272 Grain handling facilities. (c) If belt is eight (8) inches or more in width. (8) Point of operation means that point at which cutting, shaping, or forming is accomplished upon the stock and shall include such other points as may offer a hazard to the operator in inserting or manipulating the stock in the operation of the machine. Pulleys, any parts of which are seven (7) feet or less from the floor or working platform, shall be guarded in accordance with the standards specified in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. (2) On machines driven by belts and shafting, a locking-type belt shifter or an equivalent positive device shall be used. A safety triprod, cable, or wire center cord shall be provided across each pair of in-running rolls extending the length of the face of the rolls. Appendix D to Subpart I of Part 1910Test Methods and Procedures for Personal Fall Protection Systems Non-Mandatory Guidelines. Expanded metal, sheet or perforated metal, and wire mesh shall be securely fastened to frame. The outside periphery of the enclosure shall be solid. (3) Steam hammers mean a type of drop hammer where the ram is raised for each stroke by a double-action steam cylinder and the energy delivered to the workpiece is supplied by the velocity and weight of the ram and attached upper die driven downward by steam pressure. 1910.160 Fixed extinguishing systems, general. However,current OSHA regulations on the control of hazardous energy sources (lockout/tagout)[29 CFR 1910.147],and machine guarding [29 CFR Part 1910.212 ] are applicable to these types of equipment. Each time the operational conditions are significantly changed (including environmental, application or facility changes, but excluding such changes as die changes or press relocations not involving revision to the safety system); c. When a failure of a significant component has occurred or a change has been made which may affect safety; or. Validation for Design Certification/Validation. (ix) Barriers shall be fixed to the press frame or bolster to prevent personnel from passing completely through the sensing field, where safety distance or press configuration is such that personnel could pass through the PSDI presence sensing field and assume a position where the point of operation could be accessed without detection by the PSDI presence sensing device. Limitation: These wheels shall be mounted only with a special tapered flange. A report shall be made of each field inspection. c. Demonstration that review has been made of the reports covering the design certification/validation, the installation certification/validation, and all recertification/revalidations, in order to detect any degradation to an unsafe condition, and that necessary changes have been made to restore the safety system to previous certification/validation levels. [Reserved] Tests which are conducted by the manufacturers of electrical components to establish stress, life, temperature and loading limits must be tests which are in compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code. The employer shall provide clearance between machines so that movement of one operator will not interfere with the work of another. Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 1910References for Further Information (Non-mandatory) If the conveyor runs at head height or carries material hung from hooks, workers in the area should remain alert to possible danger and measures should be taken to prevent workers from being accidentally struck by moving material. Sections 1910.217 and 1910.219 also issued under 5 U.S.C. (3) Bearings shall be kept free from lost motion and shall be well lubricated. Stopping distances shall be expressed in inches of surface travel of the roll from the instant the emergency stopping device is actuated. Regulation Y However, where an operator must do many operations outside the press, such as lubricating, trimming, deburring, etc., a longer interval up to 30 seconds is permitted. (7) Nip-point belt and pulley guard means a device which encloses the pulley and is provided with rounded or rolled edge slots through which the belt passes. (9) All belts, pulleys, gears, shafts, and moving parts shall be guarded in accordance with the specific requirements of 1910.219. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. 2. b. It shall be accessible and shall operate readily on contact. 1910.306 Specific purpose equipment and installations. Every saw shall be provided with a guard of not less than one-eighth inch sheet metal positioned to stop flying sparks. 1910.217 Mechanical power presses. (v) Cause of the accident (repeat of press, safeguard failure, removing stuck part or scrap, no safeguard provided, no safeguard in use, or other). (i) The control system on presses used in the PSDI mode shall meet the applicable requirements of paragraphs (b)(7), (b)(8), (b)(13), and (c)(5) of this section. (7) Power-driven guillotine veneer cutters, other than continuous trimmers, shall be provided, in addition to the brake or other stopping mechanism, with an emergency device which will prevent the machine from operating in the event of failure of the brake when the starting mechanism is in the nonstarting position.
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