Section 40:81-5 - Time of annual election; terms. Section 40:62-3.1 - Transfer of water utility system serving less than 5% of population; ordinance; authorization; terms; approval, Section 40:62-4 - Resolution authorizing sale or lease; advertisement for bids, Section 40:62-5 - Ordinance providing referendum; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-6 - Use of proceeds of sale or lease; investment pending use, Section 40:62-7 - Establishment; lands and buildings; acquisition and construction; use and regulation, Section 40:62-8 - Joint municipal airports, Section 40:62-9 - Bonds to be obligations of single municipality, Section 40:62-10 - Establishment; appropriation; lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-11 - Management; prices fixed; ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:62-12 - Municipal gas, steam and electricity plants; establishment and equipment; consent of other municipalities; procedure on refusal, Section 40:62-13 - Officers and employees; ordinances to regulate use of facilities; rate fixing. Section 40:54D-4 - Tourism improvement and development districts, Section 40:54D-5 - Exemptions from taxation, Section 40:54D-6 - Collection, administration of tax, assessment; determination, certification of revenues, Section 40:54D-8 - Applicability of tax imposed. Section 40:48-2.67 - List of municipal residents in need of special assistance. Section 40:43-66.46 - Certification of election results. Section 40:55D-12.1 - Registration for notice to utility, CATV company, Section 40:55D-12.2 - Local utility notice of applications. 40A:14-129 and -130, police promotions to "superior position [s]" within such police departments are restricted to officers who have served in those departments for at least three years. Section 40:55D-39.1 - Provision for permanent protection of certain land. Section 40:10D-2 - Archaeological findings on lands owned by political subdivision protected. Section 40:54-29.18 - Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs, Section 40:54-29.19 - Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing, Section 40:54-29.20 - Consent to capital improvements; expenditures, Section 40:54-29.22 - Discontinuance of participation in joint library; notice; joint meeting of governing bodies, Section 40:54-29.24 - Discontinuance; form of ballot, Section 40:54-29.25 - Discontinuance; effect of majority approval; participation in joint library by remaining municipalities, Section 40:54A-1 - Authorization to create seaquarium authority; name, Section 40:54A-2 - Appointment of members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; conflict of interest; oath; compensation; officers; quorum; bonds, Section 40:54A-3 - Employees and assistants; compensation; selection; civil service; offices; records, Section 40:54A-6 - Resolution of governing body; investigation and report by authority. Section 40:48-4.10 - Findings, declarations. Section 40:48F-2 - Provisions contained in ordinance. Resources New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police: - - 856.334.8943 New Jersey State Police: - - 609.882.2000 ext. Section 40:13-1 - Contracts for public health service, Section 40:13-3 - Health society recognized as regular health organization, Section 40:13-4 - Contract not to exceed three years; advertisement for bids unnecessary, Section 40:14-1 - Opening and keeping open waterways; bonds; control, Section 40:14-2 - County or municipal appropriations to port or harbor commission. PTC Rules/Act - New Jersey Office of Attorney General Section 40:55D-66.1 - Community residences, permitted use in residential districts. Title 40. shooting in linden, nj last night; June 22, 2022. columbia association hoa rules. Section 40:54D-36 - Exemption from taxes, special assessments, Section 40:54D-38 - Investment of bond, note funds, Section 40:54D-42 - Contracts, etc. Section 40:8-7 - Annual expenditures; taxation for, Section 40:8-8 - Airport security officers, Section 40:8-11 - Powers of airport security officers, Section 40:8-13 - Traffic laws; enforcement, Section 40:8-14 - Airport security officers; weapons, Section 40:8C-2 - Development of biotechnology, not regulated; nonapplicability of act, Section 40:9-2.1 - Acquisition, improvement, operation and equipment of public transportation passenger or freight rail line, Section 40:9-2.2 - Lease or sale of space and facilities for conduct of carrier's business; contracts for conduct of other commercial activities, Section 40:9-2.3 - Appropriation of funds; bonds or notes, Section 40:9A-1 - Federation of city-county libraries, Section 40:9A-3 - Interlibrary loan services; free use by residents. Middle Township Police Department - Cape May Court House, NJ Jersey City Police Department promotes 15 sergeants, 47 lieutenants Section 40:45-15 - Ballots; printing and authentication; contents; delivery. the Sheriffs' Association of New Jersey; the Police Academy . Section 40:62-140 - Right of entry for inspection; penalty for obstructing inspectors, Section 40:62-141 - Liability for water rent; payment in advance, Section 40:62-142 - Water shut off for nonpayment of charges, Section 40:62-143 - Rebate for prompt payment; amount, Section 40:62-144 - Increase of capacity of plant; additional pipe lines, Section 40:62-145 - Contracts for additional supply of water, Section 40:62-146 - Supplying water to other municipalities; consent required, Section 40:62-147 - Supplying water to dwellers along line; rates; consent required, Section 40:62-148 - General powers to carry out objective. Section 40:24-1 - Ordinances in effect in 1918 to continue until altered, Section 40:24-1.1 - Members of board in military service; vote required for adoption, Section 40:24-2 - Penalties for violation of resolutions, Section 40:24-3 - Resolutions providing penalty; publication, Section 40:24-4 - Proceedings against persons violating resolutions, Section 40:24-5 - Who may serve warrant or other process, Section 40:24-7 - Conviction; penalty; imprisonment on default of fine, Section 40:24-8 - Fines paid to county treasurer, Section 40:24-9 - Court defined; jurisdiction, Section 40:27-1 - Planning board; members; appointment and term; expenses. Section 40:14A-8 - Service charges authorized. New Jersey Statutes | Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES - Casetext Section 40:56-71.5 - Assessments to repay loan. Section 40:9B-5 - Ratification, validation and confirmation of prior appropriations, Section 40:9C-1 - Mass transit or freight line services; counties and municipalities; subsidies; appropriations. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. Of the new Sergeants, 67 percent are minorities - about half of whom are Hispanic - while nearly 43 percent of the new lieutenants also identify as minorities. Section 40:5-18 - Service charge for NSF checks; collection, Section 40:5-19 - Service charge on checks returned for insufficient funds; county imposition, fee, collection, Section 40:6A-1 - Costs of assignment of counsel or other related costs for defense of indigent person; notice; filing; duration of lien; service on defendant, Section 40:6A-3 - Remedies and collection of moneys due, Section 40:6A-4 - Compromise and settlement of claim, Section 40:7-1 - Liability of county or municipality; negligence of driver, Section 40:8-1 - Acquisition and use of lands for airports; lease to others. Section 40:9D-3 - Responsibilities of local unit relative to provision of broadband telecommunications service. Section 40:75-49 - Certain acts prohibited; penalties. Section 40:55D-31 - Review by planning board. Section 40:56-71.4 - Loan purposes, application, requirements, review. Section 40:55D-144 - Characteristics of sending zone. Section 40:48-2.12q - Provisions of ordinance on rentals. Appointments Section 40:55D-23.3 - Preparation, offering of basic course in land use law and planning; requirement. Section 40:37-262 - Powers of park police. within grounds of certain camp meeting associations. Section 40:48-1.3 - Holding DUI arrestees in protective custody, certain circumstances. Section 40:33-13.14 - Agreements with municipalities not served by regional library. Section 40:85-12 - If rejected no petition for two years, Section 40:103-5(71) - Incorporation; corporate name, Section 40:103-5(97) - Establishment, abolition, merger of commissions, Section 40:108-1 - Referendum act; mayor and council; wards; councilmen at large; boards and officers; improvements; beach protection; public utility plants, Section 40:109-3 - Referendum act; mayor and council; boards and officers; public utility plants and improvements; ordinances and finance, Section 40:141-1 - Waterworks; water for fire and other purposes, Section 40:141-1(1) - Board of Water Commissioners, Section 40:151-41 - Records of creation of fire district lost or destroyed; existence recognized, Section 40:151-48 - Fire districts created by legislature; assets and debts of old district distributed, Section 40:151-49 - Joint committee to divide property; appointment, Section 40:151-50 - Joint meeting; property and indebtedness apportioned, Section 40:151-51 - Quorum; procedure; clerk appointed, Section 40:151-52 - Powers; examine witnesses; subpoenas, Section 40:151-53 - Commissioners appointed where no agreement reached, Section 40:151-54 - Bonds to pay water bills in arrears prior to 1935, Section 40:160-2 - Villages separated from townships; autonomy of local government, Section 40:160-3 - Elections in villages set off from townships. Evening sessions are held from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. Section 40:69A-205 - Adoption of schedule of installation of optional plan. Section 40:52-16 - Revocation, non-renewal of license. Section 40:12-20 - Findings, declarations relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-21 - Definitions relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-22 - Agreements to provide for maintenance, operation or improvement, Section 40:12-23 - Provision of equipment, materials, supplies, services, Section 40:12-24 - Advertising, promotion, Section 40:12-25 - Public recognition of participating entity, Section 40:12-26 - No liability in civil actions, insurance, Section 40:12-27 - Participating entity, not public, State employees, Section 40:12-28 - Applicable laws, regulations, Section 40:12-29 - Donations, solicitation authorized. Section 40:8-2 - Municipal airports; general powers. Adp Burlington Coat FactoryBurlington Current/Former Associates: Most N.J. cops can't be fired or promoted based on how many arrests they Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. to the sports authority. County with tax base sharing option; exclusion of appropriations as county tax levy under Cap Law, Section 40:33-13.2m - Evaluation of county library system after rejection by voters or after reorganization; time interval after election. NJ Police Chiefs reply: Promotions are based on merit, they say NJSA 40:37-95.23 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.24 Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days NJSA 40:37-95.28 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.29 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.30 Adopted law immediately operative NJSA 40:37-95.33 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.34 Ballots Section 40:66A-9 - Local unit may appropriate moneys. Section 40:14A-8a - Sewerage authority may charge additional fees under certain circumstances. Section 40:55D-136.2 - Findings, declarations relative to extension of certain permits and approvals. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Section 40:14B-40.2 - Pilot program to allow county utilities authorities to fund infrastructure improvements. Section 40:14A-7 - Sewerage authority a public body corporate; powers. Section 40:37A-55.3 - Exercise of rights, powers or duties. Section 40:69A-43 - Municipal departments, number. Section 40:66A-29 - Municipalities not prohibited from operating garbage disposal plants, Section 40:66A-31 - Disposal of trash and garbage by sanitary landfill or incinerator method in accordance with state sanitary code, Section 40:66A-31.4a - Condemnation; declaration of taking; deposit in court; vesting title; transfer of possession; service of notice of filing; determination of compensation, Section 40:66A-31.5 - Resolution to exercise powers by board of chosen freeholders; approval by commissioner; replacement or repair of damaged property, Section 40:66A-31.6 - Bonds; ordinance; issuance; use of proceeds; pledge of revenue for repayment, Section 40:66A-31.9 - Financing by county pursuant to agreement with municipality, joint meeting or authority, Section 40:66A-31.10 - Power of municipality, joint meeting or authority or private company to enter contract with county, Section 40:66A-31.11 - Bonds as legal investment; tax exemption, Section 40:66A-31.12 - Payments to county and ad valorem tax by municipality, joint meeting or authority, Section 40:66A-31.13 - Payments to county by private companies; lien of unpaid amount; priority, Section 40:66A-31.14 - Construction of act; severability, Section 40:66A-31.15 - Preemption of solid waste disposal system by incinerator authority, Section 40:66A-33 - Public interest and policy declared, Section 40:66A-35 - Solid waste management authority may be created by municipalities; filing of ordinance or resolution, Section 40:66A-36 - Solid waste management authority; powers to be vested in members; membership; reimbursement for expenses; election, Section 40:66A-37 - Acquisition of incinerators; treatment plants or works, Section 40:66A-38 - Solid waste management authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:66A-39 - Audit of accounts of solid waste management authority annually; filing, Section 40:66A-40 - Certified copy of bond resolution and bond proceedings; filing, Section 40:66A-41 - Rents, rates, fees or other charges, Section 40:66A-42 - Appropriation of moneys for purpose of solid waste management authority, Section 40:66A-44 - Interim certificates; temporary bonds or other instruments, Section 40:66A-45 - Notice of adoption of bond resolution; limitation of actions questioning validity, Section 40:66A-46 - Negotiability of bonds or obligations, Section 40:66A-47 - Provisions of bond resolutions, Section 40:66A-48 - Default in payment of bonds; trustee; appointment; powers; receiver, Section 40:66A-49 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of State or local unit, Section 40:66A-50 - Real property, acquisition of; condemnation, Section 40:66A-51 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; liens, enforcement of; collection, Section 40:66A-52 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to solid waste management authority; permit, Section 40:66A-54 - Public bodies to pay service charges, Section 40:66A-55 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of garbage and solid wastes disposal system; exemptions, Section 40:66A-56 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:66A-57 - Property as public property; bonds declared issued by political subdivision; bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:66A-58 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders, Section 40:66A-59 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:66A-60 - Municipalities' powers respecting garbage and solid wastes disposal limited after creation of solid waste management authority; use of services, Section 40:66A-61 - Liberal construction; regulation of solid waste management authorities, Section 40:66A-62 - Municipalities not prohibited from operating garbage and solid wastes disposal plants, Section 40:67-2 - Ordinances and resolutions filed, Section 40:67-3 - Hack or cab stands at hotels, Section 40:67-4 - Materials for street improvements, Section 40:67-5 - Streets occupied by railroad; improvement of; cost apportioned, Section 40:67-6 - Conduits for wires; rental; construction by utility corporation, Section 40:67-6.1 - Permits to United States; conduits; manholes or other appurtenances, Section 40:67-6.2 - Liability of municipality for injuries or damage as result of permits to United States, Section 40:67-7 - Change or improvement of streets; removal and relocation of tracks, poles and other property, Section 40:67-8 - Municipal improvements affecting private structures, Section 40:67-9 - Municipality may do work if owner fails; recovery of cost, Section 40:67-10 - Franchises and rights of owners unaffected by relocation, Section 40:67-11 - Street improvements; house connections by owner, Section 40:67-12 - Municipality to make improvements on refusal of owner; costs, Section 40:67-12.1 - Taking land for improving roads or streets; procedure, Section 40:67-12.2 - Time for fixing value of property; payment into court, Section 40:67-12.3 - Compensation for private structure or building maintained within boundaries of street, Section 40:67-13 - Street lighting; land, buildings and equipment, Section 40:67-14 - Contracts for street lighting; exception, Section 40:67-15 - Contract with county for street lighting; terms; powers conferred additional, Section 40:67-16 - Safety zones and other structures for traffic regulations; exceptions, Section 40:67-16.1 - System of truck routes; establishment; exclusion of trucks from other streets, Section 40:67-16.3 - State highway routes; county roads, Section 40:67-16.5 - Enforcement; penalties. Section 40:33-13.6 - Resolution; public inspection; publication, Section 40:33-13.7 - Board of trustees; membership; appointment; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33-13.8 - Organization of board; officers; term of office, Section 40:33-13.9 - Boards as body public and corporate; powers, Section 40:33-13.9a - Regional library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-13.11 - Proposal of sum required for operation and expenses; objections; determination, Section 40:33-13.12 - Assessment and levy of taxes, Section 40:33-13.13 - Duties of treasurer; annual audit. Section 40:9B-4 - Counties or municipalities; annual appropriation for private centers. Section 40:55D-66.13 - Issuance of technical bulletin. As it stands in New Jersey, State Police supervisors at several levels meet and rank troopers eligible for promotion to middle management on a scale of 1 to 100, taking into consideration. with municipal governments, Section 40:54D-44 - Prior obligations unaffected, Section 40:55-21.15 - Municipalities qualified to receive certain state aid; urban growth zones; determination by ordinance; exemption of projects from land use ordinances, Section 40:55-52 - Authentication before filing, Section 40:55B-2 - Legislative finding; purpose of chapter, Section 40:55B-3 - Creation; official title, Section 40:55B-4 - Body corporate; number of members, Section 40:55B-8 - Purposes, functions, and additional powers, Section 40:55B-8.1 - Contracts relating to transfer of interest in real estate; veto by mayor, Section 40:55B-8.2 - Restrictions or conditions on real property sold or leased by commission, Section 40:55B-9 - Study of tax structure, Section 40:55B-10 - Limitations on powers; appropriations; records and reports. Section 40:54D-26 - Application for proposed project financing. Published: Jun. Section 40:54A-8 - Compliance of charges with terms of lease or other agreement; adjustment of rates; basis, Section 40:54A-9 - Acquisition of realty; manner; eminent domain, Section 40:54A-10 - Competition with public utility prohibited, Section 40:54A-11 - Annual report of authority; rights and powers of municipality; appropriations; use of funds; budget; record of accounts, Section 40:54C-1 - Tourist development commission; creation by ordinance; members; term of office; vacancies; service without compensation, Section 40:54C-2 - Organization, regulation of commission, Section 40:54C-3 - Disbursement authority, Section 40:54C-4 - Records; reports; disbursements not in accordance with purpose of act, Section 40:54C-5 - Joint action with other commission, Section 40:54C-6 - Advertisements exempt from public bidding, Section 40:54C-7 - Authority of commission, Section 40:54D-2 - Findings, determinations relative to tourism improvement and development. Section 40:14A-9 - Appropriations by local unit to sewerage authority; construction, financing and operation of sewage facilities by local unit, Section 40:14A-10 - Bonds; issuance authorized, Section 40:14A-11 - Resolution for issuance of bonds; ordinance; sale of bonds, Section 40:14A-12 - Funding or refunding bonds, Section 40:14A-13 - Interim certificates or bonds, Section 40:14A-14 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; objections, Section 40:14A-15 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:14A-16 - Provisions authorized in bond resolution, Section 40:14A-17 - Series of bonds; default; trustee for holders, Section 40:14A-19 - Liability on bonds; exemptions, Section 40:14A-20 - Real property; acquisition, Section 40:14A-21 - Interest on service charges; liens; enforcement, Section 40:14A-22 - Sale or lease of property by county or municipality to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-23 - Contracts for collection, treatment or disposal of sewage; powers of sewage authority, Section 40:14A-24 - Sewage and industrial wastes, Section 40:14A-25 - Connections with existing drains and pumping stations, Section 40:14A-26 - Connections with drains serving county and other property; service charges, Section 40:14A-27 - Mortgage or sale of property of authority; limitations; exemption, Section 40:14A-28 - Pollution prohibited; prevention of violations, Section 40:14A-29 - Construction of other disposal plants prohibited, Section 40:14A-30 - Investments in sewerage authority bonds authorized, Section 40:14A-31.1 - Eligibility for annual host municipality benefit; calculation, Section 40:14A-31.3 - Benefit constitutes personal obligation of authority, Section 40:14A-32 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:14A-33 - Depositary bonds required of banking institutions. Megan Alexander was honored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and given an award for her dedication to drunk driving enforcement for the year of 2022. Section 40:14A-8.4 - Credit provided by sewerage authority for damage caused by catastrophic event. Section 40:56-2 - Connecting streets with streets in adjoining municipality; considered a local improvement, Section 40:56-3 - Improvement at request and expense of petitioners; improvement by owners; cash deposit, Section 40:56-4 - Rejection of ordinance; new ordinance, Section 40:56-5 - Single ordinance for several improvements; advertisement, Section 40:56-6 - Further proceedings by resolution, Section 40:56-7 - Acquisition of lands; condemnation; engineers, officers and employees, Section 40:56-8 - Acquisition of private works and property; condemnation; assessment for benefits, Section 40:56-9 - Condemnation; ordinance and map; abandonment of improvement; payment into Superior Court, Section 40:56-10 - Copy of award filed; title vested; right of entry, Section 40:56-11 - Work done by municipality or by contract, Section 40:56-12 - Part of cost paid by municipality; ordinance, Section 40:56-13 - Appropriations for local improvements; amount; bonds and notes; fund. Section 40:43-66.57 - Discharge of commission, Section 40:43-66.58 - Recommendations in final report, Section 40:43-66.60 - Special charter; petition to legislature upon approval of plan by voters. Section 40:11A-6.3 - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipal parking authority. Section 40:55D-89.1 - Rebuttable presumption, Section 40:55D-90 - Moratoriums; interim zoning, Section 40:55D-91 - Severability of provisions, Section 40:55D-93 - Preparation; storm water control ordinances to implement; date of completion; reexamination, Section 40:55D-94 - Integral part of master plan; coordination with soil conservation district and other storm water management plans. Section 40:41A-145.3 - Selection from floor by county committee, Section 40:41A-146 - Vacancy of all or majority of offices of members of board; certification to and appointments to temporarily fill by Governor, Section 40:41A-147 - Appointees; qualifications, Section 40:41A-148 - Voters empowered to change term of office, Section 40:41A-149 - First election of board under adopted proposition, Section 40:42-1 - Municipality; municipal corporation, Section 40:42-4 - Municipalities given fullest powers, Section 40:43-1 - Every municipality a body corporate, Section 40:43-2 - Records of municipal incorporations prior to March 28, 1930, Section 40:43-3 - Records of municipal incorporations after March 28, 1930, Section 40:43-4 - Petition for; referendum, Section 40:43-5 - Adoption of changed name; copies filed, Section 40:43-6 - Effect of change on charter; ordinances, Section 40:43-7 - Actions and liabilities unaffected, Section 40:43-8 - Corporate title shortened, Section 40:43-9 - When effective; actions and liabilities unaffected; resolution published, Section 40:43-9.1 - No proceedings for new charter or form of government while other proceedings pending, Section 40:43-10 - Acquisition of property and liabilities; apportionment, Section 40:43-11 - Officers continued; new government established, Section 40:43-12 - Substitution of parties in legal action, Section 40:43-13 - Taxes and assessments; enforcement and collection, Section 40:43-14 - Election districts; election procedure, Section 40:43-16 - Organization of newly elected officers, Section 40:43-17 - Joint committee to divide property; appointment, Section 40:43-18 - Joint meeting; property and indebtedness apportioned, Section 40:43-19 - Quorum; procedure; clerk appointed, Section 40:43-20 - Joint committee; powers; subpoenas, Section 40:43-21 - Commissioners appointed where no agreement reached, Section 40:43-21.1 - Refunding pro rata share of indebtedness, Section 40:43-22 - Dissolution of municipality, Section 40:43-23 - Officers of old municipality residing in new municipality; how affected, Section 40:43-24 - Special acts repealed on incorporation; rights thereunder unaffected, Section 40:43-25 - Real estate includes sewers; indebtedness for; neither considered in apportionment, Section 40:43-25.1 - Newly created municipalities may adopt by reference ordinances of municipality of which it was a part, Section 40:43-25.2 - Adoption of ordinances by reference; procedure, Section 40:43-64.1 - Consolidation of borough under jurisdiction of Local Government Board with township not so functioning; release, Section 40:43-64.2 - Release of consolidating borough from liability to county for delinquent taxes; approval, Section 40:43-64.3 - Transfer of property and rights to township; liabilities; offices; adjustments, Section 40:43-65 - Consolidation of boroughs or other municipalities with cities lying in different counties, Section 40:43-66.36 - Legislative findings and declarations.
Buckingham Va Arrests, Lewis Brisbois Salary Cuts, Articles N