2. The act of exploring for or recovering stone, soil, peat, sand, gravel, limestone, coal, granite or other mineral resources from the ground for sale or for use off the property where it is recovered; it does not include removal of loose, surface stone, excavation related solely to agricultural activities or preparation of individual building sites. To render advice and guidance, upon reasonable request of any property owner, or its agent, or occupant, on development or new construction or the restoration, alteration or maintenance of any building within the City. E. Develop incentives for improving and maintaining historic structures. New lighting technologies have produced lights that are extremely powerful, and these types of lights may be improperly installed so that they create problems of excessive glare, light trespass, and higher energy use. The City may refuse to authorize or make utility connections on the grounds set forth in Tex. F. Approval Criteria. Adjacent. A. A landscaped area or areas within the shortest line defining the perimeter or exterior boundary of the parking or loading area, or similar paved area, excluding driveways or walkways, providing access to the facility (as applied to parking and loading facilities or to similar paved areas). The sum of the area of all building and Lots on the Zone Lot conforms to the maximum permitted sign area as determined by the formula for the zoning district in which the Lot is located. The weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of the sound level meter and frequency-weighting network, as specified in the American National Standards Institute specifications. Private Open Space. The temporary use shall not cause any temporary or permanent nuisance. The horizontal distance from the midpoint of the front lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line or to the most distant point on any other lot line where there is no rear lot line. 6. Classification of areas as wetlands shall follow the Classification of Wetlands and Deep-water habitats of the United States as published by the U.S. It also includes, but is not limited to, the activities of feeding, housing, and maintaining of animals such as cattle, dairy cows, sheep, goats, hogs, horses, and poultry and handling their by-products. No buffers shall be required for property in the Downtown Overlay District although some landscaping and buffering standards may apply per the conditional use permitting process. The standard is measured in decimal numbers, not percentages. These uses may locate in districts as indicated under special conditions. Final plat review is required to ensure that a final recorded plat includes final engineering diagrams and descriptions that conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the City Council. 2. The City may require the phasing of development, and/or the construction of improvements to maintain adequate fire protection. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (DETACHED). The provisions of this Code shall be interpreted and applied as the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, and general welfare. Also applies to all effluent carried by sewers whether it is sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, or stormwater runoff. A. Applicability. The passage or movement of water into the soil surface. F. Landscaping. No. Generally a PUD is understood as a parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land of a size sufficient to create its own environment, controlled by a single landowner or by a group of landowners in common agreement as to control, to be developed as a single entity, the environment of which is compatible with adjacent parcels and the intent of the zoning district or districts in which it is located; the developer or developers may be granted relief from specific land use regulations and design standards, and may be awarded certain premiums in return for assurance of any overall quality of development, including any special feature which that [sic] will be of exceptional benefit to the community as a whole and which that [sic] would not otherwise be required by this Ordinance Code [sic]. The City Council may not grant a variance when the effect of the variance would be any of the following: 1. For substantial improvement, the start of construction is the first alteration of any structural part of the building. And a 35% impervious cover limit (0.35) could be adjusted upwards by 10% up to 38.5% or 0.10 X 0.35 = 0.385, instead of the original 35%. Construction Plans. A variance to the development standards of this Code will be considered an exception to the regulations contained herein. BMPs [sic]. A map or plat designed to illustrate the general design features and street layout of a proposed subdivision which is proposed to be developed and platted in sections. Duplexes are intended to provide affordable housing options, but should not occupy more than 20% of all units in single-family residential subdivisions. E. Modifications to the site plan which would result in increased compatibility or would mitigate potentially unfavorable impacts or would be necessary to conform to applicable regulations and standards and to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. This is allowed with a Special Use Permit. Off-Premises Sign. An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to the formal written notification of completeness or incompleteness, shall be entitled to a refund of fifty (50) percent of the total amount paid upon written request to the City. The Parks and Recreation Board shall be responsible for hearing and making recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on the following: Parks and Recreation Improvements and Amenities included with Park Land Dedications. Any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk, alley, drain, or similar place which that [sic] is owned or controlled by a governmental entity. When an existing lighting fixture(s) become inoperable, their replacements are subject to the provisions of this Code. Typical uses include private social clubs and fraternal organizations. A development project that includes two or more types of uses. A statement indicating that the omission of a limitation or restriction shall not relieve the Applicant of the necessity of complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws; x. E. A nonconforming use shall not be extended or rebuilt in case of obsolescence or total destruction by fire or other cause. The applicant filed an application as provided in Texas Local Government Code chapter 245 prior to adoption of the regulations pursuant to which vested rights are claimed, that the regulations which are the basis for the claim of vested rights are not subject to an exemption as provided in Texas Local Government Code 245.004 and that the project has not become dormant as defined in Texas Local Government Code 245.005 and this Chapter. Site. Fuel Service Station. Any stable for the housing of horses or mules, operated for remuneration, hire, sale, or stabling, or any stable, not related to the ordinary operation of a farm. After approval of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall prepare and submit a final plat. Planned Development or Planned Unit Development (PUD). Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of laundering, dry cleaning or dyeing services other than those classified as Personal Services. The use authorized herein as a conforming use may not be changed to another use not authorized by the use regulations in the zoning district where the premises are located. These uses and the districts where they may locate are listed in Section 4.09. Does not affect the residential character of the dwelling nor cause the dwelling to be extended; 4. An application shall not be considered as officially submitted or filed until it is determined to be complete as specified below. Arterial. C. Alternative Dispute Resolution. The City may require the phasing of development and/or improvements to the systems so as to maintain adequate wastewater capacity. The temporary use shall not impair the normal, safe, and effective operation of a permanent use on the same site. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 211.009, the concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the board is necessary to: 1. reverse an order, requirement, decision or determination of an administrative official[,], 2. decide in favor of an applicant on a matter on which the board is required to pass under a zoning requirement (Chapter 4 of this Code), or. The decision of the City Council shall be final. E. General Permit Procedures. All development activities permitted by the action being appealed, or any subsequent approval, must stop upon appeal, and remain inactive until the appeal is resolved. During the course of installation and construction of the required improvements, the City Engineer or another designee of the City Administrator shall make periodic inspections of the work to insure that all improvements comply with this Code and other municipal, county and State requirements. B. No application requiring a TIA may be made until the scope of the required study has been determined. Civic use types include the performance of utility, educational, recreational, cultural, medical, productive, governmental, and other uses which are strongly vested with public or social importance. To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this Section; and, 5. Section 3282.8 (g). 6. Typical uses include truck dealerships, construction equipment dealerships, mobile home dealerships, and sales (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvage of vehicles). A. Applicability. Landscaping Plan. The use of the following terms in this Code refers to the person, entity, or agent thereof who may apply for an approval or a permit or another decision of the City under this Code. The following Zoning Districts reflect the recommended future land use areas, currently included in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. Preliminary Plats are required for land being divided into separate parcels, plats with six or more lots, and any plats that require a dedication of land to the City. It does not include any space with a dimension of less than ten (10) feet in any direction or an area of less than one hundred (100) square feet. Class 2: Offices (3 stories or less), churches, schools, public facilities including playgrounds, ball fields, community swimming pools, and similar facilities, day care facilities. In existence prior to the effective date of a specific regulation or Ordinance Code [sic]. Accessory Structure, Building or Use. D. Appeals of City Administrator actions regarding sign-related building permits shall be considered and decided by the City Council. 4. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish zoning districts within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, allowable uses within each district, and procedures for special and temporary uses within each district. Typical uses include pet stores, small clinics, dog bathing and clipping salons, and pet grooming shops but excluding uses for livestock and large animals. The average horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth from the required front yard setback and from the required rear yard setback or from the rearmost point of the lot depth in cases where there is no rear lot line. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) or site developments are served by an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment. Class 5: Heavy industrial uses, heavy manufacturing, truck terminals, mobile home sales, vehicle sales, vehicle storage and salvage, heavy equipment sales, facilities involving outdoor storage and outdoor commercial recreation establishments. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Each variance request will be judged on its own merit based on subparagraph (b) [B] below. Corners of all lots, block corners, street right-of-way P.C.s and P.T.s shall be marked with corner markers. Typical uses include recreational vehicle parks. ft. min. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of these regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. For example, in areas where the Future Land Use Map indicates Medium Density Residential Development, but also reflects Duplex Residential, Mixed Use and Neighborhood Commercial Districts, a developer is encouraged to consider utilizing Duplex Residential and Commercial development within proposed development in that area. This district is further intended to encourage efficient utilization of land, affordable housing opportunities, open space preservation, and traditional neighborhood development, through pedestrian-friendly, suitable residential neighborhoods, protected from incompatible uses and with necessary facilities and services. Cemeteries complying with all state and local laws and regulations. A home occupation is that accessory use of a dwelling that shall constitute all or some portion of the livelihood of a person or persons living in the dwelling.
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