At issue are the potential long-term effects of repeated episodes of high heart rate and high blood pressure that accompany intense exercise. I think hes amazed by what I have described for my workouts of 65+ mile rides several times a week. 1 year ago I gave up smoking and started endurance running. Does the (unreplaced) aorta enlarge over time? Patients need operation if there is severe stenosis or regurgitation of the aortic valve.or if the nearby aorta becomes moderately enlarged. It may cope adequately for a few years if the person leads a sedentary life, but the longer crucial surgery is delayed, the more damage there will be to . Oh, plenty. They wont repair my aneurysm unless it was 55mm during surgery or 60mm before surgery. This visit we were told it could be a few years before anything needs to be done. Exercise and sports are usually safe if there is mild aortic root enlargement but no other heart or vascular problems. what would your advice be for training & competing? Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease is the most common congenital heart defect, as it affects 1.3% of the adult general population . Other heart parameters are very good (no bigger chamber or aorta). Bicuspid aortic valve can be found in 1% to 2% of the general population . A normal aortic valve looks like the Mercedes logo, a circle broken up by three lines that meet in the middle. I continued playing hockey routinely until I was in my late twenties. Yes, there are certainly patients with BAV who never need operation. My cardiologist is not concerned. Congrats! I agree that its somewhat surprising that more detailed information isnt available. Specifically, Im wondering about inversions like forearm stand, head stand, and hand stand. Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Role of Multiple Gene Variants in Influencing Related posts: We saw cardio in April again and my sons symptoms are the same and no progression on the aortic regurgitation. Hi . My son will seek a repair when his conditions deteriorate. Im not aware of studies explicitly about athletes after Ross procedure for BAV. In Jan 2016 My son was seen by the cardiologist and had some changes on his echo and the cardiologist said hey had mild progression of the aortic regurgitation( moderate to severe) with preserved LV function. Should I stop jiu-jitsu as it is a mix of anaerobic exercise (which I hear is bad) and aerobic exercise (which I hear is good)? He was forced to stop playing football at 11. Heart disease and stroke are the number one killers of women, Streisand, 74, told PEOPLE about why she helped found the organization. Do you recommend any particular diet, exercise, vitamins,etc.? Aortic valve regurgitation: Blood leaks back into your left ventricle instead of only flowing into your aorta. Is it possible that the valve will get loose? What a great resource! Thanks for sharing your sons story. Your responses mean a lot to myself and no doubt others on this forum. Thank you so much! Im a 42 year old male and have been a highly competitive distance runner since high school. Thanks so much We dont know what to do. The notion is to reduce the number of cycles of heart beat x high blood pressure. We generally limit weight-lifting (or other sports/exercise that have a high static component) for athlete patients with BAV and mild enlargement of the aorta. He/she can talk with you about the generalities of operation in your circumstance. Center for Bicuspid Aortic Valve Diseases | Penn Medicine Mild degrees of aortic regurgitation are usually well-tolerated and do not produce symptoms. There is a risk of sudden death in individuals with BAV, probably related most to aortic stenosis or aortic dissection/rupture. Could you please give me an insight into what else could be causing these chronic episodes of shortness of breathe, lightheadedness and off-on chest pains. I will do whatever I can to make sure my mom is comfortable and has whatever she needs, she said. The lines are the edges of the valve leaflets that open and close to let blood through. His doctor did not restrict him, but suggested that it may be time to give up the high-level play due to its high intensity training aspect (based on the This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Although the vast majority in each group (97%) underwent TAVI via the transfemoral approach, bicuspid patients were less likely to receive conscious sedation (57% vs 62%) and more likely to be treated with the largest 29-mm valve size . If so, youre far from alone. Hi Dr Creswell, Open heart surgery is sometimes the best option, but it is not always the only option. that suffer from heart valve disease along with a link to the reference story about their heart valve disease and their Twitter handle can be found below: ), the famous American television anchor, suffers from, ), the Olympic Gold Medalist (Soccer) suffered from, ), a comedian and broadcaster, suffers from a. swimming? By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. This also assumes that there are no other cardiac issues or medical problems to consider. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. That said, the recommendations dont address WHEN that screening should occur. Some good points there, Craig. Went through the process of antibiotic therapy and. 27yr old male. This might reasonably translate into some measurable improvement related to physical exercise. I am mostly a runner, 4 times a week, with 10 21 km races. Questions about Bicuspid Aortic Valve!! Cardiac outcomes in a contemporary population of adults with bicuspid aortic valve have not been systematically determined.Objective To determine the frequency and predictors of cardiac outcomes in a. "Thanks to the team at the Cleveland Clinic, I have a new aortic valve to go along with my new pulmonary valve from my last surgery," he wrote. The increased stroke volume and cardiac output may cause . Hi Dr. Creswell. I lifted weights for many years and spent almost all my life in physically demanding jobs. Thats important to keep in mind. I had a Medtronic Freestyle valve fitted in May 2002, did exactly as directed regarding exercise etc. I was training for a marathon when I was 62 years old and diagnosed with BAV with severe regurgitation. My question here is what is the damage I can cause to my heart, mechanical valve, if I keep my heart rate at hi intensity levels? Post 2 years and Ive yet to get back to my high level of racing fitness and wanted to see what should be expected. I dont know all of the important details. Glad to hear that youre recovering, Zdenko. I am 31 years old and had my BAV repaired at The Cleveland Clinic in 1999 when I was 15. Latifah has taken on her mom's caregiving duties, along with relatives and a nurse, whenever she is on the east coast. I would just like to share my experience of having a Aortic Valve replacement. Bicuspid aortic valve is a common congenital anomaly but does not cause functional problems unless aortic valve stenosis, aortic valve regurgitation, aortic root dilatation, or dissection or infective endocarditis occurs. 1. Hi, Further to this most recent discussion point I was advised that isometric exercises, such as planks and other pilates type activities, as I understand them, are perfectly safe with BAV. We just dont know. The most common type was type 1 (1 raphe with the raphe positioned between the right and left coronary sinuses (75%), while the second most common type was also type 1 . lessons) Today at my hospital, we do most 1st time aortic valve replacements for aortic stenosis (narrowing) this way and have started using TAVR for patients with previous AVR using tissue valves who need re-replacement. The CVTI was created under the leadership of Dr. Vaughn Starnes, chair of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery and surgeon-in-chief at the Keck Medicine of USC. diagnosed wid BAV AND AS WITH AR He will be rechecked with an echo, BNP blood test & MRI every 6 months. Easy bicycling might work, but I suspect that running wont be workable with that cap. Im keeping my heart rate below 150, 160 at most but just for short period of time. I have a call in to his doctor but what do you think? "I had been doing some work around the house working with a heavy ladder, he told PEOPLE of his activity in the days leading up to his heart attack. They said that everything is working fine except that I have a slightly enlarged aorta and the very beginnings of an aortic aneurism which most likely occurred PRIOR to surgery as a result of the pressure over the years and my old BAV. If you wont we can share experiences about healing and progress, its pretty much same situation. The aortic root is moderately dilated (max 46mm sinus to opposite commissure but you can measure 48off axis). Do you have any info or recommendations about this? I have only trivial aortic regurgitation. We just saw them in January. Echo Features of a Bicuspid Aortic Valve | 123 Sonography On Ocotber 23, 2020, we learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a third heart valve procedure, a re-replacement of his aortic valve replacement. Heart Valve Disease Personal Stories | American Heart Association Ive got my results from my recent echo and a lot of normals on there but main things were regurgitation and stenosis were mild with the aorta measuring about 33mm. My questions are: They ruled out Marfans syndrome because his aorta was dilating. Consensus guidelines from the Proceedings of the 36th Bethesda Conference recommend: The first recommendation does not include the endurance sports. Defects can involve the walls or valves of the heart, or they may affect the arteries and veins near the heart. Your sons cardiologist would seem to be in the best position to offer specific advice. If the valve is smaller than needed, there can be a limit to the ability of the heart to do extra workand that can show up as less speed. To much info to much detail so much information and advice. Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing that may produce an increase in the blood pressure in the upper extremities. There are a lot of variables here, even from the short story youve shared. During that first month we recommend ample walking as the best form of exercise. Do you think I should slow down a little bit? They seem very busy and its taken almost a year to get to this stage. Since you have the ready info about your aortic sizes over time, I will guess that you have a doctor or cardiologist that you are working with. With the blood thinning needed for a mechanical valve, serious bleeding may occur with injuries. My 28, got a BAV with mild stenosis and a aortic root measuring 40mm. "Were saying to put the focus back on you and make a date with your heart.". 2. I otherwise feel very healthy, other than (I think) normal slowing down that comes with age. They are also predisposed to enlargement of the ascending aorta, the large blood vessel that carries blood flow away from the heart. To help correct the regurgitation, the cusps of the patients valve leaflets can be tailored, with the valve leaflets left in place. I excercise 2-3 times a week, namely cardio and weight lifting. After the first month, patients are generally allowed to return gradually to all of their previous activities. Am I crazy? I had a ventricle septum defect patched up shortly after birth with no further follow up and a full recovery. What does heavy weights mean? BAV only has mild regurgitation. Onside rations would be needed for hose with Marfans syndrome or other diseases of the aorta. Therefore, people . Nonetheless, I think theres considerable confusion about this condition, in terms of diagnosis, implications for the athlete, and its treatment. My family is pressuring me to quit strenuous cycling but I am thinking that switching to longer rides at lower heart rates would not accelerate valve wear or otherwise be bad for me. Could he be over-cautious? Aortic valve stenosis: Your aortic valve narrows, reducing blood flow through it. How much exercise is too much for someone with a functional BAV? So I saw an incredible surgeon and we are going for the Ross Procedure in Feb. Now that we know the type of surgery does this improve my chances or one day returning the CrossFit addicted life I miss? The confusing thing I hear is some cardiologists telling BAV people not to life over x lbs. Diagnosis was made because pulse dropped to 30 (normally 52), and pacemaker was thought to be needed (no symptoms other than low pulse for a few days). I look forward to hearing from you. Aside from the problems with aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation or with enlargement of the aorta, individuals with BAV can also suddenly develop the problem of aortic dissection. Great article! Sometimes patients with mechanical aortic valves report that they lose a bit of their top-end athletic performance. Bicuspid aortic valve - Overview - Mayo Clinic If reoperation is needed in your case, this would be something to discuss. There are just so many causes of shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and chest pain.even besides the heart-related causes. Dr. Larry, very helpful content. We use surveillance (you mention every 6 months) because usually problems with progressive enlargement of the aorta or with the valve itself can be picked up before there is any lasting harm. Benefits: long-term durability. Less 100mmhg. Context Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in the adult population. Before 2 years my aorta was 37mm . Well, as it happens, the Cleveland Clinic has been recently rated the top heart hospital in the nation, and the number two hospital overall. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease does not usually cause symptoms. We also sign a school waiver every year. The procedure was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. He has stenosis and moderate regurgitation. Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Medscape I had a Type A aortic dissection of the ascending aorta that extended into the descending aorta terminating near the femoral arteries. Celebrities with Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Diseasemaps Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Surgery I am 6ft 3 . Please help me . Im guessing that my muscles are building up again and since everything was messed up, especially on left side, maybe some scar tissue or damaged nerves are coming up. I guess my marathon training is officially over, but i hope that i still keep doing some sport and i dont mean bowling, no offense for who practice it ;). Randyyour situation has many similarities to mine; I would be very interested in sharing experiences. PDF Bicuspid aortic valve: Basics and beyond - Cleveland Clinic Journal Of Sadly, we dont have a crystal ball, though to know what the future holds for any particular individual. Will surgery mean I can do more or less training? Hi again Dr. Creswell, There has been a slight increase in the measurements over the last several years, but I am still below the threshold which would require surgical intervention. In short, I consider myself to be a high level athlete. I had surgery when I was 10 years old to replace my bav with a St.jude mechanical valve. Also he told me I can lift weights and do other activities. Thank you for best websit. She says now it is stable and I dont have to see her for 2 years. Thoughts. After an echo and an MRI with and without contrast, I found out that I have a BAV with mild aortic and pulmonic valve regurgitation. I have almost everyday all day shortness of breath which follows with chest pain and discomfort. Aortic valve replacement is recommended for nearly all patients with severe valve stenosis (valve opening less than 1.0 cm2), Aortic valve replacement is recommended for patients with severe valve regurgitation if there are symptoms due to the regurgitation (eg, shortness of breath with exertion) or evidence that the heart is suffering because of the regurgitation (enlargement of the left ventricle), Repair or replacement of the beginning portion of the aorta is recommended if there is enlargement of the aorta to greater than 5.0 cm. As chemist mostly works in a lab not in the field. He posed next to statues of Thomas Jefferson, Jesse Owens (whose family moved to Cleveland when he was nine, and who later attended The Ohio State University), and Abraham Lincoln. They may also disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. I wish you both all the best. I do not feel any of the effect of my condition when I run or workout. Often times, especially for patients with tissue heart valve replacement devices, the valve simply wears out. Glad Ive found this website! A different set of. Many heart conditions can be controlled or repaired once theyre diagnosed. Be specific. Dear Dr Creswell you seem to be such a kind cardiac surgeon to make yourself available in answering questions. He would be devastated to never be able to play again. I have read that strength training is beneficial for heart health. after surgery and was playing football again by September. Required fields are marked *. Schwarzenegger was born with a condition known as bicuspid aortic valve, in which the heart's main artery, the aorta, has only two cusps instead of three.If untreated, it can lead to blocked blood . Arnold Schwarzenegger opted against a mechanical valve replacement and chose a tissue valve because he felt a mechanical valve might limit his physical activity and capacity to exercise.
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