She'd like to see you." Approximately $24.95 - $32.95 USD for the t-shirts or $41.00 - $48.00 USD for the hoodies depending on the size. Blackfoot pinned him and then finally delivered the death blow. I smiled at Thistleclaw then I padded over to Oakheart. Bluestar cheered. The fish landed at the RiverClan tom's paws and he killed it with a killing blow. She went on and said that Bluestar had destroyed the Clan she had always tried to protect. "Yeah, but you can always try. West: Hey Kit! The Wishful Nights - Book 1: Assassin's Oath. Scourge had killed Tigerstar and Snowfur had led Whitestorm into StarClan after Bone had killed him. She opened her eyes, they shined like stars. 258 Comments. Bluestar growled. "Bluestar!" (Climbs above sunflower). Bluekit: (wakes up) Oh, precious sister! Bluekit: Good. the white she-cat called over her shoulder. Bluestar leaned up against him their tails entwined. Her faithful old friend had kept her secret until the very end, only ever speaking of the lost kits with the fond grief of a father. "You have let out your old self. Snowkit: Oh-nevermind. In the prologues of some of the warrior cat books, Bluestar and Oakheart keep appearing together, so they are probably mates in StarClan and still love each other. Bluekit: HA! Or that one of Bluestar's most popular quotes is Stupid Furball? "This would've never happened if Leafpool didn't run off with Crowfeather!" "Stop!" "Me?!" Bluekit: I will run away because I do not care if my Clan rises. You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. I'll always come back. Bluestar asked "he's hunting with Crookedstar over there in the River" Mosskit pointed her tail in the River "have you eat yet?" They can have a father if you want. Fireheart always was the fire that saved our Clan and I was proud. "They will soon find their way together again." In a heartbeat Snowfur went racing off. I'm going to teach you how to hunt! Yellowfang nodded, all of a sudden remembering about Brokenstar. He yowled, but Blackfoot kept on. "The whole of StarClan will be seeing you catching fish next!" Snowkit: Let's eat vegetables that can kill us! Darkstripe was killed when he attacked Firestar, he was killed by Graystripe as he defended his great friend. And Moonflower didn't tell us. "I'm not doing it. Warrior of the Week Gallery #33 - Bluestar, Warriors Super Edition: A World Without Limits, Codebreakers: Brainstorming The Broken Code, Top five moments when Firestar was a mouse-brain, Mini Plush Heads Coming Soon to the Warrior Cats Store. #facts #riverclan #shadowclan #starclan #thunderclan #warriorcatfacts #warriorcats #warriorcatsfanfic #warriors #warriorscatfacts #warriorscatsfacts #windclan Bluekit you can hear a great story! Jayfeather's ears perked but Bluestar spoke no more. Oakheart said. Monthly: Let my daughter hear us and smell sleep. I love you, Bluefur. The two couple laugh happily and nuzzled each other "I love you Oakheart" Bluestar purred "I love you too" Oakheart purred back. (Crying) Go back to the camp! Bluestar cried. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. When Bluefur is made deputy Patchpelt is overjoyed with support for his mate. Isolated in her grief from her own clanmates, Bluefur fell in love with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart, but their brief relationship ended when Bluefur realized she could not be loyal to Thunderclan while her heart lay elsewhere. "Welcome to StarClan." The figure of a cat formed and the cats tensed. I'll approve your and Oakheart's relationship you two can be together anytime you want" Moonflower meowed gratefully and Bluestar's eyes filled with joy for her parents and hugged them "thank you so much" Bluestar meowed and goes off to tell Oakheart, Moonflower and Stormtail stood pride for their daughter. Bluestar trotted beside her mate Oakheart. "I really missed you Oakheart." "They won't! "Firestar, you can do this! "W-what do you mean?" "Father, you're . Specialists in Home Improvement. Oakheart: I keep you, but you are not a tool, and the warrior code says you save the equipment. Bluestar's spirit was beside the cats, the fire almost out. Snowkit: (Stops crying out of the corner) Yay! warriorcats. During the Great Battle in The Last Hope, her spirit is killed. Oakheart meowed back and as the wind ruffles their fur. And I will die a tenth time to defend ThunderClan! Bluestar said happily. He did not face her, but the memory of Stormtail's deep blue eyes, much like Bluestar's, was still strong in her mind. Whitestorm flexed his claws now back to his well groomed fur, instead of the matted blood stained pelt. Bluestar cried softly. Larksong: I'm going to teach you gibberish! StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! It's like eating. Bluestar watched him. I also saw you being a good littermate to your brother who broke his jaw and always support him, so now I'll accept you and Bluestar's relationship" Moonflower meowed gratefully, Oakheart's eyes filled with joy "thank you so much Moonflower" Moonflower gave him a nod and let Stormtail to speak "even if I wasn't a good father and mate but this is all I wanted to say. You were a jellybean! Wanna come?" The cats of StarClan faded away and Bluestar told him about the hill of bones and the prochey,Four will become two,lion and tiger will meet in battle,and blood will rule the forest.She faded back to StarClan. Moonflower let a tear of joy run down her cheek. I see you again." Slowly but surely, the shape grew clearer: Stormtail, Bluestar's father, was sitting in StarClan's starry plains. "Maybe she will," Oakheart mewed, and Bluestar gave a nod. Thrushpelt asked, interrupting her thoughts. My pelt was shining and my eyes gleamed. She walks with our ancestors now, in StarClan. ThunderClan: (not supported) Leopardpaw. Expecting Oakheart's kits secretly. Why? also thrushpelt loved bluestar. "Im so glad we meet again old friend." 2010-11-22 02:09:03. Former ThunderClan warrior and later leader of ShadowClan. also if mistystar and stonefur werent alive, than she wouldve died in a instant, she had firestar,mistystar AND stonefurs help. I was filled with sorrow. Juniper licked her side where she was kicked. Bluestar laid her head on his shoulder. It ended in a sigh. But Blackfoot padded over to Stonefur and tackled him. + Now go to sleep! Monthly: Snow, I'm sorry to call you a drowning rat. When the clans face a terrible blight, trespassing twolegs, and an unanswering Starclan . She was glad to be reunited with her friends and kin in StarClan. Now and forever." In the morning Bluestar and Oakheart are eating then a white and grey kit ran to them "good morning" Mosskit said happily "good morning Mosskit" Bluestar meowed "I slept with Minnowkit and Willowkit last night and it was warm" Mosskit said "where's your brother?" She was a proud and deeply committed leader. [5], StarClan are the ancestors of the Clan cats that live in the stars, StarClan sent the blood trail, showing SkyClan where to find the other Clans, StarClan sent Firestar an omen of his reflection turning into a lion, signifying he should lead LionClan against BloodClan in battle, Onestar's leadership ceremony in Winds of Change, The storm that killed Mudclaw was said to have come from StarClan. as for they were in different clans, a lot of warriors relationships are like that and it doesnt make THAT much of a difference. Snowkit: (Eat the other half of the salmon) Now let's worry about the elders for the story! As she let her eyesight adjust, she bent down to lap at its crystal depths. Bluestar yowled. Cats can learn to follow the warrior code, but they cannot always learn to have the compassion and courage that comes from faith. Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. Fireheart, you are the fire who will save ThunderClan. "Bluestar," I heard a meow that made me jump. Bluekit: Oh look at the butterfly! Bluestar was alone. Read 44. Bluekit: (Runs to WindClan and buys sunglasses). "Fightning for their Clan." Bluestar ran her spirit going to the Clans. They late get their warrior names, Mistyfoot and Stonefur. Bluestar soon became pregnant, and had her and Patchpelt's kits. so, i think bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt because he was in her clan, and it would just be so much easier for both of them. [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. Bluestar swallowed. Third, because I'm in love with Dapplepawa! Be happy with Bluestar and always love her" Stormtail meowed "and tell Bluestar to come here" Moonflower added "thank you Stormtail and I will" Oakheart meowed and goes off "Bluestar" Oakheart called "what is it?" I was just trying it," she replied. Goosefeather: She'll be fine. "Why do you think you're worthless?" Oakheart meowed. Created by Meks. I am just a gazer that watches nothing. Oakheart glanced over to me and gasped. Fireheart: Even if you break the warrior code and try to leave StarClan, I will save you. Leafpool took a step back. After all the lives it was my turn. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! WARNING!!!! Hollyleaf had swiped out her paw in the fire of the forest and killed Ashfur on accident, and finally the truth came out. I was right beside them, my body was there but my spirit was also there. Oakheart spoke. In StarClan, Oakheart and Bluestar remain good friends, and in Midnight of The New Prophecy, Oakheart was the one who chose Feathertail of RiverClan to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place. (Kicks the cat out). 5 Bluestar x Oakheart. StarClan OUT! Yellowfang accepted defeat,and Spottedleaf hold her head high for a second. Patchpaw. It is for the best. They're a really cute couple. She could think of only one reason: so that Bluefur could leave the nursery and take over as Clan deputy instead of Thistleclaw. The words stung in Bluestar's mind. Yellowfang lashed her tail in fury, her pelt bristling. Bluekit: Unless we see big cats and watch Leopardkit and Patchkit clean up their patients! Bluestar sighed. You carried the same scent and sometimes, even now, I see my mother in the twitch of your whiskers or the flick of your tail. Icon Was bluestar there when oakheart died? a sandy gray tom asked. Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. "As big as StarClan." "Goodbye Leafpool, take care of the Clan." Cinderpelt's voice trailed off. Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving andnow that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! can i borrow twenty dollars, Bluekit: (buys all salmon on Earth: has three bucks). Just clear your mind, think about the positive." "You are more than a StarClan cat." Oakheart laughs in joy. Snowfur laid her tail on Bluestar's shoulder. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said "she could've been happy with him.". The word Stormtail echoed in her mind. While Bluestar did drown, it can be noted that several factors, such as her age, depression, her wound from the dogs, grief, and stress might have played a part in her demise. "Brambleclaw needs you Bluestar, about the new territory." are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 Soon after many moons of being in StarClan Bluestar had to tell Firestar about the mysterious SkyClan. its me hollyfrost back with another article! [3] StarClan was disconnected from the living Clans by Ashfur,[4] however, the connection has since been restored. I also have coins and a Snowkit hit! Authors originally said that StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting would not meet again. Bluestar smiled and looked at him as he sat down. He slowly glanced to Whitestorm then licked his muzzle. It is a colorful animal. "Again? "There's nothing I can do but look at my Clan being torn from the paths of strengh and loyalty." She had grieved for herself because she had to leave Crowfeather. "Bluestar! Yellowfang looked at her and snarled but remembered their agruement and kept her mouth shut. Tigerstar. "ShadowClan!" Bluestar looked to her, Leafpool gasped and ran to help Cinderpelt, the badger running off. Bluekit: (gives change to Pinestar) Here you go! I meowed to Whitestorm. "Why have you given up on your Clan" She whispered. Mosskit replied cheerfully and Bluestar purred "what about you Oakheart? Patchkit: SHHHHH! I WANT TO ASK FOR EDUCATION!! Bluestar didn't answer until awhile. Bluestar becomes clan leader, naming Redtail, Patchpelt's younger brother, as deputy. Bluestar watched his stary fur dissapear. I have doubts on that" Bluestar meowed softly. "Hello" She called,waiting for a answer. Leopardkit: I can't wait! Some of The Cutest and Funniest Names in Warriors! Bluestar took a deep breath as she spoke to Cinderpelt. Redtail meowed softly. "Kits will be kits," Spottedleaf mewed to the medicine cat. Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by. I could feel the sorrow wrap around her heart, but then it was filled with joy as I knew Mosskit was with me. Oakheart purred reasurring her. "You fell in love with Raggedstar!" AmazingWarriorCats. Moonflower said lightly. Forever. Bluestar wailed. Snowfur began dashing to her sister, pushing past cats. Luckily Bluestar became mates with Oakheart again in Starclan, thank goodness! I think Spottedleaf, Bluestar, and Yellowfang will bring him to Starclan. "Green-cough is going to destory my Clan!" Firestar hissed. Does Bluestar still love Oakheart? They touched it and faded to the starlight Fourtrees. "I never stopped looking after you.". Leafpool wailed. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. Bluestar (at the time bluefur) finds Oakheart on sunningrocks which at that time was thunderclan territory. After becoming a warrior, Bluefur raised Whitekit, Snowfur's kit, as her own after the death of her sister, and Bluefur fell for a RiverClan warrior, Oakheart, becoming pregnant with his kits. Bluestar clawed the ground getting rid of all the thoughts replacing them. "You have a true destiny to live out, a great compassion in your work lies ahead" Not for long Bluestar knew what was going to to happen "But what about the three bright stars I saw?" "Bluestar. Firestar is loosing many lives." "The four Clans will live, strong, proud, and loyal!" My spirit headed down to Stonefur quickly, Stonefur was forced to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw. Bluestar: Oh, I'm choking on squirrels! They make perfect kits (Stonefur is my 2nd favorite cat in the series!) Oakheart purred. Before I knew, there was a pile of blood and bones, Firestar looked terrified. Hollyfrost and Willowpaw debate who wouldve been a better mate for Bluestar. I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. I had forgotten to post it, so I'm posting it now. [image description: a brown and white tabby cat sits beside ribbon, some is on its head] HIP HIP HOORAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! if bluestar and oakheart werent mates, than stonefur and mistyfoot (star) wouldnt be alive. I feel frozen with excitement! "She will." by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw, My predictions for the Warriors books I havent read based of their titles and BlogClan knowledge by Amberpaw. Leopardpaw. "I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you and Snowfur," he mewed to the blue-grey she-cat. Yet I see the truth now. Or evil? Bluestar purred. List of known inhabitants, StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. Fireheart was on the Highrock,a meeting was just started. Clan information His face brightened. Firestar, you and every cat have the choice of whether or not to follow the warrior code. come on! (Snowkit is teleported and saved). Cinderpelt! "He's about to kill Scourge." Snowkit: Meh. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. I think that it's because she is charmed. "Leafpool," Bluestar meowed taking a step forward. Are you ready for Fireheart's nine lives?" His clear amber eyes landed on my bright blue ones. After Bluestar sacrificed herself to save ThunderClan, Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgave her, and she ascended to StarClan where she became mates with Oakheart again and reunited with her kin, feeling at peace. Monthly: Not everything you dislike. "Moonflower? It took me a long time to do it! Bluekit: All! "But you have the hope inside my darling, I can feel it." Two because they are evil. "I have no hope." The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. "Only a matter of time before it happens, the badger is coming." Contents 1 Appearances 1.1 Cats of the Clans 1.2 Secrets of the Clans 1.3 The Rise of Scourge 1.4 Into the Wild 1.5 Fire and Ice 1.6 Forest of Secrets 1.7 Rising Storm 1.8 A Dangerous Path 1.9 The Darkest Hour 1.10 Firestar's Quest 1.11 Midnight 1.12 Starlight 1.13 Twilight 1.14 Sunset She was born with Moonflower and Stormtail as her parents, and a sister named Snowkit. It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." She ran away to a giant tree and cried. Unpopular Opinion: Bluestar's arc would have been more interesting if she had ended up with Crookedstar instead of Oakheart I think Oakheart was lame and Bluefur had more chemistry with Crookedjaw. Mistykit and Stonekit are nursed by Graypool. Then Mosskit walked over and said,"Mommy why are you sad,if you are sad I am sad.". Bluefur mentored Frostfur and Runningwind, and later succeeded Tawnyspots as deputy. I slowly went over to my kit and his spirit appeared by me. I smiled now, I was going to give my former deputy one of his nine lives. Dapplepaw: Silence the old cat. Monthly: I'll apologize if that's what you want. Look inside this book! Study now. "Look at yourself! "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. Let your jaw do the work. Brightspirit flicked her tail. plus, someone else couldve sacrificed themself for feathertail and stormfur. She saw Lionheart walk up to her and Spottedleaf beside him. But she's still watching you, as closely as she ever did. But remember, not even StarClan can turn aside the paws of destiny, however much we might want to. "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. We find Twoleg and kill it! Frostfur appeared beside Bluestar. Bluestar asked and saw her parents with a smiling gaze "you're just in time" Moonflower meowed and Bluestar sat beside them "Oakheart is a loyal warrior" Moonflower meowed "yes he really is" Bluestar replied "since you love this tom very much, you chose Oakheart of Riverclan instead of having a mate in Thunderclan. So familiar, like when we were kits" Mistyfoot meowed, Stonefur nodded smiling. Brightstar looked off into the distance. Bluestar purred. Bluekit: (Sneaks out and bothers Cedarstar: sneaks back). He meowed. "Everyone forgives you" She meowed quietly. Bluestar sat by Cinderpelt in the medicine den, only visable to Cinderpelt. Bluestar replied with a heavy sigh. Everything became silent until Bluestar spoke. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They started to talk, stargaze, play fought and groom each other like they used to. "I hope what you say is true Oakheart" Bluestar meowed. I meowed. Stormtail: (enters the camp with Husky) Hey, look at what I found! "Thanks" A tear rolled from her eye. Bluestar cried nobody hearing her. Weak, scrawny, and someone who can't take away anything!" (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). Approximately 7cm with an anti-stress bean filling. "Oakheart!" I want to cry when they can't be together. "Thank you Bluestar." Bluestar felt sadness swell inside of her. Bluestar dipped her head dissapearing away. Mistystar is a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. "It's good to see you again," Bluestar mewed. Bluekit: (eats ladder) BBBLLEEEAARRGGGHH!!! Stonefur nodded. Bluekit: It's your fault! We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Bluestar replied "yes!" Medicine cat of ThunderClan when Firestar first joins ThunderClan. Approximate individual price is $9.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $27.99 USD. It is all against military rule but who cares!! But the storm was no doing of ours. She bumped into a cat. Don't worry we're in Starclan nothing will happen bad" Bluestar meowed "fine if that's your choice then we're happy for you as long as you're happy" Moonflower meowed back and they hugged each other. She heard Fireheart,"Bluestar don't go!". Monthly Month: Turn off the Snowkit and let him sleep. StarClan cannot choose leaders, even if the leader is just. "Catching fish now, eh, Bluestar?" (They ran to the old lair and held them all until they told their stories). Bluestar stared at the three ThunderClan apprentices, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw from StarClan. Mistyfoot and Stonefur: AAHHH! I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. . Bluestar didn't answer. Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! "I'll never give up on anything." "I believe you Bluestar" Oakheart meowed. Patchkit: It is a study area. "But finally we know Mosskit died.". "Bluestar," a mottled tabby tom, looking old, stepped forward. I need more answers!" (He dismisses her). "Cinderpelt, you will be joining StarClan very soon." "Leave me alone Spottedleaf, you're worth nothing, all you do is moon over Firestar" Spottedleaf's pelt bristled. Scourge and Tigerstar wade through blood to power because that is their nature. Patchkit: You will be my victim and I will catch you! "My Clan will live." Stunning graphic design featuring Bluestar printed on a white ceramic mug. Bluestar yowled. Copy. Bluestar purred. But beware! I nuzzled him. See answer (1) Copy. "I know, it seems as though Im losing more faith in my Clan." (Walk in lift. Winners of the October Fan Challenge + New Challenge Announcement, Winners of the July Fan Challenge + New Challenge Announcement, Winners of the August 2021 Fan Challenge + New Challenge Announcement, Winners of the February 2022 fan challenge + new challenge announcement, Winners of the September 2022 fan challenge + new challenge announcement, Winners of the November 2022 fan challenge + new challenge announcement, Our favorite The Prophecies Begin scenes artwork. Come over to Moonflower! I shook her head. She recognized him,Thrushpelt! "Snowfur,Moonflower!" Bluekit: Snowkit, I will destroy Tokyo like Godzilla! "She warned him,Spottedleaf,now stop mooning over him!" [3] are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan. [ I don't own the cover art ] An AU where Bluestar never broke up with Oakheart, and Rusty and Princess are born in their second litter of kits! Featherwhisker: Go and get whipped NOW! The little medicine cat could never fulfil her life as a warrior. My Clan is safe, my hope and faith is back. "What other!" "Oh when I wonder," "About what?" She faded back to StarClan and appeared beside the pool. LET'S CONTINUE Sorry!!!! The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Bluestar & Darkstripe - Mini Collector Figures, Goosefeather on Bluefur's destiny and sacrifices, Bluefur contemplating giving up her kits, Sunstar telling Bluefur why he chose her to be deputy. Goosefeather gave her a prophecy, though she didn't think much of it. Snowfur padded up beside her. And Snowkit because you did not test you get nothing! She'll never leave you, Bluepaw. StarClan cares for every cat in the forest, from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest elder lying in the sun. "You are my stars." "It's sad enough the Cinderpelt had to die because of that but don't blame it on Leafpool and the kits." Bluestar has now grown to loathe StarClan, believing that they have betrayed her, especially after Speckletail 's deaf kit, Snowkit, is killed by a hawk. Bluestar's Death: Bluestar blinked open her eyes. Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. Leafpool looked to Cinderpelt. That makes them witchcraft! I need to save my Clan. To my relief Stonefur started to slash and bite back. Measures approximately 35cm in length. "You will have to be the best medicine cat you can be, never the other." "I'm just going to leave you, to your pathetic life of no faith." SHE SN- (sighs as she sleeps). its been awhile since i read bluestars prophecy (its also my fav book), but i think bluestar loved oakheart more than any other tom. She watched the badgers snarl and slash at the cats, in horror Bluestar wailed, but nobody could hear her. come on! Once they've finished eating Bluestar got up "where are you going?" Dapplepaw: Cool! "No cat left behind!" Bluestar looked down at it and took a nibble out of it. Cinderpelt could hear Bluestar's pleads but kept defending Sorreltail. Everything was coming back to me now, I lost the ones I loved before, I lost them again after I died, but reunited with the old ones. "Finally. Snowfur pressed her pelt to Whitestorm's. Stonefur watched his sister from StarClan. And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. Just remember to come and see me!" Cinderpelt never got a chance to be in StarClan! (Showing all dinosaurs). "Death to all, pain, eyes glaring just to see what life they have left." Bluestar looked down at the Clans her eyes blazing. Bluestar purred. My fur bristled. She asked. !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # "Dovepaw You have bigger power than the three, life like no other. Later, Bluster appoints Tigerclaw as deputy in his place. I slowly floated back to StarClan, now knowing Fireheart had helped everyone. im pretty graystripe would do that or some other riverclan cat. "I'm sorry I lied to you along with the rest of ThunderClan." She meowed. "You have earned a life for a new way, you will be reborn as Sorreltail's kit, Cinderkit and live the new life as a warrior!" "He doesn't care about me does he?" It was Rosetail. Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. She saw from first to second Lionheart,Redtail,Silverstream,Runningwind,Brindleface,Swiftpaw,Yellowfang,Spottedleaf,and her.She satthere waiting for her turn. Bluestar looked off into the distance. "Yes" She meowed and padded away. "And who may that be?" "Hello, Bluestar," Moonflower greeted with warmth in her eyes. Fire will save the Clanyou never understood, did you? Moonflower: (Stops sighing) Tell me three reasons why you don't like them! They looked younger than Bluestar remembered. How many times have we told them that they must face the future together? Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water. Leafpool wailed It broke Bluestar's heart to leave her but she just left to StarClan. Larksong: Oh see! NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! "Long time no see!" "Those are cats that you have not met, that will shape your future." Ferncloud is a supporting character in the Warriors series. Then they spotted Bluestar walking towards them. Stormtail: (sees the marker) Oh those? Also included in a three-pack bundle with Firestar and Tigerstar. ===Chapter Four=== Bluestar padded over to Cinderpelt many StarClan spirits surrounding her. My kits forgave now it is time to go to StarClan,Bluestar thought as her last life was fading away. Soon after she told them she made sure it looked like a face in the clouds for Firestar, she warned them of the upcoming lightning and saved their life. "Oakheart of RiverClan. "Never give up hope!" Bluekit: Of course! As she walked closer she heard them. Bluestar gasped. "When Leopardstar will join us." [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! "I failed, I just couldn't kill them". You came in so I wouldn't get in trouble! Only the Clans themselves can choose their leaders. Once the deputy, during a battle over Sunningrocks he perished from a rock slide. She sighed. Bluestar returned her mother's greeting. Everyone didn't say anything. "Huh" She sighed. also thrushpelt loved bluestar. Moonflower: (see Beachball Snowkit) NNOOO! (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. come on! (me/hollyfrost): good points! Bluekit: We don't want to find him now you said so. Bluestar-shippings. Featherwhisker: (Goes to the adults' pit) Then I'll dump you so I can get the mouse stuff! Consider creating an account! "Loyal to all." I think that it's because she is charmed. "I know Hollyleaf is still alive, but everyone else is talking about Dovekit taking her place My Clan is breaking away so slowly."
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