(Just keep scrolling on down - he's the eighth mentioned). And apart from the vile homophobia of HW, his all-important business activities are embedded (at least for now) in the market of the OL besotted worshippers. [Yeh, Like he's Going To Say That In Homophobic HW, And It Is Him Playing All The Games]. On a purely commercial note may I advise Heughans Mole to employ an agent as it will be large enough by next year to wear it's own Tennents Larger knitted Christmas hat and possibly a pair of Under Armour briefs as well ! Sam seemed confident as well. But the stalking thing is the real concern. A number of people who have met him talk about how nice he is, and deep down he probably really is a lovely guy, but at least for now it's all about the $$$. He has NEVER mentioned his sexuality on Twitter. Is Sam that desperate or is it maybe for networking. R369 the whole closeting and "living a lie" thing is wrong and feels wrong. ], and again from POSTER 1: And you know this to be true, rumours of him having a relationship with a Luke , however this Luke was in a relationship for two years with a woman who recently married a man, until Sam Heughan says he is gay, then his life is his own business. PaleyFest postponed - this will hurt - right in his wallet. (Spoiler alert: they dont jive with Meokeobs narrative.) Sam is working out at the same gym in Glasgow, Valbo's gym. Not everyone is worth the engagement. I can think of a few possibilities for this - see next post. And wouldn't you know it, in the airport lounge some women were asking at the bar for it (and getting annoyed when it wasn't available), and he heard "Sam can't be gay - he drinks whisky!!! (She certainly seems well into the marketing, promoting not only books but sunglasses, mugs, clothing, jewellery, watches, shoes, earphones, blankets, maps). Please complete the process by verifying your email address. outlander-starz: Sam Heughan & Caitriona Balfe at Emerald City Comic Con 2017 Outlander Panel 171 notes 5 March, 2017 reedpopthetodd It was an absolute delight and a career highlight to host the wonderful @samheughan and @caitrionabalfe at @emeraldcitycomicon this year. Here I am. Or maybe the Daily Express? His IG resembles that of his dates/beards. r535 Yes, it is extremely distasteful - his manipulation, his encouraging of foolish shippers and then turning on them, his condescending stereotyping of the gay community in that PR driven 'denial' interview (stereotyping which I find particularly annoying), his innuendo, his lying, his cosying up to Shatner, the bully who posted such things as 'don't feel safe, ladies' on twitter, his bearding games, the straightwashing etc etc. The pair were photographed kissing (. r594 Yeh, so one anon says, re BunnyBeard, but the claim is not backed by a photo, so how did she/he know? (seems more like clever marketing of his whisky to me - he sent out quite a few sample boxes, and she could be useful to target the younger potential buyers). Be good to yourself more. So for the moment it seems that it's no time/ no personal life - better than laughable beards at least. A blogger is saying Camuso was invited to the OL5 premiere. Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . Unfortunately, Meokeob probably still has access to my private blog. Absolutely sickening , Heughans demented ,sycophantic fans are actually thanking him on Instagram for selling them merchandise. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! And this will persist as long as the powerbrokers maintain their entrenched view that Gay don't Pay. eg. r166 Some of the poor fools actually go into debt by taking out loans to worship him - buy his merchandise, attend Cons etc. The gay rumours started because its the norm for any actor who is pretty the way Sam is and because he played some gay roles. He's just got to sack Monty - the guy just makes him look ridiculous and uncomfortable (and very un-Bond like). Over the last decade Heughan has mainly gone for *romantic* lead roles, like in Outlander, When the Starlight Ends, Emulsion, a Princess for Christmas, etc. Her promotion of closeting and bearding and all her stupid matchy shirt etc games are part of the problem in perpetuating the HW homophobia. One closet case (Henry Cavill) about another closet case (Sam Heughan): "I watched a TV show recently that I thought was absolutely spectacular: Outlander. selizz liked this. R55 We don't know that he doesn't have a partner, remember he shared a suite in Memphis with "a guy who handled everyting"? Tired of this , hes a great actor and according to everyone ,really nice man. Take a little bit of responsibility. The Village People is an American disco group known for its on-stage costumes and suggestive lyrics. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. And OP, we're nearing 600, and we need a part 6 of this thread set up and linked please. A straight white woman who uses a blonde female emoji, who saw Sam in a gay movie and a gay play in London. You panicked. And this year's revolving door of usually much younger, usually blonde, athletic, living on another continent females sold through fan 'sightings', opportunistic appearances such as the Infinity Room, cropped photos etc. It actually enhances the fanbase if she can be sold as a possible bisexual. Looks like JA hovering at the photoshoot for the Nobleman article - does she babysit her other clients like this? Which person would travel half the world only to meet a new beard? And why is Purv citing this great source now? Its real!!. - $$$, you'd be in that. Obviously from a private place/airbnb. I thought it was hilarious to watch him try to twist his ankle to show the distinctive red soles whilst he was being interviewed . r436. ), so determined to have him humping young females in his proximity, whether they are attached or not, Purv just brings attention to him being gay and undercuts the very message she is trying so hard to sell. r293 Well, there are always Mrs Palmer and her five daughters to help out. 'He isn't paying Jennifer Allen/Viewpoint to make him look like a clown.'. I think he went to his MPC headquarters. Graham was not invited to a wedding that never took place , After Cait's long hibernation over the past months, We will witness an intense presence, starting from Fashion Week, TV Show, Oscars next month, and so on, I don't understand her willful absence and lethargy throughout the filming of Outlander. Apparently from the recent Spanish language Esquire article - "I don't know who I am, who do you want me to be?" You posted something that was private (which in itself is a no-no which Ill deal with separately but hey, you know the law better than anyone), and anxiously showed an accusation about yourself without realizing the people you were showing it to had no freaking idea what you were even talking about. Why not just shine a fucking klieg light on yourself, or pose for a mugshot? Of course the rumoured real boyfriend she has just been on holiday with in Australia is conveniently pushed to the side (Australian athlete, US-based). ", [quote]"With Heughan, we've seen his boyfriends go dark on SM, we've seen him engage in laughably fake relationships with his co-star, friends and beards, we've seen him intimidated into babbling like a deer in the headlights when doing press (with his publicist babysitting him ) and basically driven into the Sunken Place of gay shame. r402 - Yes, the modest humble Heughan seems to have been subsumed as his career has developed. [quote]He was simply magnificent, and gay. In the previous thread 4 one of the last comments was about whisky, yes I agree that Sam's whisky might do wel for a few years as long as OL is populair. Hello, I make a query. the HW closet and crazy fandom is doing him no good. New twist: SH fans openly alleging that shes a Professional with a capital P. Just plain wrong so many levels. A puzzling and irrational reaction..why had her sexual fantasies been completely discombobulated by the news.is homophobia especially latent and endemic amongst females who watch such romantic , 'Bodice Ripping' TV ? Kind of shoots holes into all your theories, doesn't it? This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. "In 2011, way before Outlander, Sam and Amy Shiels used to flirt like crazy and banter back and forth on Twitter. Bit of a giggle. I want the best for those kids". Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site Well, at one point she shows him 3 fingers and he says to her, haven't we done 3 . 0 favorites (0) videos pornstars gifs categories. Purv s responses to such an anon as the release of Bloodshot looms: Several sources have told Purv directly that SH is straight so who are these sources? 'The little princess and the Lion of Men' - judging by some of the fawning comments on SH's retweet of the JJ article on the Walpole event, it's paid off. It's enormously pleasing to your ego to have people recognise you,praise you're work to high heaven,hang on you're every word and scream when they see you [ even though they are only women ] We are all human..who in all honesty wouldn't be tempted to make that Faustian pact and closet. [ correction should read the best ], He admitted to having financed it(partly anyway) himself. Gays don't drink that!! If thats been your experience, please leave me a comment here (I wont publish). Youve earned it. Anything from fanfiction to fiction to all things Outlander. Who knows, maybe Starz pressured to have Balfe be the only OL associated one there - seems clear that they are pushing yet again for her to get that damn GG finally (her last two nominations were a joke - S4 was folded arms, mouth agape, stinkface expression as though she had a tree branch up her ass), and the S5 scripts will likely again focus on her, and to a lesser extent the talentless Skelton, while SH is shoved aside or cast as an action-boy assistant (I would really like to be wrong on this). And isn't this objectifying himself? And at least Scottish industries like Prickly Thistle are getting the benefit as well as him - I like the irony that OL fans donated to the development of Prickly Thistle, which is now selling its produce back to OL fans. Sam is said to feel passionate about this product and expects it to prove very popular with MPC members who fail to do their exercises correctly ! Thank you. You supposedly like the idea of space travel so why not teleport to our Mardi Gras parade tonight - almost 200 floats (including floats of police, military, emergency services - all in uniform), 12,000 in the parade. 10 Most Downloaded Apps in the World in 2022 Revealed - Find Out Which App Beat Instagram! There is some mention of SDCC ?- is that a maybe ?. I hope Heughan IS in a serious relationship with a bf, but if he is, it can be hell. But Im not someone who think people look gay or ping so . malu1997 Follow Couple behavior! The busier your lifestyle, however, the trickier this can be. I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. So no amount of publicity of any kind is going to help it much by then. r335 He will stop throwing out even tiny little breadcrumbs to the shippers when he assesses that he can't get any more money or any more hetero image from them - gotta keep those determined worshippers happy with closing their minds and opening their wallets. May be he can reuse the bottles for parfum. The Scottish Sun will be next. His OL persona where he pretends to be incompetent has never agreed with all his self directed projects. (loveisloveislove76). Poor guy looked a wannabe amateur on Fallon - sack Monty and call Jonathon Van Ness - please! JA has orchestrated some childish things (matchy shirts anyone?) Just because Heughan was snubbed last year doesn't mean he's also out this year. They didn't mention also the MM/thong throng but the point still made. At the most itsillegal, at the least itsunethical. However, the enthralling couple has been quick to shut down any rumors that they could be a couple. Whose buying Sassenach Tartan scarves,gloves, hats, socks, nickers,kilts, dresses, teapot covers, toilet paper for their loved ones this Christmas ? The "little lioness", the unemployed, struggled bottle blond from the white supremacist, evangelically family with the cheap looking extension and a father posing with a gun during his trip to a an Arab country? Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. That can kill even a deep love. When you've had sudden, massive success rather late in you're career after years of hard work [ when you could get it ] and wondering when, if ever , success would happen to you. Neither needs to make much effort.job done.Heughan is straight. You had to do something underhanded because thats the only way you operate. Just dress him in a two numbers to tight purple suit. R475 I wonder why JA feels she needs to watch him all the time, I don't think it's good for his image to have a "babysiter". He even worked in a plug for Sassenach Spirits in his New Years message. "I think it's more about the characters you tell. Hello and thank you for registering. Purv's speculations are getting more ridiculous by the day. Still, he gets paid and that's the priority for him for the moment. Anyway what a wannebe app , imagine having to date a "normal" person smh. Is all the game-playing and closeting worth it, SH? And we have Jonathon Van Ness as a guest Compere! silvercitysands reblogged this from owlnguava. r133 Maybe that would have been too crass even for him. Seemed to be about one every month or so usually very young, usually blonde, short, athletic, conveniently offshore, and a shared belief that their thong-clad bum was their best side. Sam Heughan.professional Heart Throb ..Whisky Salesman.but serious actor ? An interesting SM challenge. I didnt do the thing Im about to tell you about that no one here knows anything about!. Id miss knowing what was going on, but eventually Id get over it and move on. Needed matching earrings though for the complete look. R465 if he's wise he will keep far away from tumblr or reading any of those crazy blogs. Must be tiring with all this manipulation, even if it is profitable. The bottle of Sassenach Whisky will sue for divorce !! fans, which paid worth a content of a half weeks filled fridge for a photo. What happened to my private blog is inexcusable. In wearing that suit Heughan just stepped out of the closethe looked so gay. SH is being stridently taken to task by some 'fans' /bloggers after he dared to make a pretty mild criticism of Trump. Sam, I have often speculated on his sexuality, without judgement, needed to be presented as a single, heterosexual man. However I shall be delighted to be proved wrong. r518 Not sure if he was there - no reason to be, but then there was no reason for the ridiculous Camuso to be either, and he was. But, butthey don't look 'camp' enough and 'fun' enough to fit into 'that world' that he said he 'loves' in that appallingly stereotyping and oh-so-conveniently timed 'denial'. Awww! After March/April 2016, Luke had to disappear from Sam's side and he closed all his SM. Fact is, it's the troll who's the blatant homophobe; she knows Heughan is a closeted man pushing 40 with no hetero relationship history, who was openly gay during his London theater years. Ive gotten a few multiples requests for access to the new blog from the same people. If he opened a bus shelter his crazy fans would go to see it and endlessly discuss the time table ! He looked like he was on a lead. The roles he takes are generally guys who are doing something besides their leading ladies (Lady Chatterly's Lover excepted). After which, do you post her pages on Facebook? Apparently with Raya you have to be invited, have 2 referrals from current members, submit a photo montage set to music and submit your IG account for approval when you apply. ".the best dressed men this year schooled us in textural play, the art of layering, and the importance of a proper-fitting garment." I suspect that Sam wants to keep the guy at arm's length. Her hair isn't thinning, it looked nice and flowy, good length and I liked the shoes. All grist to the rumour mill that promotes his name and image - attention is everything. Or, if your teenage daughter has a diary filled with musings about her fears and hopes and wishes. These behaviours just sit very uncomfortably with a straight guy. (Someone just remember the polishing cloth for TMGD). O dear Sam, holy MARY. Maybe, maybe not. All 300 of them are in here in the closet with me ! Youre stuck, sweetie. Therefore he could only see himself with someone very young who didn't have a career of her own yet. I was told that she regularly donates clothes and children's toys and is low key and very polite. The OL/MPC fandom may well be the foundation of his career and his financial empire-building but they also have him more or less trapped for the moment. Just in time for Bloodshot premiere! There are so many women he could have used to have as a beard but he had to choose C, sell it like hot cakes and then call people delusional when they believed what he and C sold. Another gem from tmblr. My friend always had an extremely inclusive attitude towards gay people, has family members who are gay, loved Outlander, thought Sam Heughan was gorgeous . that must be one of the other two women he's dating at the same time according to Purv. Georgia Ellenwood - a spokesperson for Underarmour - she is wearing red Undearmour shoes in a post, he is wearing red Underarmour shoes in an IG post - therefore were they a gift for Sammy? Hold the press!! It was about Olympic swimmers and Sam played a main character Max along with Louise Ford (Elsa). Having that kind of power over people and using it must warp the soul. Great public image, Sammy - needy, greedy, seedy. According to his. when MM was foisted on him at the last minute - apparently replacing Ron Moore's wife at the table, with Sam looking as though he was going to burst into tears at any moment (who would have blamed him?). The man who shared this hotel suite with Sam in Memphis and 'handled everything' was not his bussiness partner Alex.. [quote] March 24 2019. I agree that it is about money or otherwise you wouldn't go into business but he did seem confident and honest for once in that interview when he said he wanted to not just lend his name to a brand. Cheers. account has now become is $$ expensive face cream. All $$ in the coffers. He seems very fed up with all her bitchy jokes and comments(which I understand). Ross Morrell @MrRoss86. Monty really needs to be sacked - what's with the unmatching coat and pants? Sam Heughan sure knows how to make nature look good. Pass thanks. [R208] Sassenach Whisky flavoured condoms! It will. Tumblr has since contacted me. and its creepy af. [quote]gotta love Cree. . One reply says (paraphrase) she and SH would make beautiful babies together. [quote]another time, another Heughan. Yep. Peanut gallery Purv provided comic relief with cute names Samtina, Samgia etc, and as usual claimed direct knowledge thru DMs, direct sources and special knowledge- none of which she divulged of course. And his bearding activities could take a hit too - there are likely to be really diminished crowds in touristy areas such as Malibu Pier for him to conveniently do a hetero pap walk. One of my dearest gay friends is in a relationship with a gay guy who feels he has to closet for his career (sport based), and he is probably right. That speed dial to Just Jared must be a bit wearing on Heughan's fingers. R31, Madden is far more of a frau heartthrob than the aging Heughan, yet he is openly dating Brandon. February 5, 2020 The release date for the fifth season of Outlander is imminent - and with Sam Heughan's character Jamie reaching a significant milestone, it's given the Scottish actor reason to reflect on his own life and what the future holds for him. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. r463 Yes, that is the reason for all the Heughan games, showmances, fauxmances etc but Purv seems to be in an intriguing class of her own. I dont know what happened to ethics in this community. [R268]Agree,,grossly over developed upper body contrasting with under developed spindly legs, makes him look like two completely different bodies joined in the middle. source didnt do her homework Batman Live had two co-directors Anthony Van Laast (straight, married) and James Powell (nfi) basic info error. After the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the group officially changed its name to Sam and the Delta Variants. Germany and Spain have moved the release forward (probably trying to get it on screen before any pandemic develops and the cinemas empty) and other countries have moved it back, maybe thinking wait and see. Because a gay Heughan is not acceptable but we all know better.. hopefully he will find the courage to lose this shit. And he was made a member of BAFTA. 1500 quotes+gifs. What would we call a person who allows a relative stranger in a non-scripted situation to touch (or to APPEAR to touch) their personal anatomy FOR MONEY?? The Explain the Gay Away game continues on tumblr: - Argument: Cree and Balfe wouldn't keep on teasing him with innuendo if he was really gay. [R176] incredible that people should pay $1,500 to sit in a room and chat to a man who used to be an actor but has now turned himself into a brand , a man who appears to have more interest in haberdashery than serious acting. Sam is an embarrassment. [R212] D.L. Sam's styling and general demeanor on Fallon suffered greatly in comparison to those of Michael B. Jordan (who was on immediately before him).Jordan was well-dressed, relaxed, funny, and even exchanged gifts with Jimmy. Heughan could get the role, this is chancy HW after all, but it's quite a while to go before powerbroker decision time. R587 it was a stupid move of Diesel to not postphone the premiere. (BTW, Katheryn Winnick - a great actor from Vikings - is the latest on Purv's radar - Purv doesn't think she is with SH, but then they have both been skiing and he was seen at an airport in a group including a lovely lady - (that's quite an extrapolation). Of course SH may not have been deliberately feeding the goss but he knows what is on tumblr and he could have reined it in if he had wanted to he didnt. I find his acting rather uneven but that could be down to the indifferent material. OK, Purv, you keep on indulging your penis fantasies.). I knew only about 2 names on the list. seriously though I wonder where this will end, I mean even furniture now??!! You just had to get into that private blog, didnt you? Bit of a track record, SH. There are privacy laws to protect us from such violations. She said: The protagonist is so handsome. Stalkers find the cracks when no one is looking. His people need to turn the page in the playbook.
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