Ignored in a post-independence law passed in 1951 that defined only Judaism and Christian sects as official, Muslims continued under traditional Ottoman law, within the confines of which small communities like Isma'ilis and Alawites found it difficult to establish their own institutions. Chief among them was Muhaqqiq al-Karaki, from Karak Nuh in the Bekaa valley, who achieved limitless power during the reign of Shah Tahmasp I such that the Shah told him, You are the real king and I am just one of your agents". by | Feb 25, 2023 | british canoeing star awards | call kingsport times news | Feb 25, 2023 | british canoeing star awards | call kingsport times news [17] A study done by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1985 put the numbers of Sunnis at 27% of the population (595,000 of 2,228,000). [66], The Aga Khan IV made a brief stop in Beirut on 4 August 1957 while on a global tour of Nizari Isma'ili centres, drawing an estimated 600 Syrian and Lebanese followers of the religion to the Beirut Airport in order to welcome him. 'A declaration of war': tensions in Lebanon's Khalde after Hezbollah [36] When the Great Syrian Revolt broke out in 1925, rebellion once again broke out but this time it was ineffective. Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid killed one of the city's Alid notables in 903 for alleged Qarmatian sympathies. shia surnames in pakistan. Most of its adherents live in the northern and western area of the Beqaa Valley, Southern Lebanon and Beirut. [3], The cultural and linguistic heritage of the Lebanese people is a blend of both indigenous Phoenician elements, Arab culture and the foreign cultures that have come to rule the land and its people over the course of thousands of years. [47], Sayyid Abdul-Husayn Sharafeddine believed that the only way to ward off foreign political influence was to establish modern schools while maintaining Islamic teachings. - 25 , +0800 2336 7811 Office@Medicare.com [14], Lebanese Sunni Muslims are concentrated in cities of west Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon and in north Lebanon in the Akkar and minyeh dinnieh districts, middle and west bekaa, Chouf district and laqlouq in mount lebanon , hasbaya district, and Northeastern Beqaa Valley mainly in and around the city of Arsal.[15]. In the Bekaa valley, the Shiites joined the Druze in ravaging Zahle and Baalbek after being alienated by the Zahalni (townsfolk of Zahle). [25][13][26] In 1363, the Mamluks released an official decree prohibiting Shia rituals practiced among "some of the people of Beirut, Sidon and their surrounding villages", threatening punishment and military campaign. In between 1920 and 1921, rebels from these areas attacked French military bases in Southern Lebanon and the Beqaa valley. [44] This institution since 1920 headquartered in Beirut- oversaw every educational policy regarding public and private school in the mandate territories. While the French and Russians mainly encouraged Maronite and Orthodox active learning respectively, along with American Protestant missions in Beirut, the British established educational institutions in Druze areas, and Sunnis mainly benefitted from Ottoman state institutions. Lebanese Sunni Muslims - Wikipedia [63], The syncretic beliefs of the Qarmatians, typically classed as an Isma'ili splinter sect with Zoroastrian influences, spread into the area of the Beqaa valley and possibly also Jabal Shuf starting in the 9th century. In the 2006 Lebanon War, Israeli warplanes bombed the factory of the Maliban Glass company in the Beqaa valley on 19 July. The Isma'ilis of Wadi al-Taym and Jabal Shuf were among those who converted before the movement was permanently closed off a few decades later to guard against outside prying by mainstream Sunni and Shia Muslims, who often viewed their doctrines as heresy. At 24, he converted to Islam and changed his name.. 1260), a Tanukhid emir from Mount Lebanon whom al-Yunini identified as a Shiite Muslim, and was buried in Karak Nuh. Between Fakhreddines millions and the Medicis. There are over fifteen different officially recognised religious sects in Lebanon. For example: Salman Khan, Mohammed Ismail, Syed Irshad, Sadiq Baig. Khanjar Harfush of Baalbek and his forces engaged an Egyptian army of 12,000 in Nabek and Keserwan, while further south, Hamad al-Mahmoud of Jabal Amel single-handedly drove out the Egyptians as far as Safed in northern Palestine after a decisive battle at Rmaich. In Ja'far al-Muhajir's assessment, the presence of pro-Alid tribes such as Hamdan and Madh'hij in the region after the HasanMuawiya treaty in 661 CE, likely acted as a vector that facilitated the Shi'ism among segments of the local populations in Jabal Amel, Galilee and Beqaa valley,[13] where anti-Abbasid sentiment was common as a result of discrimination and ongoing marginalization of the region by the Abbasids. Hezbollah denies any role in killing Hariri, Lebanon's main. 225,000 Lebanese to vote overseas in 58 countries and 596 polling stations, Lebanons bank deposits down by USD 11.1 billion, Lebanese banking sector: USD 22.1 billion of profits in 26 years, Non-Lebanese own 37 million m2 of the country, Non-Lebanese own LBP 64.4 billion in property, Polling the Lebanese on Hezbollahs Decision to Import Fuel from Iran, Hanna Saadah - Three Arabian Tales Harked With Little Ears, Between Fakhreddines millions and the Medicis, Zabbal Families: Greek Catholic in Beirut, Al-Sous Families-Maronites, Sunni, Orthodox and Israelis in Zgharta, Saida, al-Qebbeh and Mina El-Hosn, Lebanon witnesses a high number of departures after Beirut blast, Lebanese travelers and emigrants (2018-2019), Anwar El-Khatib (1910-1970)-A sorely missed jurist, Municipalities of Lebanon : Dissolution of 71 Municipal Councils. This tack also applies to Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah, established by Iran in the early 1980s. The jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire was merely nominal in the Lebanon. This deeply esoteric group became known as the Druze, who in belief, practice, and history have long since become distinct from Isma'ilis proper. February 27, 2023 . lifeguard air ambulance new mexico . These genetic studies show us there is no significant differences between the Muslims and non-Muslims of Lebanon. Lebanese Sunni cleric 'killed by family members' But surnames arent reliable either, given the number of intermarriages that occurred under Baath party rule. Protect their lives and possessions as you do to your own. Since 2011, Lebanon has taken in 1.5 million Syrian refugees. The years-long siege of Tripoli and the brutal aftermath of its fall caused an influx outside of Tripoli. [28] Almost a century later, the Harfushes gave shelter to Haydar Shihab and provided him with 2,500 troops to carry out the Battle of Ain Dara, which resulted in Haydar Shihab's decisive victory. Historian Max Weiss underlines how "sectarian claims were increasingly bound up with the institutionalization of Shi'i difference. Early Lebanese Isma'ilism showed perhaps an unusual propensity to foster radical movements within it, particularly in the areas of Wadi al-Taym, adjoining the Beqaa valley at the foot of Mount Hermon, and Jabal Shuf, in the highlands of Mount Lebanon. Alessandria Masi/International Business Times [37][25] Following Egyptian defeat in 1840, the Ottomans deposed the Shihab dynasty[37] and rewarded al-Mahmoud by restoring the autonomy of the Shiites until 1865, when Jabal Amil was incorporated into Syria vilayet and came under direct Ottoman rule. Congratulations on your election victory, distinguished MPs!! shia surnames in pakistan - antonia.envistream.com The Qarmatian movement in the Levant was largely extinguished by the turn of the millennium. Although used for first names, names like Ismail can also serve as the last name. Show to them the love you show to yourselves. [43], The primary outlet for discussions concerning educational reforms among Shia scholars was the monthly Shiite journal al-'Irfan, founded in 1909. A man named Omar, Abu Bakr, or Yazid would almost certainly be a Sunni, since these names correspond to the opponents of the first imams and the major villains of Shiite history. Vacillating Wildly From Dispiriting to Exhilarating. Note that the following percentages are estimates only. [4][5][6][7], The cultural and linguistic heritage of the Lebanese people is a blend of both indigenous elements and the foreign cultures that have come to rule the land and its people over the course of thousands of years. Chebli's funeral procession ended in bloodshed. Tiberias was visited in 880s by al-Ya'qubi who noted the presence of a Shia[13] tribe in the city, al-Ash'ari of Madh'hij who originally founded the Shia holy city of Qom in 703. to guarantee confidentiality, mandated reporters are not required; Select Page. [28] The Harfush and Hamade families received iltizam over the Bekaa valley and northern Mount Lebanon respectively, while Jabal Amel consisted of several nawahi governed by multiple families, until Ali al-Saghirs seized most of Jabal Amel by 1649. [36] Resistance subsided following the French campaign, and Adham Khanjar and his men continued their sabotage missions until an unsuccessful assassination attempt on French High Commissioner Henri Gouraud, which led to Khanjar's execution in 1923.[40]. [45] According to historian Elizabeth Thompson, private schools were part of "constant negotiations" between citizen and the French authorities in Lebanon, specifically regarding the hierarchical distribution of social capital along religious communal lines. Forty years in the wilderness, away from the flesh-pots of Egypt, had entailed harsh habits, the counted date and the hoarded water; nor had a thousand years in the wilderness of a Christian world, where only the secret treasure was safe, encouraged display; but the world was altering, the desert was flowering; in stray corners here and there . He then proceeded to send his forces to ransack Shiite libraries rich in valuable manuscripts, and paraded the heads of the fallen in Sidon. The last census in Lebanon in 1932 put the numbers of Shias at 19.6% of the population (154,208 of 785,543). In terms of religious sect, Iraqi Arabs are somewhat split: Our survey found that most said they were Shia Muslims (62%), but about three-in-ten identified themselves as Sunnis (30%) and 6% said they were "just Muslim." Nearly all Iraqi Kurds consider themselves Sunni Muslims. Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen clashes between pro-Syrian Alawites and anti-Syrian Sunnis have haunted Tripoli for decades.[62]. What are some of the most common family names in Lebanon? Ansari - Meaning, People, Religion, Caste, History | WebConte In 1598, as war broke out again between the Ottomans and Safavids, the Ottomans further appointed Fakhreddine over sanjak of Safed, which gave him direct control over the pro-Safavid Shiites. lebanese sunni surnames However, Shiites were the only ones who did not benefit from such activities. [36][25], After al-Jazzar's death he was succeeded by Sulayman Pasha al-Adil in 1805, who signed a treaty with the Shiites in order to end their attacks. Despite taking part in Ali Janbulad's rebellion, Yunus later emerged as one of the Ottomans' favorite intermediaries, and his influence extended into the decisions of the Sublime Porte and the Janissaries. Over the years, there have been numerous clashes between the Sunni and Alawi communities in Tripoli, particularly over the past 14 months since Syria's uprising began, as part of the Arab Spring that started in Tunisia. 36. [34] The duo's first decisive battle took place in Lake Huleh in 1771, when the 10,000-strong Ottoman army of Uthman Pasha al-Kurji was virtually annihilated by the duo's forces; about 300-500 Ottoman soldiers survived the battle, and Uthman Pasha returned to Damascus with only 3 of his soldiers. Many Southerners went to Syria to participate, whereas in the Beqaa Valley battle spread to the Qalamoun Mountains and Akroum, where according to eye-witness accounts Shiites took more than 400 rifles and fifty horses as booty from French forces. Some of the influencers of Lebanese culture are Phoenicians, Assyrians, Romans, Ottoman Turks, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, and the French. shia surnames in pakistan
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