1833, Letter to David Hale, 1219February 1841, Travel Account and Questions, November 1837. 225. I am grateful to Nancy Mess for helping me find the location of the current Timothy Pickering headstone in the Lanesboro Cemetery. This early 19th century home house the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale family. Young Smith gave the "money-diggers" great encouragement, at first, but when they had arrived in digging, to near the place where he had stated an immense treasure would be found -- he said the enchantment was so powerful that he could not see. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,578, emphasis added. John RATHBORN died 12 May 1836 aged 87 years. Isaac Weld, Jun.,Travels Through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797(London: John Stockdale, 1807), 2:34245. Isaac Hales son-in-law Michael B. Morse later lived on high, rocky ground at the north end of the Hale farm. Thomas Houghton,Royal Institutions: Being Proposals for Articles to Establish and Confirm Laws, Liberties, and Customs of Silver and Gold Mines to All the Kings Subjects(London: Daniel Poplar, 1694), A23,68. She remembers Emma, afterwards the wife of the Prophet, as a handsome and attractive girl, about her own age. Rose could be forceful in business affairs, and the local postman at the county seat found this new creditor cheated him.235It was Rose who had inaccurately advertised wheat would grow so well in the valley. 6 Moved to Wells, Albany Co., New York (later in Rutland Co., Vermont), ca. Nahum 1:7, Romans 10:1, Luke 11:1, [and] John 21:15. Sermons preached in Sela Paynes home a little over a mile east of the Hales were based on the texts Sam. Tench Francis dictated his will on April 4, 1800, leaving his large tract of Susquehanna Valley property to his wife. There was not time for courting between Hales return to Vermont and his marriage, and so during the six years he was away, he must have courted through correspondence. Pennsylvania created Susquehanna County on February 21, 1810, out of part of Luzerne County, and over the next year local citizens organized a government. 111. Joseph McKune was the assessor and Jesse Hale was the assistant assessor. One day he was digging alone when Fry came on to one [treasure] box and he got it out [of the ground], but it was so heavy he could not lift it, so he went for someone to help, and when they returned the box was gone; he supposed the Spaniards [as ghosts] got it, Paul,History of Wells,81, 90. His statement appeared in the NY Baptist Register June 13, 1834 and The Susquehanna Register on May 1, 1834. Ausburn Towner,Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung, From the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century(Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1892), 466; and Hamilton Child,Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chemung and Schuyler Counties, N.Y. for 18681869(Syracuse: Journal Office, 1868), 107. Upon news of her fathers death, Emma seemed to feel she could now write her mother and siblings. Silas Gildersleve, letter to Family, September 18, 1823, John Comfort Correspondence, George Fisk Comfort Papers, Syracuse University Special Collections; see also, Charles Wentworth Upham,The Life of Timothy Pickering(Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1878), 4:116. . [3][4][5], After the killing of Joseph Smith Emma remained in Nauvoo rather than following Brigham Young and the mormon pioneers to the Utah Territory. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, July 11, 1839, punctuation added for clarity. After Isaac Hale established a farm, he returned to Wells to marry Elizabeth Lewis. The valley was essentially a hunting preserve, but there was a small settlement on the east end near where three apple trees stood that formed the rallying point and headquarters of all the Indians in the neighborhood. Colbert,Journal of the Travels of William Colbert,January 15, 1793. Plans for the Pickering home included directions for a drain pipe from the kitchen sink to the outside and a cloaths press or closet to hold clothing for each of the main upstairs bedrooms. But the reflection is more than human nature ought to bear, and if God does not record our sufferings and avenge our wrongs on them that are guilty, I shall be sadly mistaken. 35. Richard BEST died 2 May 1867 aged 48 years. Let come what will, youve got to bear ittaint no use to flinch. Colonel Pickering sought the advice of Benjamin Rush, formerly surgeon general in the Continental Army, and other prominent physicians who diagnosed Tim as having throat cancer. Colbert met with a Presbyterian minister as he traveled, perhaps Daniel Buck, and after a deep conversation he noted of the minister, he believes it is his duty to pray in secret, but says he has not heart to itthis is his complaint. Joseph introduced the practice carefully and incrementally, marrying many additional wives, each of whom vowed to keep their participation confidential. 240. Others speculated the silver may not have been buried on islands off Connecticut, but elsewhere in the country. In every flowr, and shrub, and tree, Gods goodness you may plainly see.187 Hymn writing became a popular pastime in the Susquehanna Valley and Justin Clark, editor of the local newspaper The Centinel,regularly published to an interested audience information in his newspaper about religious music, including locally written hymns under various pseudonyms.188, It took several more years before Methodism made its way to the Susquehanna Valley. Closets in homes were an innovation of the period and would provide additional storage space. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley. Personalities in the Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph SmithHistory. 291. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,433. Photograph by Mark L. Staker, Onondaga pottery, found on Hale Farm, Collection of the LDS Church History. Willingborough Township, Direct Tax Lists 1798, 4. While the name of the local Justice of the Peace is sometimes spelled Zacheriah Tarbell, his name is most frequently spelled Zachariah Tarble.This was the spelling used by Zachariah while he lived in Chenango County. Emma first met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825, while he boarded with her family. OnDecember 27, 1828, Jesse Hale assessed a tax on his fathers 130 1/2 acre farm (due to his rounding the figures, they totaled 131 acres). Harmony was the home of Isaac Hale, father of Smith's wife, Emma Hale. 156. As Alva Hale sat on a jury September 3, 1827, just a few weeks before he rode to New York to pick up his sister Emma and her new husband and bring them back to the valley, the court described him as among the good and lawful men sworn to render a verdict.307 The citizens of Harmony Township frequently elected Alva constable, and he often traded the position with Joseph McKune or John Comfort. Jesse reduced the value of Isaac Hales land on appeal by $150.00. This took place about the 17th of November, 1825; and one of the company gave me his note for $12.68 for his board, which is still unpaid. Even though Rose was wealthy and from the Philadelphia elite, he was still influenced by popular culture of his day which suggests the cultural context of the Endless Mountains where the Hale family lived. Headstones of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale. 39. : Sharp D. Lewis, 1830), 173. and our D&C 23-26 Come Follow Me Lesson - dontmissthisstudy.com, 10 Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Emma Smith - Called to Share, Children of Joseph Smith and Emma Smith History. Emma wanted William Marks, president of the church's central stake, to assume the church presidency, but Marks favored Sidney Rigdon for the role. Robert S. Hansen, Tioga County, Pennsylvania Extension Director, personal communication to author, March 16, 2010. Hale Farm, left of center line; Morse Farm, top right of center. . August 1830, Deed from Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, 25 August 1830, as While drains were common and the Smiths likely had one as well, had Isaac followed the plans he received from Pickering on his own home, the kitchen could have had clean water coming in and out with ease. 260. Debates about who should be Joseph's successor as the leader of the church also involved Emma. . After these occurrences, young Smith made several visits at my house, and at length asked my consent to his marrying my daughter Emma. Elizabeth Wasson moved with her husband to nearby Colesville in late 1829. poor Backsliden Lanesboro is left to mourn her barrenness and Distance from her Duty and privilege.286 The call of better opportunities elsewhere continued to draw the Hale family out of the valley until Alva Hale was the only child of Isaac and Elizabeth who still lived near them. MarkL. Staker, A Comfort unto My Servant, Joseph: Emma Hale Smith (18041879), in RichardE. TurleyJr. and BrittanyA. Chapman,eds., Women of Faith in the Latter Days, Volume One, 17751820 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 345,349. He married Elizabeth Lewis on September 20, 1790, two months before her twenty-third birthday.91 Isaac and Elizabeth Hale took Nathaniel and Sarah Lewis, along with Sarahs mother and her eight-year-old sister, Lurena Cole, and quickly left for Pennsylvania since they would travel over two hundred miles to their new home barely ahead of the winter weather using a small, single ox drawn cart to carry all their goods with those of the family members that accompanied them.92 When the Hale and Lewis families arrived in the Susquehanna Valley, winter had already arrived and the struggle for survival began. Whaley,History of the Township of Mount Pleasant,1012, and Appendix VI, argued Samuel Stanton built Henry drinker and John Hilborns frame homes a few miles east of the Hale family in 1789. 210. It may be that more than one house was rented during the digging process and Jeriah Mumford & Co. took over all of these houses (see below). Lurena also became a popular name with future generations of the family. 53. The scenery!5. The wealthy family lived on a 90-acre farm in the Susquehanna River Valley, where Isaac shipped meat and other merchandise downriver to Philadelphia and Baltimore. She became a physical witness of the plates, reporting that she felt them through a cloth, traced the pages through the cloth with her fingers, heard the metallic sound they made as she moved them, and felt their weight. Before James Westfall purchased the large William Smith tract, it served as alocal landmark with its three ancient apple trees near what were believed to be traces of an Indian village.264 After Westfall purchased the property from Smith, it did not have the apple trees; but, according to Blackman, he still found on it the poles of the wigwams and several pits containing charred corn and an immense quantity of clippings, showing that arrow-heads were manufactured here on a large scale.265 George Catlin interviewed a Native American man while producing his famous paintings, and the man told Catlin his family had to leave the region when he was a young man and they could not take everything with them. Hartley later collected and recounted in great detail rules for correspondence during courting. After Joseph and Emma Hale Smiths marriage, they returned to the neighborhood that became for them a significant place in their familys timeline. Enoch Mudge,The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book(Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818), vii; Adam Clarke, the theologian to which many Methodist clergymen, including Emmas uncle Nathaniel Lewis, looked for insight into the scriptures, interpreted the Elect Lady mentioned in the Second Epistle of John (2 John 15) as an eminent Christian matron . The oldest sons of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale were mature when the family finished their frame home, and they may have preferred their independence staying in the log home where they had grown up. The sons likely visited their fathers grave at some later point and replaced the original Hale and Lewis marker since a nicely carved 1820s headstone with a weeping willow and well-carved lettering now marks the grave.165, A religious transformation in the Hale family followed the death of Tim Pickering; and a transformation in the Hale home and land followed their religious transformation. [1]:7 Hiding the plates in his coat, he descended down the hill after many hours, and instead of taking them home, Joseph hid the plates. . : N.p., 1955), 86. 212. A mob of about 200 armed men stormed the jail in the late afternoon of June 27, 1844, and both Joseph and his brother Hyrum were killed. To read the extensive article on the Hale family and the historical setting of their Susquehanna River Valley dwellings, see, Isaac and Elizabeth Hale in Their Endless Mountain Home,Mormon Historical Studiesvol. He married Elizabeth Lewis. Davis, Lewises Who Served Their Country, 117. Since Elizabeth died in 1842, Blackmans date would put her initial conversion at 1792 when William Colbert took Methodism to upper Pennsylvania but not the Susquehanna Valley. Photographs of these headstones are in the authors collection. Gehiel (Hiel) Lewis, a younger nephew of the Hales, wrote of Isaac, he was converted [to Methodism] under the ministry of Rev. 119. This area of Harmony Township was originally known as Lanes Mills, but was known as Lanesville during the 1820s, and in 1829 became Lanesboro, the name it still holds today. While in 1820 this may have principally been Isaac Hales meat trading in major commercial markets in the southern part of the state, it may have also been an early indication of David Hales store operation, 1820 U.S. Census, Harmony, Pennsylvania. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,34, called it valley of the Susquehanna. And, Chaffee noted of Nathaniel Lewis that the place where he lived was called Susquehanna, Amasa Franklin Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church(New York: Eaton & Mains, 1904), 720. Text Size:general jonathan krantz hoi4 remove general traits. But an examination of overall land values suggests a modest drop in value between 18601861 from $600 to $575 which may indicate the removal of a rear kitchen or other modest structure on the property. 98. Blackman notes the pits and places them on the William Smith property, but she never followed the property through the Westfall family to Jacob I. Skinner for her readers, but simply identified the property as Skinner land when she drew her maps of the digging sites. See Land Survey, R. H. Rose Survey Map, Bound Ledger, Rose Family Papers, Binghamton University Libraries Special Collections, Binghamton, New York. The drought and frost forced some local residents to walk for days trying to find enough food to feed their families.120 During the following summer of 1801, freezing temperatures and biting frosts again killed crops on July 26, August 5, August 25, and September 1213. (Isaac divided up a farm he had sold to his son Jesse and sold the northern rocky portion to Morse and the southern arable portion to his son-in-law Joseph Smith); but Morse may have planted Indian corn somewhere else more susceptible to mountain shade, such as Isaacs island in the middle of the river, which Morse plowed late in the season on July 11 and 13, 1828. This conclusion is supported by a shift in the tax record on December 31, 1823, when David was taxed for one house and his fathers assessment dropped from two houses to one.254 Davids financial ledger from the period also indicates his store was on or near his fathers property by 1824, and the log home is the only candidate for both a residence and store.255, George Peck wrote notes on each sermon he delivered at Isaac Hales, he recalled he preached at . Susquehanna County Deeds, History, 18381856, volume F-1 [1 May 18448 August 1844], History, circa June 1839circa When Joseph Smith arrived at the Hale farm in the fall of 1825, he found a family living in fashionable comfort incorporating in their lives American ideals of refinement and sophistication. It was built during a time of spiritual renewal for the Hale family, and it had become an outward sign for them of what they were hoping to develop described as an inward grace.14 Joseph first met Isaac and Elizabeth Hales third daughter in their comfortable home. But the details of this courtship are not known. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 721. It is likely he drew his information from the notes of Vesta Pierce Crawford, who interviewed descendants of Emma Hale in the 1950s but likewise did not document her sources well. 316. 1771, to live with maternal grandfather, Arah Ward. (Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle & Co., 1869), 33; and, Lewis Family files, Susquehanna County Historical Society Archives, Montrose, Pennsylvania. Together they weathered the financial collapse and threats against Josephs life in Kirtland, Ohio; the persecution of Church members in Missouri; and the separation imposed by Josephs imprisonment in Liberty Jail. I don't know how nine children fit in that little house. [18] The revelation also says that Emma would "be ordained under [Joseph's] hand to expound scriptures, and to exhort the church", and authorizes Emma to "make a selection of sacred Hymns" for the church. Father of Jesse Hale , David Hale , Alva Hale , Elizabeth Hale , Isaac Ward Hale and Emma (Hale) Bidamon. . The lack of a legal will placed both the Church and Emmas family in uncertain financial conditions. There would not be a gristmill within twenty miles for another two decades and the family likely ate little grain themselves. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 311. Melissa A. Tiffany, Diary, 1854, Susquehanna County Historical Society, mentioned attending one tea party; Julietta Stevens, Journal, April 1848April 1853, mentioned attending parties, having boys call for dinner, and visitors over, but did not mention tea. But the Hale family was never issued a tavern license. I have not been able to confirm this purchase in the land deed records. 289. Marjorie Catlin Roehm,The Letters of George Catlin and His Family: A Chronicle of the American West(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966), 810. 42. Department. [11] The texts borrowed from Protestant groups were often changed slightly to reinforce the theology of the early church. The artifact scatter suggests a door in the log home faced east toward the work yard and toward a rock-lined well that still exists near the seasonal brook. The younger Pickering, a Harvard graduate like his father, resigned his navy commission on May 2, 1801, left Massachusetts on the stagecoach one week later, and eventually walked from the end of the turnpike, through Pennsylvanias mountains into the Susquehanna Valley and to his fathers land. having long smooth black hair, large clear brown eyes, nose rendered slightly roman by some accident in youth, mouth denoting firmness and decision of character. Isaac Hales assessment was not crossed out and lowered with the others, perhaps because his was considered a larger commercial like operation. But in her sons eyes she managed to die a good Christian death as was expected at the time. In it you will find the words of eternal life.290 Isaac died and was interred below the garden on his farm. Catlin,Life among the Indians,4548. 69. But he was more interested in preparing formal, well-polished sermons than in getting out to serve the poor or minister to his community. Hamilton divided her land into affordable lots and sold them to new settlers which increased the population of the valley. Zenanah Gilbert, Diary, September 2, 1810, Special Collections, Dickinson College. Blackman noted Elizabeth Hale was for fifty years a consistent member of the Methodist church (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103). Charles Hatchs 18281829 tavern was evidently a log structure and likely related to the log tavern Sylvanus Hatch in neighboring Great Bend Township. However, since Drinker was himself a Quaker, it is likely that the name reflected the sentiments of both owner and agent. History Department. Stone hoe used by Onandaga women to grow corn, found on Hale Farm. 252. Whether it was Isaacs first choice of occupation, or one of convenience, he was a great hunter, and made his living principally by procuring game.125 Because the valley had been a Native American hunting ground, Isaac Hales occupation put him in direct competition with the Indian villages in the region. After they had arrived at Palmyra N.Y., Emma wrote to me enquiring whether she could take her property, consisting of clothing, furniture, cows, &c. I replied that her property was safe, and at her disposal. She later wrote in an interview with her son, Joseph Smith III: "In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by him, he sitting with his face buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and dictating hour after hour with nothing between us. For additional documentation of the Hale and Wallace wedding, see Marriage Record of Antha Hale and Joseph Wallace, Enfield, Connecticut Town Records, 16821854, Enfield, Connecticut, June 23, 1789; Francis Olcott Allen,The History of Enfield, Connecticut(Lancaster, Pa.: The Wickersham Printing Co., 1900), 2:1786. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,95. 15, no. The term South Sea man applied to all men who lived the southerly part of Barnstable, Massachusetts (on Cape Cod). Jane C. Nylander,Our Own Snug Fireside: Images of the New England Home, 17601860(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), 5465. Born on July 10, 1804, in Willingsborough (later Harmony), Pennsylvania, Emma Hale was the seventh of nine children of Isaac and Elizabeth Lewis Hale. Wells Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 17322005, Wells, Vermont, Family Search, accessed 2008,http://FamilySearch.org. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,11617. The following year, when Isaac Hale and John Hilborn were assessors, the Hale sugar house was dropped from the assessment and Isaac was taxed for 300 pounds of sugarsignificantly more than any other individual in the township. : Warren F. Draper, 1883), 63, 344; F.A. 24, May 15, 1829: 3; George W. Lane Marries C. Winters,Register and Northern Farmer, September 8, 1842. 150. David rented the entire James Westfall property in 1825 and thus controlled the potential silver mine on the Westfall farm.258 The Westfall family continued to pay the tax for the James Westfall home indicating someone, likely the Widow Westfall, continued to live there. Collection of the LDS Church History Department. George Ruper owned their land only briefly after he acquired it from Pennsylvania. Mark Lyman Staker serves as a Senior Researcher in the Church History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has beeninvolved in historic sites restoration for more than fifteen years. While helping Josiah Stowell look for the rumored Spanish silver, Joseph Smith Jr. took lodging on the rocky farmstead of the Hale familyan unproductive lot running from the riverbank north to Oquago Road above the floodplain. He specifically mentioned in court testimony that one of his neighbors particularly liked his sugar. hmrc tax refund cheque. John Lewis eventually moved to Harmony Township, New York, where he became a Methodist Elder, preacher, and a judge in the county, and his son later served as a member of congress. Although Emily Blackman dates construction of the first Pickering home to 1800 (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,95), Timothy Pickering noted in a letter to one of his sons that it was built in 1801. Davids brother Jesse Hale moved across the river to a new home downstream by his sawmill, and in 1825 Jesse paid a tax for both of his homes as occupied structures. Although Dubois recalled that her masters large new frame house was the first frame building in the area, she must not have noticed others in the region, since a few settlers had already begun to replace their log structures by the beginning of the nineteenth century. The scenery, sir! Robert H. Rose, one of the valleys land developers, sought to attract immigrants from throughout New England and advertised in England and Germany, praising the wheat growing capabilities of the valley in newspaper advertisements. . Isaac Hale 1763 - 1839 . Meat, in fact, became the major form of currency in the region; when Isaac Hale and Nathaniel Lewis first settled the valley, they exchanged meat for help on their farms, and it became the custom to give cattle, or truck, as payment for work.124 During those early settlement years, Isaac Hale could easily have been a model for Nathaniel (Natty) Bumppo, the Leatherstocking in James Fenimore Coopers novel The Pioneers: or, The Sources of the Susquehanna, which reflected a larger than life heroic hunter dressed in buckskin with Indians as his closest friends. Done to destroy her husbands rod. Isaac apparently rented out his log home to these groups of men to make some money, and he may have even briefly been a little deluded in involving himself in their search for buried relics and money.269 Since his son David was renting the Westfall property and involved in later contract arrangements, it is likely David was also involved for a time. It drew from the King James Bibles phrasing of a blessing given by Jacob to his son Joseph promising him blessings unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills (Genesis 49:26). He covered the meat with locally gathered salt to keep it from spoiling, holding it into place by heavy stones until snow covered the ground, and he could drag the meat filled troughs through the woods over the snow. As "protecting the morals of the community" became her mission, Smith supported the public confession of sins; on this subject, Smith called the women of Nauvoo to repentance with "all the frankness of a Methodist exhorter. 94. This hard winter preceded a severe drought the following spring and on June 6, 1800, a frost hit the county that killed most crops.
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