Good luck! Also, throughout these two months I have had an increase in discharge, but no period or spotting apart from these two moments. I have been sick for the first time in about 3 years (about two days after what would be fertilization) which is a symptom. Create an account or log in to participate. whats your best advise to me. Tuesday nothing. My period is supposed to start Tuesday, Friday night I noticed some light brown blood but had been drinking and didnt even consider that usually my blood is bright red and heavy. Reply 20+ Similar Discussions Found Oldest First g gonnabeamommyin2016 Jan 19, 2019 at 5:09 AM Anyone? Early bleeding within 4-5 days after intercourse likely has a different origin. A blood test wont even count you as pregnant until your levels hit 25. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. My last period was Feb 4,2022. On the 13th of February had half day of light pinkish watery discharge and food cravings. Tonight I went to the bathroom and I have light pink blood that was watery and wanted to know if thats implantation blood, Did you find out if you were pregnant same thing happened to me. Not only is baby growing, but he or she is journeying down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. I also had a very light period the previous month which was also worrying. The vaginal wall doesnt come off like during the period. It could show up as one spot on your underwear or the bleeding could last a few days. Implantation bleeding can happen between 7-12 days after ovulation. Can you kindly assist. (I feel like Im having twins; too!) If the bleeding is accompanied by potential early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, nausea/vomiting, and frequent urination, a pregnancy test would be indicated to solve the dilemma." It also seems to be easing up now. I would suggest keeping track of all your symptoms and the dates, just like youve done here, and make an appointment with your OBGYN to go over them in detail. It could be implantation bleeding since I am having cramps again and my back is killing me! Blood changes its color as it gets old. It has been 2 weeks since. If you see it immediately as it comes out of the vagina, it will be like normal blood. The nausea and food aversion is just horrible! No one should be surprised at the idea of life springing from it. Hello, I was met to see my period on the 6th of May but I didnt see it. Why on earth would you think its hormonally safe to take plan B every time after intercourse? Yesterday I noticed light pink spotting with some clotting and mucus. There is no need to call a healthcare provider for light spotting and mild cramping before or at the time of the womans normal period. My spotting were a pinky colour and only lasted for one day. Any thoughts? Taking a hpt next week. i am actually having the same too, I had been Spotting 5days ago till now and Im not sure if its implantatjon bleeding. I imagine it's just AF on her way.but thought I'd see if anyone had anything different to say for a spark of hope! "For most women, it's usually much lighter than a period," says . Is this normal? Found your page through google search: spotting at 14dpo. Can implantation bleeding be bright red, pink, or brown? If you recently discovered you are pregnant, congratulations from all of us! The flow comes and goes. I usually have my period on the 7th of each month. AF was supposed to come on 27th Apr but it didnt. Given my age I cannot imagine that I am PG age 53. Dont know what this could be ? Went to doc and tested BFN again. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Hello, been ttc for about 2 1/2 years now with pcos. My cycle normally 25/26 day cycle, I got my period last month on time but this month its 4 days late and now Im spotting could I be pregnant. Unfortunately, I cant provide any definitive answers, but I can say that you can not cause a miscarriage through having intercourse. I took a pregnancy test as soon as I left and lo and behold, it was positive! I had my period September 9 14 then again September 20-23 I do believe I had gotten a false positive using these tests the first time. Implantation happens about a week after ovulation with a range of 6-12 days. Im really confused and worried. It is likely to be longer for first time mothers and shorter for mothers whose bodies have had children before and are used to implanting. Im experiencing this right now! sometimes its just a tiny bit sometimes more but just when I wipe, nothing on the liner. I was also charting BBT closely, so when my temp the next morning showed enough consistent elevation to count as a possible tri-phasic rise, I took a pregnancy test and sure enough! Hi. Ill try to comment when I find out, I just wanted to say that there are plenty of women that have successful pregnancies whilst taking medication. I took a test yesterday because i had been feeling so weird. The pee color is a pink color. And it was a full-heavy period, How regular was it heavy with clots and still found out she pregnant. I was going to test again this morning. And, I have very white, discharge. Otherwise, you can always wait two weeks and take a pregnancy test! Earlier a condition called Erythroblastosis fetalis killed many babies. A couple Mama Natural readers shared implantation bleeding photos to help you spot the difference between implantation and the onset of your period. But Im bleeding more today. could that be implantation bleeding, Oh and I forgot to ask now that Im having a bit of light bleeding when is there a good time to take a pregnancy test. If you have experienced implantation bleeding, we want to hear from you. I hope I am pregnant and is not another ectopic pregnancy, I lost one tube 5 years ago. The blood may look orange, pink, or brown. Do I need to see a doctor or am I over reacting? Implantation bleeding is usually super-light spotting. NO PERIOD. But, since I had my cycle, I never thought I would be pregnant. Thanks for replying! Ive read everywhere that implantation bleeding doesnt happen until 5 days later so Im confused and worried. I basically thought I had a miscarriage and was devastated for hours. Hes too excited. I havent tested in about 4 days but when I did before it was negative. Had my period December 29th to January 4th had sex the 31st and 1st no condom I was still on my period. Maybe you should not be having Intercourse outside of marriage if its worrying you and stressing you out. Menstrual blood is usually bright red or dark red, but implantation bleeding tends to be a light pink, brown, or rust discharge. I had headaches for 3 days in a row prior bleeding discharge. I am currently 10dp iui . But this bleeding will not soak pads. You are not alone!! Were you ok? An article I read stated that sex can lead to uterine contractions which can dislodge the embryo from implanting. I know these could be pms symptoms but I usually dont experience pms until a couple days before. Just trying to cover my bases as far as what the cause of this could be. Meanwhile her period is supposed to arrive 15 or so days after we had sex, Were ttc for 10 yrs coz were working on diff country now were together for 4 months now i drink clomid on june july then stop then now sept we do the necessary bd before ovulation n on ovulation day 17 now my cd26 we have sex then after i hav spotting then after i wipes its nothing is it ib or just early af im 30 day cycle im 5 days before af comes. I recently realized Ive been experiencing ovulation spotting but now its a week before my period is due and Im experiencing light pinkish red bleeding. My period was December 31-January 4. It is now another 3 days later and I am still experiencing cramping and sometimes spotting which is Bright red. I had sex with my boyfriend on Dec. 27th with protection, yet for some reason I am so scared and anxious worrying that I might be pregnant. It is possible! A couple days earlier I found light brown discharge. So now I guess Ill see how long this spotting/period/bleeding/whatever you want to call it, lasts. So Im just a bit confused. I started spotting on 9th November and my period were due on 19th of this month(November) but Im 6 days late. They said everything appears fine, and my labs were all good. I was only put on pelvic rest and told to live my life but became one of the 2% it doesnt work out for. I dont think those were false positives but maybe a chemical pregnancy. I cuz kinda experiencing same thing. Hey, I had unprotected sex Feb 5th and I figured it was okay because my last period was January 8th meaning my ovulation period was set to be January 21-28 or at least thats what my app says. We have same scenario, i got that speckle of a dark clot, though we are expecting that i am experiencing implantation bleeding, it is my first time to concieve. If anyon has also had a similar experience please reach our. Now nothing. We have been trying for 2 months. Please, Please get a doctor! But my husband hasnt had the best luck with a high sperm count. You need to keep a check on the number of pads used. What happened after this? Hi, had been TTC for about 4 months and my period is always on time. Ovulation date 13 17 of Sept. Had sex on the 17th and the 11th. What if I dont have implantation bleeding? complete answer on, View Whenever you have concerns that are health related, its always best to contact your medical provider. To prepare, the uterine lining gets thick, spongy, and vascular to make it an ideal cushion for a potential, burrowing blastocyst. My cm was still very much like I was fertile clear up until August 3rd, which is when my hubby and I had unprotected sex. But its started out as reddish brown, then red, now its back to clear/brown/water like. Ive always been 28 day cycle. My period has always been sporadic, sometimes it doesnt come for months. My brain is in panic mode. 6-7 weeks with light spotting, especially when I wipe. Why am I bleeding? This is happening a few days before I was supposed to start my period. And my exspected period id the 16 of this month of September. And good luck for this month . I did a test again on 9th May which was still BFN. But I just need some reassurance cause Im so confused. I started bleeding about 12 days earlier than when my period is supposed to start and approximately 11 to 19 days after the date of possible conception. And sick. If the sperms are present in the tubes during the 24-hour lifespan of the egg after ovulation, then fertilization can occur.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pregnanteve_com-box-4','ezslot_3',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pregnanteve_com-box-4-0'); A healthy fertile woman has a fertile window of about five days. Its a good one MA. (Please read below for more details). For the past 2wks ive had cramps just about daily a couple times throughout my day, nausea on and off, headaches, VERY fatigue, i catch myself taking more frequent naps, Im emotional, Ive had a weird craving for sweets or chocolate, and recently sore breasts.Today I witnessed for the first time, very light spotting, I know this might be TMI but when I wipe and sort of push in the opening a bit is when I see the spotting. Hoping to get a positive result. It was a light pink creamy texture. I had my period from June 25th-29th. Can someone please help to ease my mind on what is going on, Same thing is happening to me, still waiting to take a pregnancy test. One of the side effects of the pill is heavy bleeding and irregular spotting. Symptom #2: Flow "Some people experience implantation bleeding as heavy as the first day of their menstrual cycle, but it typically only lasts a couple of days," says Jay M. Berman, M.D., FACOG . Since 7 to 11 February i got my last period then i have done a pregnancy test on 14 April. I didnt have implantation bleeding with my first and only one. OMG Im also experiencing the same thing I dont know if am pregnant or not Bleeding is accompanied by pelvic, abdominal, and/or shoulder pain. I just wish I could relax and not stress about all of this right now Im 19 and want to be child free until I can get my life settled down. Im confused. Now we are sadly mourning the loss of that precious early life, whilst -and this is what feels right for US, preparing to conceive another. Implantation bleeding usually should not be bright red. This is the first time ever going through this, Are you okay? A couple days later I spoke to my Doctor who spoke about something called Early Embryonic Demise, where the Egg is Fertilized, but due to severe chromosomal deficiency, is unable to successfully produce an embryo. then I started what seems like a period six days after the spotting on March 29th but my period is due on April 4th so I am six days early. My husband and I just started trying. On day 4 of my period it suddenly occurred to me that this was the lightest, brownest, shortest period I had ever had in my life. I supposed to have my period on March 4-9, it also means implantation bleeding? However, it was lighter than usual (moderate to light) and no PMS symptoms, just tender breasts, which was not usual. Or use condoms!! Im not supposed to start for another 12 days. Strength of flow. We will never forget that we made that life, and will always be thankful for that short time that we know it was there. How long does implantation bleeding last? Please help me. A little snappy/moody. Im resigned to the fact this now isnt the month ? same just happened to me went on for 3 days when can i take a pregnancy test, Did you guys ever find out if you guys were pregnant? Im getting mega anxiety, so I just lost my virginity the night before last. Im feeling bloated. Though today marks it 6th day of having d intercourse. And have to admit after the vac lately my cycle has changed. Usually on 1st ad 2nd day of AF I have to wear super tampons and change every 4 hours. My tubes were clipped after my last child. I been irregular for years I finally got a period after a year I was on it for 3 weeks & I had unprotected sex 2 times im supposed to start my period in the beginning of the month if it was to be regular but it was just light pink & i have started I took 2 test & im not sure if I see a faint line or not is it possible i can be pregnant? I'm so scared to test and be disappointed. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Whatever stage youre at, trust your instincts, do your research and communicate with your partner and trusted Doctors . It can be because you are having breakout bleeding which occurs near the due date of the period in pregnant women. Could this be implantation without bleeding or am I just over thinking ? Someone pls help, I have been trying to conceive for about 6 months now and Im not sure if the things Im experiencing are just in my head Or something else entirely I had my. I had unprotected sex about 5 days ago which was the day my period was ending so I think Im in the clear from getting pregnant. Another point to remember is that you must never insert a tampon into the vagina during implantation bleeding. I also had a ectopic pregnancy and lost my tube :(. Now yesterday I woke up at 10 am and I went to use the bathroom and blood came out it was red. The blood from implantation is more of a pinkish or brown color, rather than a bright red some women normally see during a period. My head is driving me crazy though and making me worry that maybe just MAYBE my period was implantation bleeding. I dont seem to have any other symptoms currently of early pregnancy (besides being nauseous and tired because Ive been sick). Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. I'm racking my brain with possible symptom spotting. Sorry you had to experience such. There is a small possibility but typically your egg will drop around 2 weeks after your period. Possibly a miscarriage instead? I hope you get this figured out very soon! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. My doctor sent me to get 2 blood tests done 2 days apart, the first blood work came back with HCG level >2. Due now in about two weeks. Heavy implantation bleeding occurs mainly because of something wrong with the initial implantation. So according to my last ovulation I should be 4 weeks 5 days. I would suggest waiting until you know this period is late and testing then. I had another ultrasound and the baby was doing just fine I share this because there has been nowhere that I have found that says these symptoms are normal and I want to put this out there, just in case in mom-to-be may experience any of these agonizing non-normal symptoms that cause concern/anxiety like it did for me. I had unprotected sex on December 19, a month from today. I would have now been 13dpo but I carried on doing my opks to test my cycle and the last 3 mornings they've been pretty dark. Dont know how to feel at this point. Even on a blood test anything below a 5 is considered a negative and 10 is borderline. Can implantation bleeding be bright red? If you continue to get bright red blood, then you may be having your period. An impending miscarriage can also cause bright red spotting. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. My lat period was on 18 of October and my cycle is 27 days. Implantation bleeding doesn't look bright red or have clots. Am I experiencing implantation bleeding? It could be! I just experienced light bleeding and Im a month in on ttc after my birth control implant removal and right after I discovered my light bleed I started to cramp and I hope Im not thinking this into existence ? I took a pregnancy test this morning and was positive, the kine was faint but noticeable. Does this mean Im having a miscarriage? Good luck! I would wait until you have missed your period before testing to ensure the highest concentration of pregnancy hormone possible. Am i just late or is this implantation bleeding? What Is Implantation Bleeding? Im worried that it could be coming down to a miscarriage Shes almost 6 yrs. On the 17th it wasnt as noticeable but now being 2 days later May 20th i still see a tent of brown when i wipe. Beth, hi. Hi, Ive been trying to conceive. My cycles are pretty regular, off by 1 or 2 days but thats it. Bleeding in the first trimester might have nothing to do with your pregnancy at all. Hemoglobin in an oxygenated state is red. I had my tubes tied at the end of January. All fields are required *. Learn more about. Hello all, little TMI fyi Hi everyone, I need some advice. Implantation ble e ding is light bleeding that sometimes occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself in your uterine lining. According to the ACOG, only about 25 percent of women experience the phenomenon of implantation bleeding. Bleeding and spotting can happen for a variety of reasons! Bright red implantation bleeding is a sign that the blood flow is continuous. My cycle was 16 days lat and as of today I have been spotting for 15 days. Could this possibly be implantation? Its been about 2 weeks and Im spotting.. not sure if its the plan b that caused it or implantation? i really dont want to go to the doctor i got a lot of medical bills from my last 2 miscarriage. And I havent taken a pregnancy test just yet in fear of not being pregnant. My period date was 20 January but i had my periods today morning. Im seriously hoping this is just my body dealing with not being on hormonal BC anymore, and its just PMS that I havent had for a while. What are the two types of qualitative variables? I had unprotected sex on the 7th of October and my period ended 5 days before that and i ovulated on the 16th. The date of sexual activity is last day of menses. I am really confused my periods are always irregular and my age is 35 . We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Ive complications with my mood disorder & due to this was going though meds that were not very safe for pregnancy. I had to have an emergency D & C. I have been nervous about getting pregnant again since Im considers high risk (advanced maternal age). Yet, today (Sunday) I started spotting pink and I have some cramps and mood swings. And yesterday I started having some light cramping and I noticed I had some light brown and tanish spotting. hi, i had my last period from July 20th through the 25th i do believe .. i was sexually active August 1 and now my period is a day or 2 late and im only spotting , should i take a test or is my period about to start? Lots of mamas have had similar experiencesand worry and anxiety is perfectly valid feeling in this situation. When couples start trying to conceive, they can be like hound dogs looking for an early sign of pregnant. Now we have been ttc #2 for 4 months. Color. Keep up that spirit. Did you experience cramps down towards your thigh area along with back and lower abdomen? In april 2021 i had a terrible period, went to the hospital they said UTI, this month May 2021 i started my period April 29, 2021 and its the longest most painful period ive had. In less than 24 hours i stopped bleeding what do i do.? I want it to be. I feel like im having symptoms but i could just be siking myself out.. Clotting. Im a pretty light bleeder as it is, but I put on pantiliner yesterday & it seemed even lighter than usual. Nothing for 2 days. My husband and I had sex on 15th of this month, period was supposed to come on 20th. Its too early for implantation. Pregnant? I later got a UTI on August 5 and then diarrhea for two days after that. Everything I read says implantation bleeding is never bright red.only brown red if anything. Good luck! Goodevening Beth, i am a 27days interval for period, I got my period on the 24th of June which lasted 5days, I have intercourse on 2rd of July unprotected though we used withdrawal method, then on the 3rd of July I saw a very clear slippery discharge, then no discharge again, I dont even see my ovulation again nothing..but since 4th of July 2days after am feeling really tired, very high temperature, mild cramping, frequent urination, flash of severe head ache, feel pain on my buttocks, bloating but not vomiting, always very hungry like asif am gonna die if I dnt put food but no breadt tenderness or pain, it only feels like asif the my normal large nipple got smaller, d breast added a bit, am my mind keeps telling me am pregnant..the cramping keeps coming and going and feels like asif the period wants to drop but am like 12days away from getting my next period? and now its Wednesday should I test or just wait it out? Or am I just getting my period:(. The bleeding/spotting as a result of implantation usually occurs about a week before your period is due to begin (or 9 days after ovulation). This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. The parents genetic material fuses together to create an embryo with its own unique DNA. But its hard to say for sure until you take a test. I started spotting on cycle day 19 and am still spotting , one day it is really light the next a darker red, no heavy flow or clots. That lasted 2 days. I had intercourse on the 19th and on the 23th I experienced what was like implantation bleeding and this is before ovulation.. Could that be the case to? maybe our periods are late because of other reasons. then i did home urine pregnancy test on 24th July at night 9.30 pm which came as negative and then no symptoms just pain in lower abdomen and back . so that youll know if you may be pregnant, or may have something else going on. i am experiencing cramping in the lower center of my abdomen and my lower back on the left side. Ive never seen it somewhat bloody with discharge so I dont really what it means? We are trying to have a baby though so it would be nice if I was! Got first response the next day and my line has progressively getting darker. Could i be pregnant. B BriannaCalhoun2017 It does have a sense of flow about it but not as heavy as my normal period. 10 weeks here. In this post, well tell you everything you need to know about implantation bleeding (with photos!) So I inserted a tampons thinking I was going to start my period. This is our first month trying. This is happening to me too, I am so scared. Yesterday I had creamy white discharge and today I am spotting. This hormone prevents menstruation and causes the secretion of cervical mucus that forms a mucus plug. Wait until youve missed your period to take a test! Rarely, bright red bleeding may be a sign of cervical cancer. It is (Implantation bleeding) is not a heavy flow and period is a heavy flow initially. Hello..mam please replyI had sex with my wife on April 30that is her last day of periods.we had an protected sex using condom and also next day eveng before 24 hours she took un wanted pill.after 10ays i.e, on may 10 she started bledding for 8 days upto may 17..and after 33 days,from June 20 to June 26 she had bleeded in brown color.the bledding in these six dasy is very small she pregnant. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Ive been feeling super exhausted and just laying around like Im hibernating my appetite has Def picked up (Im hungry now) Ive been cramping this whole time and havent even started ovulating yet I can taste batteries no matter what I eat and my mouth keeps getting watery and I get nauseous and lets not even discuss the dizziness/ light-headedness. Youre just going to have a wait a couple extra days. My period is due on the 1st and is always on time. I just had my baby ? we recently had sex last night, July 29th, and I was already 3 days late. Basically Im on clomid been trying to conceive for a while now this is my 5th month on clomid, Ive ovulated 4 times just havent conceived. Yesterday i started to notice some light pink blood when i wiped. My period is regular and it regularly last for 5 to 7 days. Exactly one year ago (a week before my 49th birthday) I had a loss at 9 weeks, MMC. Exactly on time. No big clots came out. It depends on the time you check it. You should call a healthcare provider if: Remember: Many women experience light spotting throughout the first trimester to no negative effect. You will need an immunoglobulin suppressive injection. I have the essure and a lot of people had got pregnant on it know I had my period at the beginning of this month and it lasted 1 day and now Im bleeding again. Was supposed to get my period yesterday and for the last 2 weeks I had mild cramps that would come and go and Ive been peeing like a racehorse for 2 weeks. Id be a first time mother and very in tuned with my body. Did you miss your period after the spotting you had?? Its still not a normal pregnancy issue but is more common then you think. For this reason, it is important to differentiate implantation bleeding from a typical first day menstrual cycle by color, consistency, and intensity. The texture can vary, but it shouldn't be overly thick. Thanks alot. If you have other symptoms like shortness of breath and bright red blood period or miscarriage confusion, tell your doctor. Im afraid Im having an ectopic pregnancy. No back cramping, just frontal. Im so confusedpeople say that the bleeding is obvious but Im seeing like literally a couple brown spots in my underwear and its nothing big or even medium, is that still considered implantation bleeding because Im having like all of the other pregnancy symptoms that one is just throwing me off and it is right before my period and Im not wasting money on a pregnancy test for it to come back negative. Hi, I had sex on the 5th of February, my last two cycles where 32 days, flo app says Ill get my period 23rd of February which 30 days , but I got it on 27th which is 33 days, now the following cycle came just 26days(march 25th) later, at first the cramps was much and the pad was filled but when I changed pad the pad didnt fill up again, just watery blood with clots, could this be irregular period or implantation Im really confused. This kind of thing was common for me in my early-mid thirties. After that when I would wipe there small specks of the dark brown clots. But Ive still been trying to get pregnant. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Experiencing something similar over here! Sadly, Im not your doctor and cannot help you with this. Im only 4-5 days in and Ive noticed a light pinkish/brownish discharge. The window starts from 3 days before ovulation to one day after it. Back in December 2020 on the 16 and 17 was my last menzies and had spotting until the 20 of that month. I am 8 months postpartum with my 3rd son. Okay guys I need some help so my last period was about 6 days ago and me and my hubby have been trying on the days where I ovulate and yesterday was my highest chance of getting pregnant but last night I had some cramps start up and this morning some light spotting thats a brownish pink and there hasnt been enough for a pad ir tampon and days before that I was having a ton of hot flashes and feeling like throwing up and really light headed and having bad headaches and Im still having headaches and that stuff is it possible pregnancy or what. I know im being impatient but it would be a miracle if I was pregnant. I had sex on the 12th & 15th of December, 8 days later I started getting cramps that were strong enough to get me out of bed and into the restroom thinking maybe Im starting my period but I would go sit for a little while and then it would go away.
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