Yes the Homecoming Queen said nice things about Kirsten, but she was at the (top) and Kirsten liked those people. I guess Bullying Justifies Murder, the way youre putting it, Kirsten is the real Vicitm, not Bernadette. I had just got out of high school at that time from north of the bay area Yet it hit us all so close to home the horror of it seemed to change everything in a way all those years ago What brought me here is my own grief at the unsolved stabbing murder of my girlfriend And she resembled Kirsten in appearance and likely even more in personality I pray for Kirstens soul and her family What they have gone through the last 37 years the neverending nightmare it is literally Room 101 Something torn out of you removed an amputee Tortured by the phantom limb You can feel where it was what it was like to have it remember it but its gone. Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. Ive been suicidal just from being bullied. I heard they ran Several girls out not just them, they Demonized one to where she had to Leave portraying her as a Tramp over some guys. They had to leave school. Kirsten Ill admit she wasnt in favor with stupid acting people and had zero tolerance for them, (as did I). By the time theyre 23 they grow out of it completely most ususally. Kirsten loved to joke and tell funny jokes to. She just acted Odd a lot. Youre the same one I bet. So before you start judging Kirsten, first get facts. She doesnt even want any former BFFs knowing her location anymore. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. It is abundantly clear from your comments that you do not have class and were not raised to treat others with respect, you odiously sanctimonious deluded ignoramus. She slaughtered the girl. Kirsten was described mostly Vibrant and friendly by others, and so was Bernadette. You wrote in another comment , Kristen had it well deserved. She would of never Confessed but FBI got involved, and were closing in on her. One person said Missy was mean and a bully and she bullied them bad well that person and you are the same, Justifying Murder cause someone was mean, or Stuck up. Theres a reason why they changed the names for the movie because it was a fictionalized version and seemed entirely based on Bernadettes version of events and not anyone elses. Angela Delvecchio | Backyard Football Wiki | Fandom Kids can be cruel, its always been that way. Bernadette was/is just a mental case. Bernadette couldnt of been to nice, she Murdered and watched 2 girls take the blame knowing it took a toll on thier lives and Families. It was only a matter of time before she d get caught so she came forth. [3] The Costases' neighbors called an ambulance, but Kirsten was mortally wounded and died at a nearby hospital. Bernadette was afraid she would end up in the outside looking in ( which finally became the case) she took drastic measures to try and prevent it. Youre either Bernadette or her Sister, or a Close friend like Berns BFF. She must have really had a low opinion of herself!! Another DJ initials it was said she was bullied relentlessly as well. Man you all just know Kirsten a small World. as bad as she wanted her friendship. She had a slumber party on her 15 th BD we all snuck into a pool and swam, (a fun night) and to bad she didnt get to celebrate her 16th Birthday, Art and Berit planned on taking us all to a Hotel and spend the night. Or going by the Movie portrayed, Deadly Women had Kirsten as a down to Earth Girl who loved all. So she didnt like Joanna or Nancy, she isnt Obligated to, or owe them anything. Note: features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. She was, says one of the judges, a perfect cheerleader.. Angela Delvecchio's Rating . It is done and over and over 3 decades. They are Cat Mean. I do remember she was very insecure and would pick on B clearly an attempt to boost her confidence. I wouldnt have either. Theyre not looking forward to seeing her. Ok, I agree with you that Kirsten was better-looking, but you realize that Bernadette was part Italian, right? She let it be known. 5.0 Explains conditions and treatments. The movie really leaned toward Bernadette being seen by Kirsten and others as less of a person. If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial, which would have strengthened her case? Kirsten Marina Costas (July 23, 1968 June 23, 1984) was an American high school student who was murdered by her classmate Bernadette Protti in June 1984. Kirstens friends who said she was nice, well they were all in some (Clique) and stuck together and helped one another out. I was told she had no known enemies. Even if Kirsten was a Snot, she would of grown out of it long before now. You cant try a 15yr old as an adult now. Kirsten wasnt Super Rich like Melrose Place, family was well off, so was Bernadettes. Youre not getting that, let Kirsten Rest In Peace. [3] The Costases did not believe Protti's story; they asserted that nobody would use an 18-inch-long (460 mm) butcher knife to slice tomatoes and that Protti, casually dressed that evening, never intended to take Kirsten to a party but had planned to murder her. I would love to hear Bernadette being interviewed now about that tragic night in suburban Oakland. I watched the movie again (both versions) and I have to agree with Miss Kiwi. To the fellow classmates of 1986 Miramonte, so sorry if your World crumbled cause it wasnt meant to be that way, but you got to know that it was t any picnic for Bernadette as well, and if she could set time back and do all over, she would of left the situation with Kirsten alone to start with. Whoever wrote this article is not being honest. I been bullied to. She could have gotten all of her 9 years. Some say she was Stuck up, but not a Bully. Girls, women at any age can be so horrible. We lived it and lived through it, so its time to move on. Dee I dont agree with you, so Kirsten and them had you on a project assignment and they didnt include you in the circle, you ever thought maybe you gave signals you dont belong, or why didnt you ask them to allow you, people cant read minds. Her friends were all Pretty. Yes. Cant see her making fun of anyone. It stayed with me for many years, not as bad as it did, but it did for a long time. How could a teenager have been that diabolical? She just got irritated cause Bernadette lied to her and lured her out under false Circumstances, Id be annoyed and Angry to. And the sister projected her crappy life onto her younger sister because she was unhappy. Kirsten had exotic features from her full volumes curly locks to her tan skinnot to mention her eyes were also sky blue. Kirsten didnt hate anyone, (as for Dee) she didnt like the way she acted thats all. Thats a much more obvious motive. I dont think they meant any harm at all, and as for the prank calls, they were probaly only fooling around, Nancy would take it all wrong, and say things back thinking it was a personal attack my standpoint. She isnt outgoing like she use to be, I can see why, she has to watch over her head. But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. After the fight between the girls, Costas hurried away and told Mary Jane Arnold and Alex that her buddy had started acting strange. Because Costas was unable to get in touch with her parents at the foundation, Alex Arnold drove her home while keeping an eye on the Pinto that belonged to the Protti family. Not saying Kirsten and Missy were Saints, but we all Bully and been Bullied. Randall admitted that he felt no sympathy for Kirsten and that is clearly evident in the movie as he deliberately portrayed Kirstens character as an insufferable, unlikable bully bitch in order for Bernadettes character to come across as sympathetic as possible because he identified with her. She was released the following year. Angela Delvecchio is an Italian-American character in the Backyard Sports series. This poor girl never got to grow up and experience life all because some horrible, disturbed girl murdered her. Every School has kids people dont like! I hope she prays from the bottom of her heart, because the pain she caused the Costas well, she will have to pray forever!!! Kirsten didnt like people who acted (Dumb) or got into trouble and cause trouble. I dont see how Kirsten was worse than any teenage girl. When Angela cleans off the knife with which she stabbed Stacy, she does so by running it under water and wiping it with a towel, leaving both her and Stacy's DNA all over it, the towel and in the drain. Same for Bernadette, but she had to make this choice that will change her life. And for the love of Pete, its would HAVE, should HAVE, and could HAVE. Wish someone who knew facts would tell us about the real events leading up to Kirstens death. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. Bernadette was sweet, cant imagine her even capable of something like Murder, but she was. I hear Bernadette dont want anything to do with anyone from her past at all now. Anyone still get on these sites? this is one reason that I really have a hard time with lifetime movies. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. She and her friends were mostly ( stuck up) and self absorbed, She wasnt typically a bully just more snooty, at least thats how she appeared to me. She lured Kirsten out of her house under false pretences to the non existent sorority dinner and then drove Kirsten to an empty car-park at night. It doesnt sound as if Kirsten bullied Bernadette, other than the one comment about her ski gear. Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. I know some fragile ppl, and theyd kill themselves before someone else. She and one of her good friends practiced all the time. A grown woman from England pretending to be someone who knew Bernadette, Kirsten, or Kirstens brother. Not saying she was an Angel, Im sure she said something to hurt Someones feelings, who hasnt! Your email address will not be published. She just didnt think at the time and it cost a lot of people lots of problems. My god you women are something else. None of those Orinda kids are even around from that time frame, as some of them are dead. She threw up sour cream and onion chips. Although the Costases are quiet, their fifteen-year-old daughter was not. But who among her friends - or should we say frenemies - would do just about anything - even kill - for a taste of Stacey's popularity? Some by the time theyre 18 depends on the maturity level theyre at. You will think positive then allow being moved by what ppl say or do. I also noticed, in both movies, Bridget/Angela kept staring at Kelly/Stacy. So Miramonte was no worse with snobs than any school. Just saw the new Lifetime movie Death of a Cheerleader. Bernadette rang Kirstens mother to invite Kirsten to a non existent sorority dinner. Well to a degree maybe, but Bernadette stalked her and longed fro a friendship. Her family was not the same. Senseless. I forgive her to a degree, but wont accept what she did to Kirsten, she will live with that the rest of her life. The tunehas long been mistaken as a tribute to the Protti/Costas murder case. Yes. It was like she was obsessed with her, which she probably was. In the spring of 1984, Kirsten had been asked to join the Bob-o-links, or Bobbies, an elite sorority-like organization of thirty to thirty-five of the best looking, most popular girls in school. YOU NEED TO LEAVE BERNADETTE TO GOD, AND YOUR NOT HIM. My kid knows better than to bully others. One girl here posted that one girl accused Football players of Sexual Assault at a Party and she was driven out of that School also. Bernadettes family lived in a more expensive area than Kirsten, so what does that tell you? After being set free, Bernadette went through the legal process of changing her name to Jeannette Butler. Im sure today Ms. Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast could still be the life of the Party if they wanted to be. She slaughtered a girl. Actress: Rocky Mountain Oysters. If we have the fear of God n understand the importance of Gods creation. She would have seen Kirstens parents and brother crying anguished tears of unfathomable sorrow and would have seen the inconsolable grief and despair etched into their faces, and she had the unconscionable gall to not only attend Kirstens funeral knowing she was responsible for putting Kirsten in her coffin, but also had the cold nerve to be in the presence of and be able to look at Kirstens family whose sadness and grief would have been heart wrenchingly palpable, which she knew she was responsible for. She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. They dont even bother to investigate her alibi to see if she was telling the truth? The alternative rock band Marcy Playgroundrecorded a song called "Death of a Cheerleader" for their 2003 album Marcy Playground 3. Bern want the poor girl Deployed in the movie. Kirsten was full of energy and life. Killed a girl because you were jealous? That dont Justify Murder. So she was a Bully, she is not here to defend herself any longer, so youre the Bully now. Nevertheless Kirsten will never be with us again, and there was no sense in murder (premeditated ) or not, it still happened. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. It was all over popularity, and fitting in. I got the impression they were both Stuckup ( Bernadette and Kirsten) they were friends to. It wont bring Kirsten back. Kirsten wasnt a Bully, she was Conceited and stuck up. Rubbish. I think Bernadettes Youtube is fake now. Wow all this bantering back and forth how sad. Bernadette was a sweet girl, thats why it was so hard to beleive she was the killer. I liked School and I wasnt popular, but I still liked it. Self Absorbed yes. If the ones acting like Hoes were demonized while everyone lived happily ever after, why were they demonized. In swimming pools she would practice tumbling, one friend told about it, she would dive in the water and do back flips. Im not saying Kirsten was totally innocent, for it takes 2, but to Murder in Cold blood. Plenty of facts support that view. She was outgoing even as a nurse, but now, I hear she dont really associate with anyone outside of family. A lot of girls are Conceited, dont mean they deserved to be Murdered. She once told Kirsten to shut up in biology and thats why everyone thought shed done it. A sane or fragile person would not have been able to endure being confronted with so much pain that they were responsible for, yet Bernadette could and did. You have those girls in all schools, you just go on and leave them be, and hang with your own friends. Teenage years are hard on all of us. It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. To a degree Bernadette struggled harder than most of her friends, she wasnt as Popular as they were and was a little of an Outcast, but Tolerated. Shes older also. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. Bernadette Protti was the one who put an end to the life of Kirsten Marina Costas, an American high school student who was born on July 23, 1968 and died on June 23, 1984. Jealousy is an ugly thingmuch like bernadette. While in Hockey and Baseball 2005, it is button-up from the top. I never seen her make fun of anyone, of course, I wasnt around her that much, but she was friendly and nice. Associate Professor Emerita. We had honor students who were kind of poor, but we loved them, and learned from them. It has changed a bit in Backyard Hockey because in the older games, her outfit looks like overalls. So she had a different view of Kirsten, Bern wasnt nice to of murdered. No one wanted to believe that the killer came from Orinda, the lush Northern California suburb where Kirsten lived. Angela Delvecchio : Monica, just let it go. She loved School. You are disturbing and evil by stating that death was too good for Kirsten, an innocent victim of a brutal murder. You cant force somebody to be friends with you. She had moments, and she told her feelings about people. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. i feel sorry.for any poor sap who has to live in her neighborhood because like the investigator wisehart said she has a hidden trigger that anyone can pull just by not giving her what she thinks she.should get in a relationship. Where Is Bernadette Protti Now, AKA Angela Delvecchio? Kellie Martin So youre justifying Murder due to bullying? Bernadette then appears to have confessed her feelings of admiration for Kirsten in the empty car-park at night. She was full of life. Vanessa I agree I knew both girls. I think the outcast girls there would say Kirsten was a (bully) chaise no one liked them, and they would say that. She mostly liked everybody. Feeling bad for Bernadette bc was a pathetic, weak, emotionally unstable girl, fragile or whatever doesnt change the fact that shes also a murderer. We are no longer in the 80 s and never will be again. It gave me the creeps. They were snooty and cocky but not mean. Nope! Well one mother of her friend on a blog told Kirsten was Exclusive and liked everyone. Cadillac Family Practice. She loved to play Nancy Drew. Bernadette was a Snob also. Until something happens. Angela Delvecchio Profiles | Facebook She knows how people still feel about her, she also knows she cant escape the feelings they have or ever change them even in many years to come forth. I didnt really know her, just who she was, same for Bernadette. No Tori Spellings character in a fictionalized movie was a bit mean. I didnt kill anyone, I went to college, had a successful career, a loving family and am happily retired with my husband who I met right after I graduated college in 1983. Like I said, Im sure theres a purpose somewhere to where she can make a difference in someones life today, she was a lot like Kirsten Costas. (Lucky you). Doesnt make her a killer, thats being a teenager but dont make it sound like she just said shut up thats unrealistic. Those girls had a clique. They were rich. lifetime Death of a Cheerleader - What Happened to Angela Delvecchio? Was Bernadette fragile when her behaviour was reported to not have changed after Kirstens murder? I highly doubt I would like you either. The movie hinted at Bernadette being gay but only a hint. She is still Crazy as always. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. Kirsten would of long outgrown that before now, if she had of lived. How did you talk and act around those girls, ask yourself that! I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). No such articles exist about anything you have described. Read the article. I was called ugly, to my face by a group of senior boys on my first day. That would disturb most people. I think Bernadette was a lesbian thats why she felt she couldnt have Kirsten tell everyone that she fancied her.
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