For sure, that puts you in a genius category. I did well in interesting subjects, but failed in the rest. Jerrys I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily and create complex problems when they dont exist! The first part of the statement:I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily has never been a source of embarrassment to me .. but and create complex problems when they dont exist! has. If I could afford to get more education I would, but am economically trapped and probably will remain so. Savant has the highest recorded IQ, receiving a score of I am the mother of a child with an IS of 197 and unfortunately this person is correct. All people with high intelligence already knows this. Its your willingness to put in effort in everything that you do that counts. I really did transition, but thats because Ive always been a woman. But I didnt expect this because my way of thinking is naturally to me. Is it possible that you have ADHD like me? Marilyn vos Savant byBen Davidvia Flickr is licensed underCC BY-SA 2.0. Some of these exceedingly smart people are better known to the general public than others, Im sure youve heard of Albert Einsteinand his incredibly high IQ but have you heard of Christopher Hirata? One of the most intelligent brains ever known, that of Albert calm down your below average IQ score isnt that bad. Family photos show i was walking & talking by age 7 months, & self taught to read by age 3by age 4 i was reading adult level & could read bits of foreign languages as wellbecause i could also read and write upside down & backwards, with both hands simultaneously, i skipped kindergarten & started first grade at age 4..first grade was pure torture, everyone else was learning the alphabet & how to read..i was terribly bored until high school, where the library was a little more advanced..i am a speed reader & finished the library by the end of my second year.i have a degree in Computer Science & in Graphic Arts, studied Nursing but refused to test when i realized the medications we were expected to give patients were little more than toxins & that was harm instead of heal was to my mind Not what it was all about. Bobby Fischer took an IQ test while a student at Erasmus Hall in Brooklyn. I dont get involved with them but I will continue paying my membership just to have the membership card in my wallet. Fernandez E, et al. The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. She was carrying on full conversations at the age of 2 years old . its 131 not the number you said. Im a failure on almost every major aspect in life; love/marriage, career/money, fulfilling my parents/friends expectations, etc., but in 2019 I learned the concept of not to give a f*** about what others think about me and become more happy about myself, ever. I subconsciously throw first place in everything i do, not so much a fear of success but more empathy for others. is 7,000. Professor Dimitri Van der Linden from Rotterdam University says this is not the case. While it is vital for many functions, math alone is not a trustworthy barometer of high intellect; nor is mere textbook regurgitation (think Kim Peek). Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. This American was born into a family of New York City intellectuals. IQ scores range from 0-200, with 0 being the minimum score and 200 being the maximum. I can put things together without directions. XYZ = A program of mathematical definite answer, I > Pre defines a number as non existent and /or imaginary, when placed before any given number. You can probably improve focus, memory, or some other skill. Standardized IQ tests are given and scored by trained administrators. I was tested by my school psychologist and I have an IQ of 161, none of my friends have ever really compared, but someone at my school is apparently a genius and got a 33 or a 34 on the ACT, were in 7th grade, (I got a 29 so people think Im not as smart, but I just moved so I havent had the opportunity to take as many advanced classes and learn as much as him) so Id like to meet him and see how he actually measures up. I mean an 11 year old wouldnt lie on the internet. How about just saying God instead of He or She? Just like people talk of zodiac signs, likewisethey talk IQ. My own daughter was saying basic words at 6 mo. I had to take it and I got a 161, so its perfectly possible that other people have done the same. The very peak of the bell represents the average score of 100. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can have a high IQ, but lack education and general knowledge. God is only three letters, after all. By the way, why was your God so mean that he/she did not give you a higher intelligence than what you have and also gave a great number of people very low intelligence, increasing the suffering of the human race.. Genesis is no more trustworthy than many different sagas even older than your bible. Only then will you master what critical (out-of-the-box) thinking is! Stayed till end of the year anyway and then went to Rennsalear on scholarship. Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. I dont think of Lil Wayne as a genius, but if we assume income to be related to IQ, then hes smarter than anyone who has ever worked for NASA. Most of whom were hired because they were good hockey players and the town was building a winning team. You know more about all things than the best of the Mensa folks Prometheans, the Triple Nines, the Mega Society members, the Four Sigmas, the Cerebrals Society, Giga Society, The International High IQ Society, Top One Percent Society, Colloquy, Vertex Society, Omega Society, and more. In 1952, Grade 8 , A comparison done between North Eastern USA.and Maritime Canada. All rights reserved. Next, enough neurological development has to occur in both the motor cortex as well as the muscles of the mouth and face and larynx in order to physically produce the sounds required for speech. I am now 12, and seriously, people can be so jealous! There are many forms of intelligence. Theres a lot of debate on the subject of intelligence and whether it can actually be measured. What IQ tests test. WebIQ stands for Intelligence Quotient which is a measure of intelligence and is determined using a standardized test. My IQ score has been factually determined to be 1. are so much sharper than Einstein. I never had an excellent memory, however, having to relearn many things I had (somewhat) mastered previously. 15, 128 iq. We all are Americans from the cold areas of Alaska to the cold areas of the Patagonia. Luckily i did find a life partner who understands me, and that has been my greatest accomplishment. You can call me a genius, or a moron, and I do not care either way. an 11 year old would lie on the internet if you think about it. If the lowly plumber fixes the geniuss faucet for $700, who has the greater intelligence? Not accurate, I know I was flawless and answered all questions perfectly, and I mean perfectly, better then anyone has answered before believe me. So I am the smartest person in the world. Ironic how you are religious yet supposedly have an IQ of 300. genius with 300 iq equality not judged by what is in brain but how you use what is in your brain. It is hard for me to hold conversations with most people because they bore me with their banal assertions. But keep up the good work (and make sure not to burn out, believe me it sucks)(also a lot of gifted children tend to develop a fear of failure or dont like being initially unsuccessful. WebLeonardo Da Vinci had an estimated IQ of around 220, which is the highest IQ score ever recorded in human history. Not to mention distributing it to everyone, and essentially making millions. My mom worried that I was retarded so she took me to do an IQ test. I went and got 27 college credits in music and 19 in science and physics (aero as dad was a helicopter genius with many firsts) by graduation. I have an IQ of 146. They all make life more interesting. that DEFINITELY made people feel stupid!! % tests, one on a Friday night, 2 on Sat, and 2 on Sunday, Each one allowed 2 1/2 hours to write. Being conquered by ones ego, is itself, a sign of low-to-average intellect, even among those who have mastered mathematics. But with the right support and proper guidance, The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. I have won several awards in writing and science trivia, and I have never gotten a grade below an A-. Thats amazing!!! 4.0 average in college and the equivalent in graduate school. Next time think before you try to discredit someone. There are so many extra helps for those who have learning difficulties etc, but people like me fell through the cracks. All that matters is hard work. . Lol, And another one whom actually thinks less than would find this page haha ur funny, My IQ is 183 to 190 and it all self tough from playing guitar keyboards. Even if you have a high IQ, and its also pretty obvious you really lack in emotional maturity. WebIf your IQ falls between 85 and 115 points, you align with the majority of the population. Every 15 IQ points is one standard deviation above the mean. They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. WebChina also has a higher average IQ than most countries, around 105. Yet was on a path of becoming a great leader. I have a fluid IQ of at least one burbot and a crystal IQ of at least two burbot. And thanks to the supportive, nice people. The fact that you make that kind of false statement proves it. If he did not have any other alternative than to sacrifice his own son, then he is really stupid. Once you get an IQ score of 110 you begin to take note. Did you dislocate your arm patting yourself on the back?? Keep reading as we explore more about high IQ, what it means, and what it doesnt mean. He earned his high school diploma through self-study afterward. They do compete in different leagues of chess. There is a big difference between statistically impossible and mathematically impossible. The irony of the (IQ) tests themselves, center on the fact that those who wrote them were the byproducts of their own isolated enculturation directives, and therefore, the tests are flawed (though not completely worthless; I scored 149 at 40 in the late 90s); however, the underlying meaning of said results is also confined (and perhaps contaminated) by and in direct proportion to ones enculturation paradigm/s. Why are you criticizing her for believing that there is a God? Id forget about my other pieces. Mensa, a member organization that restricts applicants based on their score, requires an IQ of 132 for entrance . This was 44 years ago. I have no logic, but I do love logic puzzles, which further shows my lack of logic. I know someone as smart as you, and theyve said their eyes were opened when they learned to see from other peoples perspectives. Radical acceleration in Australia: Terence Tao. IQ represents a point on a standard distribution curve, and it simply tells you what percentage of the population youve scored better than, with 15 points being one standard deviation. Our leaders are not superior to us and that needs rectification before they destroy this planet with their ignorance. Who is so stupid that he would create a human being like us. Read also My 216, means I have never physically met anyone at my level because I have never met any of this article mentionable specimens. While some of the points you make are, sadly, true, this eleven year-old-girl is able to do things that you will never be able to do. I suggest you take an English class where you are taught how to diagram sentences in English. So no, Sue, Im sure you are just as smart as she is. To author Juan Ramos: Dear Mr. Ramos: If you are going to post English articles, you should have a native English speaker and writer edit your posts. These typically focus on familiarization as opposed to memorization. In general, rappers may better at dealing with others. The tests maximum score A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence, and anything higher than 160 makes 132 is the point at which you can get into a SOCIETY for individuals with a high IQ. Some people here do understand. My grandmother had a wonderful response to your post: SELF PRAISE IS HALF SCANDAL. So do character, opportunity, and ambition, not to mention a little luck. I disbanded the organization after one-hundred days. what are your sources for the listed IQ numbers? The director of 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Inglourious Basterds,' among others, is one of the Hollywood stars with the highest IQ. Another factor would be self-delusion; even herein, there is evidence of this. Youre lucky Don. Kinda reminds me of this YouTube video:, My iq is certified 172 I cant believe it I am 17 And smarter thatn stephen god damn hawking. how much are kitten shots at petco,
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