Eleven Golden Medallion Awards, Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, including awards, 1978, for Where Is God When It Hurts?, 1980, for Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, 1985, for In His Image, 1989, for The Student Bible, 1990, for Disappointment with God: Questions Nobody Asks Aloud, 1996, for The Jesus I Never Knew, and 1998, for What's So Amazing about Grace? No retirement in my sights! I would never hand the cards to the prisoners directly, but put them in the mailbox used by visitors at V & C. This way, the mail went through the right security channels. Their 13 lives & testimonies still live to edify so many more through the gift of your book. Foreign rights are handled by the publishers, and no Italian publishers have contracted for it, sorry. Thank you, Philip Yancey for a balanced, Godly look at ourselves. Read it. Im afraid, though, that Im way behind on a major writing project and have sealed myself off for the next year or so. Philip. I very much enjoyed your book, and was utterly floored by one of the first sentences (we can only Watch) which represents the essence of my entire collection of work and thought! Your books are a great help for my spiritual growth, but I must say, Ive never been angry with God and never questioned God as Father and his Son as my Savior. Maybe in heaven well meet Take care and thanks. She was so mature when facing this, despite of her limitation on movement last year. A BIG THANK YOU Sir for contributing to the Body of Christ, indeed it is a great starter for seminary students like me. And thank you for your message. It is a large community of Romanians who would need your help. Just like you, I am deeply baffled by how many Filipino Christians have voted, even defended our current president. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for our selfishness and being so inconsiderate. Instead, I was referred to Bridges of Canada since they had contracted me out to CSC [45]. Were thankful for a solid church body who lets us be us. You give others permission to question, to probe, to reevaluate what they believe, what they have been taught, and to look at their faith with honesty. Rarely attending any synagogue or church and then mainly to accompany a friend or out of curiosity. Thank you for expressing things which have always made me feel awkwardand never a real Christians. God can and will transform our suffering. Traveling widely for speaking engagements, he has visited over 85 countries. I will try to take it to heart because I know its what Jesus would want me to do, but I am finding it very difficult to want to relate to fellow Christians who are willing to die on the swords of anti-abortion and homosexuality, but who see no need for social justice reform in this country. Today I read these words: Although I believe that my readers come from different churches or denominations, at least two things surely unite us. Let us pray for the anxious, depressed people who are thinking of giving up. I wanted to share it with you, just in case you were able some day to pass it on to someone who could benefit. This and other negative experiences with a rigid, conservative, fundamentalist church background contributed to Yancey's losing his faith at one point and deeply questioning the established church at other times. Faith and Doubt - Philip YanceyPhilip Yancey Were all somewhere along the Order/Disorder/Reorder paradigm that Richard Rohr describesespecially those of us from the South. I really was taken back by what you said about skirt lengths and hair length etc. I spent a year trying to get a prison chaplain position in the Eden Detention Centre in Texas. My grandmother and my aunt fell in love with it almost twenty years ago, and after they shared it with me, I fell in love with it too. Philip. This is illogical. I was so let down by not being made a real hetrosexual man, I did not understand why I had to suffer with this terrible sin of SSA. Do you remember that story, if you do can you tell me which book it is from? I finally got several opportunities to preach, and this simply confirmed the call my Pastor and I had heard. It has been a pretty satisfactory life. ), but then there are equally strange things in the Protestant tradition! I dont know why I left a comment at all, but its therapeutic to me somehow. I am Jess, and you have always been my favourite writer. I cannot recall the name of your friend that visited you who lost his fiance etc. And some seasons of glory manifestations. Thank you so much. I wonder if you have a study guide for Where is God When it Hurts? ? I often get sentimental thinking how youve affected my journey, which we have shared for about 20 years now. I was mentally and emotionally abused as a child also, so I have a hard time with anger. He explained that he intended to ask them to replace Bridges of Canada because it was his belief that they were not qualified to oversee Chaplaincy Services. I have believed in evolution since childhood, grudgingly, but it made no difference, I was always a believer in God. As I argued with the Lord in my head, He moved me to write an article to call on Christians to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are under persecution. The other candidates running only have very small numbersof followers. GulpIm blushing. I havent actually read the book you mention. She is open about her partisanship, but I the spirit she expresses should apply when either side wins an election: Weve had 36 hours now to absorb the surprising results of our presidential election. Your books are thus offering great comfort to friends in need, family and as part of ministries we are involved in, in part outreach to prostitutes (offering prayer and an open ear, rather than guilt and condemnation). (Matthew 3:4), I wouldnt doubt it. Philip, Mr. Yancey, ), it does not mean that Jesus was actually extending forgiveness to his murderers at that moment. You might not want people to see you wiping your eyes and reflecting on your own shortcomings and repentance. It has been my practice for many years now to have a tree planted in the Holy Land in memory of a friend or family member who has died. I have always been a regular reader of scripture but my goal was to improve my prayer life. In the midst of whats going on in America right now, what encouragement can the Gospel offer to a black person thats wondering how long God is going to sit back and watch injustice unfold? After completing my training I wanted to work in the prisons as a Chaplain and so Church Army sent me to a parish in Northern Ontario. Later, when puzzling over the dog handlers aggressive behavior towards me, I remembered an encounter with another guard earlier that same month. For a while I have been wanting to send you a message and yesterday, I stumbled across a video featuring a talk of yours in Hong Kong (True Happiness?), prompting me to send you a note! : Im sorry for any mistake on my writing. Im so glad you followed in our footsteps! . So thank you for sharing your story. The details of his life are so much less important than him knowing he belongs at the foot of the cross, with everyone Jesus died for. I called a friend I knew to be a strong Christian and asked what was happening. Basically, evangelicals take the Bible more seriously than some other shades of Christians, and tend to emphasize a personal conversion experience and the importance of spreading the message to others. I believe we can know. Yes, The Lord does what we want Him to do when we approach Him from a standpoint of selfless obedience and pray His promises daily. More than anything I wanted to answer with authority, Yes! While Chapel is intended for VBC students, everyone is welcome to attend. Having read psychological views with my very limited understanding capabilities, sometimes I still wonder whether its an illness to be cured/managed or a diabolical influence to be resisted. What a tragedy, all those wasted years pursuing some kind of Focus on the Family image, instead of Jesus. [T]he so-called parents of the children who were massacred were merely Crisis Actors employed for a government-sponsored propaganda campaign to push for gun-control. I lived the first 26 years of my life barely acknowledging God and praying sporadically whenever I wanted to, nothing I did back then ever went right. Always has, always will. An old friend reached out to me and invited me to her church to be loved on. Church, my home church. Im 39 weeks pregnant and we decided to name our boy Ephraim Yancey in your honour. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He reminded me that Paul was not my boss, that we were equals. You and I even exchanged emails for a time. Im sure your book can be great source for my journal to do mid semester exam, Thanks before I thank God for you and for your openness and courage to explore beyond the surface. It touched me deeply. Rather, keep searching, and try to look at church not just as a place to nourish you, but one where you can nourish others. I wish I could help. His honesty and search for meaning in his own life has influenced my life in positive ways. I lead a small group Bible Study and have used your materials several times. I recently read Vanishing Grace while on a mission trip to serve the poor in the appalachian mountains of Kentucky. Are the contents the same? For a variety of reasons, I eventually left the Pentecostals and became a Baptist. Lew knew about forgiving God. Philip. Im still cringing all these years later!! He asked me to send him an updated resume. She did send her boys to Bible school and fully expected them to serve the Lord.. Dear Philip, "Of course, there were good qualities too. The first such institutions include Nyack Missionary Training Institute, founded by A.B. Do not ever touch me. These comments hurt deeply and, combined with my Irritable Bowel Syndrome, produced major panic/anxiety attacks that required me to wear adult diapers for some time to prevent me from soiling myself. On page 15 a man from Iowa said, I know there is a God: I believe he exists, I just dont know what to believe of him. These words rang true with me as I wonder if God set the world in motion and then decided to step away. I have a million and one questions, but I will just start from this one. It offers a glimpse of what millions of people may be going through right now, in the midst of this pandemic. So, thank you so much, Mr. Yancey. I was having issues downloading Where is God When it Hurts and had to call Amazon. I would point to how Jesus dealt with people who were moral failures Jesus chose one such woman, a woman who had five failed marriages in her resume, as his first missionary. I finally was tired of waiting for the contract to sign and so complained to Bruce Smith about it and he replied by throwing me out of the church Army and CSC failed me. Philip. It occurred to me recently that authors can be like mentors to us a thought that you have also expressed, and Im grateful to God for you being one of mine through your brave, compassionate and honest writing. Its just that I, and probably million others like me, seem to need the perspective of someone like you on this much stigmatized predicament (especially in a culture where I live in). We each had learned pastors who were regarded as Bible scholars; mine sometimes illustrated his sermons with humorous stories about darkies, and was the first person I recall using the curse of Ham justification for racial hierarchy. Please note that its adapted from the book A Skeptics Guide to Faith. Philip, Mr. Yancey, I grew up in an ultra-conservative (cult) christian church. Ive got your book on Where Is God When It Hurts but to be honest its too overwhelming to read a big book at the moment. My partnership with Dr. Paul Brand was transformative for me. Two misfits came together. And for perhaps the first time, I was able to articulate so many of my experiences or lackthereof with God and the church. Education: Columbia Bible College, Columbia, B.A., 1970; Wheaton College, Wheaton, M.A., 1972; University of Chicago, M.A., 1990. At the time of my suspension, he was on secondment to another institution. The cancer was on her womb and was suspected to have spread out outside womb. What ever happened to Richard? Your book Disappointment with God is the reason I found God in my life. God has never seemed more distant and this passivity doesnt seem to be doing it for me any more. In 1992 he and his wife Janet, a social worker and hospice chaplain, moved to the foothills of Colorado. Shame on me for referring to another book, but I addressed this very problem in Reaching for the Invisible God. Its a great question, one I spent a year exploring. It sounds like youve mastered the lessons on grace that Ive been exploring all these years. Gulp, Im uncomfortable being compared with Patrick Mahomes and really uncomfortable being idolized. I have grown up in church and Christian schools and have experienced and witnessed both tremendous grace and painful ungrace from Christians, though I most strongly associate church and Christians with the latter. Every blessing David. In 2010 Bishop Dorrington of the REC was cruel beyond words ,never have I met such a cruel man in my life,he tortured me emotionally until he broke me. Education: Columbia Bible College, Columbia, B.A., 1970; Wheaton College, Wheaton, M.A., 1972; University of Chicago, M.A., 1990. Bear in mind that I have read your book (combination of two books in one The Jesus I never knew was the first part). Each has received good reviews from people who count. Ive just read straight through at the library your book Disappointment With God, and bought copies for family members.
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