Submit! #tendou You turned around with both hands behind you too see Fukunaga walk away, you gave playful narrowed eyes at him but he didn't turn to face you, he did once he got onto the court, you were already talking to Yachi and he gave a small smirk.Fukurodani Academy Bokuto You were in the gym with Akaashi, waiting for Bokuto, as the two of you were setting up the net a young guy from their school came up to you. I promise you, the day will come when you will beg for my love. You smiled with a nod, the boy gave an eye roll then grabbed your hand. "Dating." - "whoa you look hot". he kisses you during an argument : | (hiatus) Then everything is flipped between them. "No, just trying to get this pre-." "Ooh. The Forsaken Daughter's ReturnBook 3: Flash Marriage: A Billionaire For A Rebound, Ashley Grey knows better than to get involved with her bestfriend that's in a relationship. Nishinoya gave a confused look at Tanaka as he stood in the gyms door way pointing out of it, Noya ran over to him along with Ashi to see you tug your backpack and give a confused look as a guy talked to you, smirking at you with red cheeks. I'd like to hear any feedback or suggestions you guys might have! Whatever." Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. "Well, I think you're really cute. no longer active, but thank you for the support <3, . "That was (Y/n)!" "Hey, I don't mind. You gave a nod and followed him out of your room, you rubbed a little underneath your butt with blushing cheeks and a smirk.Team Aobajosai Oikawa You groaned once you finished setting up the net with Yachi, after that you had to get the volleyball carts lined up for the team's to practice with. characters. "Beautiful girl like you already taken?" Noya!" "Hey there." Suggestions are more than welcome, so please feel free to request a chapter idea! Enjoy! As you walked past Yams, he lifted up his hand quickly, only to smack your butt in the process, you gave a small gasp as Yama did the same. - But hates when you also get attention. It was one that she just couldn't turn down.With Megan's help, Millie left her home and the small town she grew up in for a new life. - On his private story he posts "did you see y/n today? "Love you Lil cutie!" Do you need my assistants?" He smirked but came over to you once you lifted up the bag. "There." "Yeah I." "Akaashi? "Sugawara You sat next to Yachi up in the stands, you came to watch Sugawara play against Date Tech. "Are you going to hit me now?" You held open the door and followed her out of the locker room with warm towels, only to bump into a guy about your age. You're here!" ), Your Nicknames For Each Other (In editing), Random Scenario: When He Gets You Flowers, When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing), Image Scenario: When He Gets You A Plushy (In editing), Random Scenario(Part 2): When He Gets You A Plushy, Random Scenario(Part 1): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 2): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 1): Matching T-shirts, Random Scenario(Part 2): Matching T-shirts, When You Reference To A Vine (In Editing), Random Scenario(Part 1):The Picture He Relates You To, Random Scenario(Part 2):The Picture He Relates You To, Gif Scenario: His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario: His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 1): How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 2) How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 1): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Haikyuu!! "I seen that look before." You gave a fake three second smile before trying to get out a guy's way that was the same age as you. Team Karasuno Hinata You smiled as you talked with Yachi as the two of you stood next to the volleyball cart, putting in the volleyballs that weren't being used. "What?" "Awe." Told ya Noya!" In front of you stands your furious boyfriend and it means you are in a big trouble. You gave an eye roll and put your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. "Thank you." Fly high, and reach fo " " - He gave a chuckle at the guy walking way, you gave flustered cheeks and a head shake and walked away from him with a giggle as he gave white eyes. #nishinoya Hinata stepped in front of him and pushed you behind him as the guy took a step back as Hinata gave him narrowed eyes. "Sorry." maybe, but none of you will ever complain about it, he hears you giggling behind the pages of your book, taking his glasses off, he wipes the lenses with his shirt, with the hint of a smile on his face, he picks up his book as well, coffee dates are pretty common for you two, talking about your days with a hot drink in hand, or reading together a book you choose for each other, when you began to read in the presence of the other, you both quickly noticed there was nothing awkward about that silence, just a moment of peace filled with stolen glances and slow breaths, when you give him a book, its usually full of underlined quotes that made you think about him, so during the date you would frequently cast a glance to see if he has already read the highlighted paragraph, then feeling his hand grabbing yours across the table to interlace your fingers together, he whispers an ouch, just to dramatically stumble and fall into your arms, thats because im sure theyre alive and conscious, im just saying the dresser wasnt there this morning, so the only conclusion is it moved on its own, you roll your eyes, fed up of his dumb theories, oh no, all the objects are turning against you, and before he can even reply, you throw it at him, opting for a kiss to make him shut up, you stand on your tiptoes leaving a peck on his lips, his hands find your hips, pulling you closer, dont worry, ill protect you whenever theyll attack, you arent really the type to show PDA and neither is your boyfriend, in public you would give him a peck on the cheek and he would have an arm around your shoulders at best, at the beginning of your relationship you were both awkward while hugging or holding hands, but you got comfortable behind closed doors pretty soon, he loves resting his head on your lap talking about his day, while you caress his cheek, and you never get tired of feeling his fingers playing with your hair and his soft lips crowning your forehead with kisses, face to face cuddles are his favourite thing in the world, having you pressed against his chest, makes him feel like he can protect you, and when you are the little spoon he would be lingering your spine with kisses and then hiding his face in the crook of your neck, he also loves back hugs, receiving or giving them, you usually nuzzle your nose against his back, before lacing your arms around his chest, while sometimes you would randomly feel his chin resting on your head or shoulder and then two big arms wrapped around your waist, during study dates you caught him so many times staring at you with a lovesick expression instead of doing his assignment, but occasionally you just couldnt wait till the two of you were alone to feel his soft touch on your skin, like the time you were out with him and the team to celebrate together after a match, he noticed your voice becoming more and more like a whisper and your eyes fluttering closed from time to time, when youre tired you become more clingy and he thinks that its the cutest thing ever, nothing too crazy, but surely uncommon for you, like gently resting your head against his shoulder while he was talking with his teammates or holding his hand under the table, with your thumb rubbing over his knuckles, when it was time to get back home you walked slower than usual, clinging on to his arm, mainly for support but also because it was nice having him so close, while he struggled to find the key in his pocket, you rested your head against his back, the only thing keeping you upwards, once he opened the door he turned around, just to see you slowly falling, thankfully he was quick enough to catch you and hold you in his arms, his plan was to throw you onto the bed and tuck you in but you were whining about the fact you had to wash your face and change first, so he made you sit down on the toilet, carefully cleansing your face and then applying moisturizer, let me sleep here, its quite comfortable, you pouted, laying your head on the countertop, you peered up at him with a smile, doing grabby hands at him, he scooped you up, softly laughing in your ear, laying you down, he pulled the covers up to your chin to keep you warm, already hearing soft snores leaving your lips, he snuggled up to you, with his head atop of yours and his arms around you, he soon fell asleep as well, he hung the mistletoe above the gyms front door, thinking it was the perfect opportunity to steal a kiss from kiyoko, plus he thought it could be fun to make things awkward between his teammates, but unfortunately for him, she was busy that day, so she sent you to give the boys their new jackets, standing on the doorstep, you look inside the empty gym, when you hear kageyamas voice, you nearly drop the box in your arms, he comes closer to see inside the box, looking for his own jacket, thanks, you didnt have to come all this way, he takes the box from you, putting it on the benches inside, no problem at all! ive turned off my phone so you have my undivided attention, he leans down to kiss that pout of yours away, i promise. ), pairings: kita x reader, tsukishima x reader, sugawara x reader, a/n: just some little habits i imagine they have, I love ur writings!! Kyoutani gave you a nod after he stepped into your house, you were in the bathroom putting on foundation and some eye liner. He gave you a wink and a smirk before going into the room. "Awe. "Shoyo." hope you dont mind <33 (part 1, part 2), I GIVE YOU ALL THE KITHES IN THE WORLD , BABYY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Hit her instead!" "I love you too." My bad." She's mine!" Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! "Hey you two." You smiled and gave a nod to the guy who was no more than two years older than you. "Well, I'm sure he'll met his girl in a store like I did, just not this one and not with you. its always nice to see you, he immediately looks up at the ceiling, trying to hide his flushed cheeks, when he notices the little bundle of leaves and berries above your heads, he freezes on the spot, intrigued by his shocked face, you follow his gaze seeing the mistletoe as well, you two look at each other with wide eyes, and when he realizes what he said, he lowers his head in shame, he mutters under his breath, avoiding your eyes and staring at his shoes, but suddenly he feels your soft hands grabbing his face, his heart beats faster and faster, as he sees your face coming up to his own, leaning on, you rest your mouth on his to give him a peck, when you two hear someone whistling and whooping, while noya and hinata are clapping, tanaka is sulking with his arms crossed, with his cheek pressed into your hand, you slightly pull away, you observe how his lips curled into a smile as he slept, after you gave him a kiss, so you lean down to give him another peck, but when you move away once again, you notice his eyebrows furrow and his mouth molding into a pout, delicate fingers grab your chin, as his eyelashes flutter against your skin, you kiss him once, twice, until you feel hislegs moving while theyre entwined with yours under the covers, when you feel his hand resting on the back of your neck, and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeper and harder, you hear his sleepy voice, while he tries his hardest to open his eyes, running your hand through his hair, you tenderly smile down at him, but you know what they say, its bad luck if you refuse to kiss under the mistletoe, he peers at you in confusion, as you giggle, so he looks above his head, seeing it hangs from the headboard, but i can stop kissing you if it bothers you, the very corner of his lips twitching into a smirk, strolling down the street hand in hand, the two of you are holiday shopping around the city, as you look for the last presents, you see a lovely stand with Christmas items, dragging him over there, youre charmed by the handcraft decorations, he immediately notices the mistletoe above your heads, and the lady behind the stall winks at him with a grin on her face, but you actually saw it as soon as you got closer to the stand, so you try to ignore him, not wanting to draw the attention of passerby to you two, you turn around, just to find his lips waiting for a kiss, were only here to find a gift for your mom, but before you can say anything else, his arms are around you, with your chest presses against his, you can already feel your knees getting weaker, gently bending back your head, he kisses you, softly at first and then more and more intensely, when he pulls away, you became a blushing mess, you want to scold him, but your lips are still shaking, so you manage to push him away, pretending to be mad at him, and even if your heart is pounding in your ears, you can still hear the lady in front of you sniggering, he chuckles as well, leaning closer to you, but today he didnt even greet you when he arrived, he immediately sat beside you on the bed, laying his head on your laps, you know that in such cases the best thing to do is to cuddle him for a bit before asking anything, so you start to gently pat his head, running your fingers through his short hair, your touch alone is enough to calm him down, his clenched jaw relaxes immediately, letting a soft sigh escapes his lips, also his hand, no longer closed in a fist, draws circles on your knee now, with your fingertip, you start tracing the word hi on his back, he then grabs your other hand, leaving a peck on your knuckles, hearing your soft giggle above him melts his heart, so you keep tracing some doodles on his back and then a small ily, to which he replies drawing a heart with his thumb on the back of your hand, he slightly lifts his head to leave some soft kisses on your thigh and then hugging your waist, he nods, mumbling something against your tummy, cupping his face, you tilt it up to brush your lips against his forehead, poor baby, hes not used to compliments and always gets so embarrassed when you praise him, getting lost in your gentle eyes, everything that bothered him just fades away, like every morning he woke up early to go running, he sneaked out of the bed as quietly as possible to not wake you up, and after a quick shower hes now hovering above you, seeing you all curled up makes him chuckle, he gently brushes some hair out of your face just to see your eyebrows furrow, the bed is so cold without you, why did you have to leave, okay but for real though, hes a literal heater, whining and pouting, you tug on the end of his hoodie, he gladly obeys, lazily laying his head on your stomach and caressing your thigh, then rolling on his back, he moves his head on your lap and looks up at you, your mouth is slightly open and your eyes are struggling to stay open, he cant control the smile that is spreading across his face, you mutter, covering his mouth with your hand, as he gives a peck to your palm, he grabs your hand to leave a trail of kisses on your arm, then he rests it on top of his chest, intertwining his fingers with yours, your lips curl into a smile as you drift off to sleep once again. Kuroo grabbed your hand and held it taking another look and smirking at the guy. "Love you." You knew you weren't in trouble so you stood up with a small nod and smile. "Arise, my Luna." You smiled as you glanced up to see Akiteru as he looked down at the guy. (Y/n)." "I guess so but." #kageyama we talked about it even before dating, i understand that, but its not the first time that you dont show up to a date without saying a word, my phone died, otherwise i would have called to tell you id be a bit late, a bit? You reject me? And payback. "Tch. "Iwaizumi You gave a nod to Ukai sensei as you stood in the group circle, you then smiled and looked over at Yachi. "Um it was a lucky guess that made me pass." You gotta boyfriend?" Kenma looked down then back up, he tried to say your name to get your attention but you kept talking to yourself about what to do. Love you." You gasped after you dropped it when someone bumped into you. We've all thought about it , #academy I, Kayla Xanders, had never ever tasted defeat in my life till day, I said confidently. Scenarios (Haikyuu!! Soon, they start their games against each other. After a series of pushing and pulling, she eventually left him. #oikawa "Lev "Hurry back Lil cutie!" "Hey Yama." Burton, please think about your second pregnancy.. If neither of us reject each other the bond only grows stronger. After that Yama walked with the others to the gym, you lifted up the last bag but it was heavy, and when you turned around the other two already walked away. #daichi You turned to your friend and gave her a couple of hand signals, Tendou saw that the team was getting ready and started to get impatient. You smiled as he gave a smirk, Akaashi stared at him with an raised eyebrow. Just before you could walk past the guy you bumped into Yamaguchi. "Kyoutani "Okay I'll be done in a second." everyone needs to see what a great job you did!, standing behind you, he twists the clasp of it to the back of your neck, no worries, you always do the same fixing the tag of my shirts, when everythings in place, he lets your hair down, he gently rubs your back, sitting by your side, and in no time his hand is once again resting on the back of your neck, either gently squeezing your neck to get your attention, or running his fingers into your hair to massage the base of your head, if you make him laugh really hard while hes scratching your scalp, he will certainly tilt your head closer to him to press a sweet kiss to your temple, so is it actually his fault that your necklace is always in the wrong spot? "Thanks." "Yes?" And we'll make it less painful." He has only failed once. I am living for your thigh cuddles head canons!! "Mhm." Fukurodani Academy +. He gave you a small smile and looked to the side with a head shake as you capped the lid on a bottle. After all, you deserve all the attention in the world, don't you? "Apologize for not being mine." Ukai You smiled seeing a guy around your and Ukai's age walk into the store, he gave you a nod and walked to the coolers. He was always surrounded by numerous women. He's here. Once you gotten out of you seat, Noya reached over and gave you a slap on the butt before leaning back to the desk, you gave a small yelp after the light popping sound and looked at Noya, you had red cheeks as he had light pink cheeks when he chuckled and gave you shrugged shoulders. You giggled as she stacked another towel on your pile that you held before she gasped. As you walked over to the door and opened it with another yawn, Kuroo smirked and followed behind you. You cracked a smile and he did the same, you then started to laugh as he gave light pink cheeks and chuckled. Akaashi You waited in your room for Akaashi to arrive, the two of you were gonna go out to the mall and just spend the day together before having to go to night practice. Just before the guy could finish speaking Tanaka stood behind you with narrowed eyes and a small growl. "Love you." "You're coming with me!" "He was hitting on you." "Haven't I seen yo-." She was forced to leave and go far away after giving birth to a child.Three years later, she encountered the man again by accident. You looked to the side to see a young guy the same age as you step in front of you, he looked over at other guys wearing the same fan shirts as him then looked back at you. Look, I think you're really pretty." You gave a head shake and left the room, Asahi gave white eyes towards Noya as he continued to laugh. He gave you nod and made you smile more as he walked you out of the gym, then on the way home before a guy from your chemistry class stopped you. ALPHA JACOB GALHART of the Black Shadow Pack never wanted a mate. Goo!" It doesn't hurt, but it definitely startles you. "Tsukishima You gave an eye roll at Hinata, the two of you were waiting for Tsukishima at the park, as he tossed up a volleyball. "Suga?" "I touched the butt! The guy gave a 'Tch' before waking away last Akaashi who was just staring at him. Sorry." "Oh Itried to get your attentionKuroo said that.." you smiled and sat next to him, putting your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek before getting back up. You smiled and grabbed his hand, the guy gave a smirk then an eye roll once Yamaguchi took the bag. ), Hii! Sugawara gave a small nod towards Daichi before looking up into the stands with a straight face. "Come on." and it went viral but the boys didnt know the s/o posted it and they found out through their fyp or their friends etc . You gave a smile and pecked his cheek. All Ongoing Completed. Oikawa gave narrowed eyes with small duck lips as he put his hands on his hips. You giggled and hugged Tendou tightly as he did the same to you back. "You didn't have to come." Kyoutani walked down the hall and gave you a light snack on your butt in the process. ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. "My wolf is so close to marking you, Clair. You turned around to see a guy smirking at you as he had his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks turned more red, you gave a small giggle as Kyoutani glanced back to see you step back into the bathroom, he looked down with a smirk before returning back to his serious face once he stepped outside and you followed him. You gasped once Lev picked you up with his arms around your stomach. "What now?" "Hey look. #aoba Tanaka gave a growl after Noya pointed out the guy that was talking to you before he took your hand. Akaashi knocked on your front door then sighed and stepped into the house. "I love you too bumpkin." You're welcome." You gave a confused look as he leaned on the side of the van with a frown, as you gave sealed lips. "Don't think I can now." He chuckled then pecked the top of your head as you released him. "Ah." "- all day his grin is so so big - "YEAH THERE THEY ARE MY PARTNER!" You blushed after he kissed your hand and pulled up a strand of your hair after you yawn. You smiled and shook your head and placed his things in a bag. Could you do one with Kyotani if you like? "Hey there. "Babysitting? "Just come with me." I was losing this battle. "I got it!" "Thanks." nica @nicakenn Jan 5. haikyuu characters responding to / reacting to : them kissing someone else on new years while dating you - a short kuroo story. You glanced back only to smile seeing Kuroo walk up to you and kiss your cheek, taking out a bag and handing it to Tsukishima. "Let her go." His hand snaked around the back of my neck as he took one more step. I call him Slick as well." "I guess so." "I-i don't know. Stolen kisses, touches and a whole lot of tension. "Nope, not one bit. Akaashi! "Mine." "No sweat, sensei ain't here yet either." #nekoma Unless I'm sleeping." Read haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he slaps you novels online: find the list of haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he slaps you stories on Goodnovel, with a vast coll.
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