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Its protections are minimal as well. Why Animals Should Not be Kept in Zoos These animals oftentimes live in inhumane conditions, and pose a serious threat to public safety. The same applies to elephants. Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos? | The Minimalist Vegan An increase in the populations of herbivorous animals such as deer and buffalos isnt a good thing, especially not for the vegetation and ground cover. The Toledo Zoo has dosed zebras and wildebeest with the antipsychotic haloperidol to keep them calm and has put an orangutan on Prozac. The allure of baby animals and the crowds they pull can lead a zoological garden director to increase them to keep attracting customers. Boycott businesses that profit from cruelty to animals. This support of the exotic pet trade also results in a lot of preventable animal deaths. Some, however, argue that children benefit from zoos. "Animals in zoos suffer tremendously, both physically and mentally. Lets get into the nitty-gritty details of why keeping animals in zoos is bad: Wild animals often suffer in captivity because they were meant to be free. Some roadside zoos declaw tiger and lion cubs a serious surgical procedure in which a cats toes are amputated at the last joint. In normalizing captivity zoos, and teaching animals to perform tricks for human entertainment, zoos and animal sanctuaries are spreading the message that animal captivity to normal, healthy, and fully acceptable. In most cases, animals in zoos lead very unhappy lives. Privacy Policy. A few zoos are famous for their conservation work. Fewer and fewer states are allowing residents to keep captive wild animals without a permit. For them, the best option is to fight back. Little Joe, a gorilla, escaped from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston twice in 2003. BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Animals for entertainment See Related: What Is The Hunters Role in Wildlife Conservation? Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. I once overheard two schoolchildren at the Smithsonians National Zoo in Washington confess to each other that they had assumed that elephants were mythical animals like unicorns before seeing them in the flesh. For some animals, reintroduction will always be difficult, such as baby elephants, or pet cheetahs, both of which habituate to human care very quickly, says Moore of IFAW. Throughout history, men have accumulated large and fierce animals to advertise their might and prestige. The Endangered Species Act: The Endangered Species Act, the ESA, is a federal law that protects fish, mammals, birds and plants listed as threatened or endangered in the U.S. and beyond. Animals also lose their genetic diversity especially due to inbreeding. Once again, a change of this magnitude can cause captive animals to exhibit changing behaviors, which include self-destructive acts and unrelenting restlessness. The confined living areas are a big contributor to animal stress and lack of physical stimulation like would be gained from a nice sprint. But whether recent events have triggered a profound shift in public consciousness is harder to . This was the first time that the ESA has successfully been used to protect captive wild animals. Wild animals have certain behaviors that are uniquely influenced by their environments. Apes are known for picking locks and keeping a beady eye on their captors, waiting for the day someone forgets to lock the door. This is seen as a cheaper option as opposed to moving them back into the wild. Ive been to zoos and aquariums in Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Vancouver Island, not to mention those in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Deforestation will be the next problem when animals such as moose, elks, and deer start eating everything even young trees. I do not doubt that some people had their passion for a particular species, or wildlife in general, sparked by zoo experiences. There are a few exceptions. When it rains, the topsoil gets washed away leaving the land more exposed. That claim is up for debate. How Does Saving Water Help Climate Change? But many animals clearly show us that they do not enjoy captivity. Captive tigers pace back and forth, and in a 2014 study, researchers found that the time devoted to pacing by a species in captivity is best predicted by the daily distances traveled in nature by the wild specimens. It is almost as if they feel driven to patrol their territory, to hunt, to move, to walk a certain number of steps, as if they have a Fitbit in their brains. Your email address will not be published. Many zoos conduct such studies, and also run captive breeding programmes for endangered species. Reintroduced animals have a hard time coping with life in the wild after long periods away. Zoos, aquariums, water parks, and other facilities can help to maintain the viability of endangered species when humanity does not do a good enough job of protecting the animals in the wild. William Randolph Hearst created his own private zoo with lions, tigers, leopards and more at Hearst Castle. Reasons why people think keeping animals in zoos is bad for their welfare: the animal is deprived of its natural habitat; the animal may not have enough room; the animal is deprived of its natural . And it is true that the territory size of an animal like a wolf depends greatly on the density of resources and other wolves. An orangutan at the Omaha Zoo kept wire for lock-picking hidden in his mouth. Slow animals with minimal to zero predators such as elephants have brief life spans in captivity. Another serious problem is that the chronically-understaffed USDA conducts inspections infrequently. In the age of social media, high profile culls have sparked heated debates. In addition, when animals are removed from their natural habitats, they are also removed from their family structure and social hierarchy. Tell lawmakers you support animal-friendly legislation and local bans on using animals in entertainment. Many people consider zoos amoral and cruel while others have the notion . The U.S. became a signatory to CITES in 1975. Check out more news and information on Wild Animalsin Science Times. We have good models of captive wild animal protection laws outside of this country as well. A zoological park is defined as an establishment designed for conservation, study, and public display. The Brutal Truth About Seal Clubbing: Because Everyone Needs Dead Seal Pups (Not)! Animal Legal Defense Fund,National Headquarters Marine mammals in captivity | The Humane Society of the United States The forerunners of the modern zoo, open to the public and grounded in science, took shape in the 19th century. Here's What Experts Think. Should animals be kept in captivity? - The Current What Mr. Ashe wants visitors to experience when they look at the animals is a sense of empathy for the individual animal, as well as the wild populations of that animal.. Zoos are expensive to run, often have a very tight budget, and cannot afford to maintain and support animals that do not pull their weight in terms of attraction. Zoos are home to many animals. Such a transformation might free up some space. Infringing the rights of individuals because it benefits the species is wrong because a species is not an. What began as a way to pass time soon became a compulsion. This can lead to an appreciation of animals, which in return will see them being treated much better. State laws vary considerably, with some states banning the ownership of wild and exotic animals while others have virtually no regulation whatsoever. People may behave eco-friendlier after going to the zoo. And this is not a definite number of victims; there is probably a good number that hasnt been documented. Yes, it is time consuming and it is expensive, but if it is possible, we have to try, simply because is the right thing to do.". Its zookeepers who arent fond of animals that go around hurting animals even when they havent been provoked. To many people, a trip to the zoo is a fun day out for the family. When theres a surplus, you can just have a plant sale. It is not humane to keep large mammals like orcas, dolphins or elephants in zoos or theme parks. The Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES): CITES is an international treaty that regulates the trade of wildlife for nations that are signatories to the treaty. It is not possible to have zookeepers versed in a detailed understanding of every single species. Many zoo animals are forcefully removed from their natural habitat. Understanding the optimal requirements for the reproduction of certain animals can be difficult. When it comes to lethal force and animal welfare, at least, public opinion swiftly sides against zoos. In several cases, animals held in poor conditions at roadside zoos have been transferred to sanctuaries, after the Animal Legal Defense Fund brought lawsuits under the Endangered Species Act. This alteration of the animals behavior will eventually do more harm than good. A common criticism is that the inspectors are often inadequately trained to look for sign of problems such as abuse and neglect. There are zoological park associations that were formed to keep zoo owners on their toes. The others ran, and she pursued them, ignoring all other humans in her path. Alas, theres plenty of heartbreaking evidence that many are not. They found that only 27 percent of people bothered to read the signs at exhibits. Ive heard and read some of their stories. Regardless of the merits or ethics of zoos, one thing's for certain: they're going to be around for some years yet. If you dont have people that know how to care for them, know how to breed them successfully, know how to keep them in environments where their social and psychological needs can be met, then you wont be able to do that, he said. Humans have kept wild animals for thousands of years. A small exhibit is never going to truly capture the vastness of the open world. As humans, we have no right to hunt and lock up animals for our enjoyment. The shooting of Harambe the gorilla spawned the most-shared meme of 2016 and caused a hounded Cincinnati Zoo to suspend its social media accounts. Are Wildlife Sanctuaries Good for Animals? They normally find themselves locked in cages, and only released into an artificial habitat when there are visitors at the zoo. Copyright OurEndangedWorld | All Rights Reserved, Environmental Organizations in The Philippines, Environmental Organizations in North America, Environmental Organizations in South America, Best Energy-Efficient Electric Fireplaces. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. Most animals are taught to perform tricks and go against the grain of nature purely for human entertainment. The required standard of care for wild animals, such as those held by zoos, is wide-ranging and nigh on impossible for zoos to provide. Ostensibly places for genteel amusement and edification, zoos expanded beyond big and fearsome animals to include reptile houses, aviaries and insectariums. Elephants bob their heads over and over. Zoos shifted just slightly from overt demonstrations of mastery over beasts to a narrative of benevolent protection of individual animals. While zoos can definitely be exciting places for families to visit, the fact remains that they are bad for animals. Many zoos will then resort to drugging animals in order to keep them docile and normal for the pleasure of the viewing public. See Related: How Similar is Human DNA to Other Animals. Cons of zoos Animal cruelty in zoos continues to be extremely common. What Is The Hunters Role in Wildlife Conservation? In 1982, only 22 condors existed in the wild. Animals are an important part of nature and should have the right to live in their natural environment. As long as there is demand should zoos exist essay them, zoos will continue to exist. Animals begin to display erratic behaviors, self-mutilation, and an inability to settle. For animals in zoos, the AWA sets low requirements as to housing, food and sanitation, and, as is commonly noted, no requirements for mental stimulation of animals other than primates. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Zoos often have insufficient knowledge of animals. Earlier this month, footage of a dolphin attacking its trainer in Miami Seaquarium went viral. The role of our leaders: Writing at the end of 2020, Al Gore, the 45th vice president of the United States, found reasons for optimismin the Biden presidency, a feeling perhaps borne out by the passing of major climate legislation. What Cause Extinction What Can We Do To Stop It? There have also been reported cases of zoos not properly disposing of dead bodies when animals die on their premises. Why Animals Should not be Kept in Zoos? Essay In the case of America, our maps, developed with experts, show where extreme heat is causing the most deaths. As we snap a selfie by the sea lions for the first time in so long, it seems worth asking, after our collective ordeal, whether our pleasure in seeing wild animals up close is worth the price of their captivity. A.Z.A. In 2014, the director of the E.A.Z.A. The ongoing extinction crises shows that zoos are needed - even for common species. WHY ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN CAPTIVITY By "Phillip" Hungry, depressed, and unable to connect. However, the vast majority dont do enough to accurately replace an animals natural habitat. Sadly, most of these associations end up protecting the interests of their members, and not the animals they should be protecting. Bears, lions, and other animals languish in roadside zoos across the country. As a late Gen-Xer-cum-early-Millenial, my childhood was rich with trips to visit zoos. According to an article inPlant Based News, marine parks and aquariums are a billion-dollar industry that exists to entertain the public by catching fish and sea mammals from the wild and using them as live exhibits. Breeding programs in zoos eventually lead to some animals being sold off to other zoos or worse circuses. 525 East Cotati Avenue,Cotati, CA 94931 Animals in zoos are easier to get various kinds of diseases because there are thousands of people around the animal every day. A 2000 survey of U.S. and Canadian zoos found that nearly half of respondents were giving their gorillas Haldol, Valium or another psychopharmaceutical drug. There is no end to the risk of cross-contamination and disease spread, especially when considering the fact that lots of zoos fail to provide the correct standard of care. Lack of Sufficient Space No matter how dedicated a zoo is, it can't meet the space requirements for most of its animals. Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos? | KQED Education Their death can be caused by either: lack of space, physical problems, diet, and PTSD. Caring for the said animals, away from their predator will give their species a chance of repopulating. The monotonous, confined life of animals in captivity is a mere shadow of what life was like for them in the wild. The A.Z.A. Groundhog More than Just a Weather Prognosticator! Most zoos dont focus on the educational aspect of zoos; the animals are mainly kept for amusement. In contrast, those nesting animals or cornered ones will try to defend themselves if being approached to protect their young. Students and the general public get a chance to learn about different species of animals. You can surely help these animals by refusing to visit zoos and instead supporting sanctuaries where animals live in natural habitats. A day may come, he said, when we need to breed elephants or tigers or polar bears in captivity to save them from extinction. Why the world needs zoos | Dr Dave Hone | The Guardian In one escape, they worked together: One held a mop handle steady while her sister climbed it to freedom. The educational day out model of zoos endured until the late 20th century, when zoos began actively rebranding themselves as serious contributors to conservation. Visiting a zoo is a chance for many people to see exotic animals they would otherwise be unable to see. If one could simply stop urging and encouraging zoos then maybe someday animals get to live in the free wild as they please. I dont see any problem with holding animals for display, Mr. Ashe told me. Elephants are particularly unhappy in zoos, given their great size, social nature and cognitive complexity. But this is not the norm. Photographs by Peter Fisher. The shooting of Harambe the gorilla spawned the most-shared meme of 2016 and caused a hounded Cincinnati Zoo to suspend its social media accounts. For example, Orcas are migratory animals with a vast range. In this way, they could lead the predator away from their nest. This gives the poor pets a home and creates a revenue stream for the zoos. Though the zoos business has grown from what it was over a century ago, there are still some things that can be improved. Reasons Why Animals Should not Be Kept in Zoos - GradesFixer However, suffering doesnt have to be physical; boredom, confinement, and stress can cause an animal a lot of suffering. However, the truth is that no enclosure can come close to matching the vastness of an animals natural environment. Severe arthritis and foot infections are common in captive elephants due to standing on hard, unnatural surfaces all day without room to roam. They often display neurotic behaviour, like repetitive pacing, swaying, and bar biting. This can have huge negative effects on the environment in many adverse ways. For some animals in zoos, the shock of their relocation alone can be fatal. In many cases, animals in captivity do not have the space or resources to roam and live as they would in their natural habitat. Though some zoos plan on reintroducing the animals into the wild after a while, living in zoos makes it impossible for some animals. Even if the animals are being fed well, the lack of freedom can cause them to be stressed. Things to Know. Thousands of animals are captured and put in zoos and aquariums for tourist attractions every year. But few federal laws protect these animals, who may be forced to perform or kept confined in small cages with little to keep their minds occupied and bodies well. First and foremost, captivity can be extremely detrimental to an animal's physical and mental well-being. Jason Hribals 2010 book, Fear of the Animal Planet, chronicles dozens of attempts. 1. Alex shares his life with his wife (to-be), children and stepchildren, a herd of guinea pigs, and numerous tropical fish, frogs and snails. See Related: Animals With the Best Sense of Smell. Zoos - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org When it comes to lethal force and animal welfare, at least, public opinion swiftly sides against zoos. The lack of enough vegetation will then lead to global warming due to less carbon in the atmosphere. Exotic animals have become very popular, but they are also dangerous in so many ways. Should zoos exist essay: Should Zoos Still Exist or Not? The Arguments Existing refuges often do allow visitors, but their facilities are really arranged for the animals, not for the people. This relocation alone can come as a large shock and wreak havoc on the animals mental health. When the zoo replaced the bars with thick glass, he started methodically removing the putty holding it in. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. Thats undeniable. His justification was philosophical. Not investing enough when designing a habitat for your animals to save money. An example of this is a snake that will bite whatever is threatening them since they are not as good at running away as other animals. An example of these associations is the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) which represents over 240 businesses across the globe. This isnt always guaranteed since the breeding practices could be insufficient or even produce animals that are not suitable for survival in the wild. Going to the zoo is sort of a short vacation for many people. Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Claws N Paws, Looking for case and legal resources? Weve discussed the reasons and can surely all now answer the question of why are zoos bad. By playing dead, they would deceive predators into leaving them alone. Older menageries existed as far back as 2500 BCE, in Mesopotamia. They are contained in small spaces, often made docile through drugs and other medications, and slowly strip away all autonomy and freedom from all animals. In April, ethical tour operator Responsible Travel after consultation with wildlife charity Born Free Foundation axed trips that include zoo visits. Opinion | Zoos Are Bad for Animals - The New York Times Animals are forced to sleep, eat, and defecate in the same small area. People are always attracted to exotic animals such as grizzlies, lions, wolves, tigers, and alligators among others. Before anyone starts sprinkling the stuff on their cornflakes, this isn't the hottest new beauty trend nor is it a natural phenomenon: Assiniboine Park Zoo's keepers use coloured glitter in the bears' feed to identify their droppings. The United Kingdom, for example, has announced a plan to phase out all circuses featuring wild animal performances by 2020. Private individuals with the financial means use their money to procure rare or exotic animals from zoos to add to their own private collections. This conservation focus must be a key component for institutions that want to be accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, a nonprofit organization that sets standards and policies for facilities in the United States and 12 other countries. And Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo has an on-site Wildlife Hospital to save sick and injured native species. Some 5,800 species of animals are covered by the treaty (along with 30,000 species of plants). In 1898, the reason was cited by the New York Zoological Society when it resolved to inform the public of the continued decline in animal populations, to stimulate sentiment in favor of animal protection, and to cooperate with scientific organizations to ensure the preservation of species. Once the ground has been left with no coverage, soil erosion will be the next step. Our EIN number is 94-2681680. People assume that because an animal can move great distances that they would choose to do that. If they have everything they need nearby, he argued, they would be happy with smaller territories. All Rights are Resvered. However, through education and informative motions for change, we can make change the way zoos are run. Animals in zoos can sense this, and over time their confinement can lead to worrying behavioral changes. This paper is going to discuss why animals should not be kept in captivity. or the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria have studbooks and genetic pedigrees and carefully breed their animals as if they might be called upon at any moment to release them, like Noah throwing open the doors to the ark, into a waiting wild habitat. So when they face a threat, wild animals believe that they should survive by fleeing, fighting, flirting, or freezing. Crustacean Chronicles: A Deep Dive into the Fascinating World of the Crab, Pet Food Manufacturers and Who Rules the Roost in a Growing Market. As a result, many animals at zoos may die prematurely from stress or illness. Its said that Texas has the worlds second-largest tiger population, due to private citizens propensity for keeping these big cats as pets. For comparison, in 2018, they spent $4.9 billion on operations and construction. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is rated four-stars by Charity Navigator, is a Platinum Level GuideStar Exchange participant, a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, and an Independent Charity Seal of Excellence awardee, ensuring that we meet the highest standards of accountability, efficiency, and impact. Lack of trees to rain will then lead to less and less vegetation and eventually draught in the area which will force the surviving animals to migrate to areas with better conditions. Many suffer from arthritis and other joint problems from standing on hard surfaces; elephants kept alone become desperately lonely; and all zoo elephants suffer mentally from being cooped up in tiny yards while their free-ranging cousins walk up to 50 miles a day. Sign up for our free newsletter for the Latest coverage! The California condor shows what zoos can accomplish. This becomes a major blow to the biodiversity of the affected region. Animals are stressed when they get separated from their packs or herds, especially when they end up as the only one of their kind in their new homes. What could these zoos do with it, besides enlarging enclosures? The statistics on the number of big cats alone that have died in captivity between 1990 and 2021 is 126. Unfortunately using real animals for these purposes involves tremendous cruelty. However, there are some disadvantages of zoos to the environment ranging from overpopulation of a species to global warming. It is impossible to read these stories without concluding that these animals wanted out. For many wild animals, this is a vital part of their life, and they can struggle to redefine their footing. Should Zoos Keep Endangered Species? - Treehugger Yes And Someone is Paying Attention, Swimming with The Seahorse: Discover Their Mystical Charisma. These wild animals are sold at auctions, pet stores or over the internet. However, the truth remains that zoos often have insufficient knowledge of the animals they are housing. Wildlife experts remind people that these animals do not know people's intentions, so they will try to protect themselves no matter what. Your voice is needed, so that captive wild animals in the United States, and elsewhere, are better protected. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. WHY ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN CAPTIVITY - Adobe Slate However, I feel there are certain species that should never be held in captivity unless they are candidates for breeding programs or rehabilitation.