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Status Update. Today I'm doing a new story called 'Hall Monster Linka,' as you can tell this a story that features Linka Loud and her brothers. I have just had it! ], Baseball Announcer:[clinging to Pep]"SQUIRRELS WIN! (They arrive home. Even Ronnie Anne was there too. The Loud House Re-Write - Linc or Swim. No Such Luck / Frog Wild. They knew their kids wouldn't like that but this was supposed to be a weekend for themselves, not the family, and the kids should've just accepted it and gone to Ruth's. While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. I didn't think you guys would believe I was bad luck, even going as far as to lock me out. It said "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Im going crazy over you." You going to dress me up as a chipmunk or a donkey!? How about i give you something new to explain! The heat increases. 'What did he mean there's a massive storm heading her way?' "Her pudding is at least a hundred years old and will cause us all to go to the hospital for stomach pumping," Lisa added. SO I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!" Lincoln, you are now free to come back into the house.". ", Baseball Announcer: "I think you're rubbing off on me, Pep. A rather large family that sticks together through thick and thin. ", Lincoln:[to the viewers] "Maybe I can move into Lisa's fallout shelter. "AND ONCE AGAIN, I HATE YOU TOO! QUIET! So expect a bill in the mail." We really are just a bunch of chickens Lynn: Fine! They got their answer when, suddenly, the door the spa was kicked open by someone's shoe. I'll just play softball all by myself! ", Lincoln: "I won't deny that I brought this on myself. She then added, "I was just talking to my boyfriend when suddenly the sliding door closes and I can't get back in. When my so-called 'family' gets home, I'm gonna have a talk with them." (he goes to the living room window. ", Lincoln: "You know what, Lynn. Lincoln: Now THAT'S bad luck for you, you brainless nitwits!! I've had an account on this website for about a year and a half now and this is the first story I'm doing for it. The kids, of course, still had some demands to give their parents. Everyone winced at the final words out of Lola's mouth, but not the woman on the other end. Lincoln then brought his arms back, suggesting a family hug. ), Lincoln: (to the viewers) " I can't believe they actually locked me out the house, which is also my home. This Fanfic is a MASSIVE critique on every fanfic that is targeting the Episode "No Such Luck" of the Western Animation Series "The Loud House." No Such Luck Alternate ending (Bad) Deviation Actions. i certainly didn't expect something like that, but i guess curiosity must be fed. (charges towards Lynn in a rage) AND I HATE YOU!!!! House of Lies alt ending14. ", Lincoln: "Just hear me out." Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. You're like some mindless mob and I hate that! (facepalms. She then turned around, along with the other siblings, and glared at their parents. Lisa responded with in her genius talk. Once again, this shocked Rita, she thought she knew her aunt, but clearly she was wrong. That response caused an immediate reaction of confusion from the kids. They got to Vanzilla and saw their children sitting the car, very mad and upset. ", Luna: (opens her arms out) "Come here, bro." This triggered events that none of the Loud House family could have seen. Lana: *Gasp* All my pets are now homeless! I messed up and maybe i did want to support some of you guys! The siblings were heard saying numerous phrases but they all pretty had the same topic, 'What did we do to get kicked out already?' Well thanks [Sam then kissed Luna on the cheek. Theres no need to shout. it is true that the Duke's actions were noble and his heart was stout, but he held doubts of his. Post a journal. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! luckily, it was unlocked, he opened it and went inside.) Lucy: (shedding tears) Me too. And she knew it wasn't about any massive gathering of one group for some kind of event because she would've been notified way ahead of time. Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. That..That's not true. Lori: Is that literally what you think we are.? ", Baseball Announcer: "The windup, the pitch. Leni: WE DON'T DESERVE LOVE OR THIS TRIP TO THE BEACH!!!! Which she did. Lincoln: "Coming!" So consider this as a fourth fanfic of mine. "And mom should know better," Lori shouted back, glaring at her mother specifically, "Then to take us to that woman!" I'm the Duke! Im sick of everything thats happened to me! We don't know what we were thinking! And he did not look happy. He's just really mad, isn't he? [The crowd cheers, the Loud family gasps in shock] Lynn: "No! Then, he opened it up. Goodbye for now. Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. Luck. Right now." ", Lola: "Don't try to fool us! The family and Bobby are there to support Lynn. Spell it out alt ending7. Lincoln: But you were all so gullible and stupid! And, as a result, everyone, including the obnoxious guys and Lucy, were terrified. Uh-uh, I'm nothaving it. (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. SEE YOU NEVER!" [Later, Lincoln and his family were sitting in the living room when the doorbell rang. ", Lincoln: (to Lola) "Lola, all those pageants I went to, did anything bad happen those times? Literature. "So you thought that the best way to find a ghost, which I know for a fact aren't haunting this hotel, was to knock out your air conditioner," the man said, as he gestured to the hole that once had an air conditioner there, "Do you realize how ridiculous and stupid you sound right now?" Lincoln: FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was being a sore loser! "Room 5," Felix answered with, "On the 11th floor." (pauses for a few seconds) "Do you guys notlove me anymore? My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Am. (Lynn looks confused.) I don't want you quit something you love because of me. Everyone finally realized that what they've done. So they, begrudgingly, got in the back seats. ", Lynn: "We forgot to lock the windows! Get me arrested. "Two outs in the bottom of the ninth, and the bases are loaded. "We promised you wouldn't notice we were there while had a nice relaxing weekend, right?" turns her attention to Lincoln) "Get out! after they let go, Lincoln notices Lynn standing with her head down.) Summary: Taken from the episode 'No Such Luck'. They were my favourite! I wonder if the windows are locked?" Lynn Sr. bit his lip for a moment, rubbed the back of his head with hand, and then sighed, "It might take a while and it might not be easy, but I'm certain we can regain their trust." And even if you don't always succeed, your a good at it. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. I need a very big, long rest from them. Lynn ran outside and falcon punched him. (Lincoln, without hesitation, hugs her, with the rest of the sisters joining in for another group hug. More information No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane More like this House Cartoon Cartoon Fan Cartoon Shows ", Luan: "The same goes for all of us. I demand an explanation! Lincoln: No, im your good luck charm! We don't need to get violent here. The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. "So just so you can remember clearly," Lincoln started with, before he and his sisters got red in the face, "WE HATE YOU!" He even then flips over and smashes the trophy case. With how much of a hatedom Lynn Jr got after this episode, I had to have her own up to her mistakes. How convenient for me. The siblings had their arms either crossed on their chest or on their thighs in a wing stance, but they were all glaring at their parents. My family learned not to let something as stupid as superstitions get to them and tear us apart, and I learned to just be honest about things like this instead of convincing them about something ridiculous just take a break from going to certain events. I don't want to pick a movie you guys possiblyly won't enjoy, I want to watch something all of us will enjoy." They started running towards them as fast as possible, when suddenly, the sound of a fist pounding against the door is heard. HATE ME FOREVER!!! Honest! Lori was trying to figure out a way back into the hotel room. NOTHING!! ", [It's revealed to be Lincoln in the runabout costume], Lincoln:[to the viewers] "My plan is simple: I watch the game in disguise, and when the Squirrels win, everyone will see I'm not bad luck. Leni asked, an eyebrow raised, confused. Ugh!" The family sees this and gasps in shock.). "Yeah, I guess that's fair," Luna said, "we made a promise with you and we couldn't keep it." There's no need to shout. Lucy: Lincoln's right! Sweaty Pants here! He helped hold us all together and outings just won't be the same without Lincoln. Loud House Alternate Ending: Out of the Picture by . Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and . Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. "YOU KIDS ARE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND TO BE HONEST, I WAS GLAD WHEN YOUR PARENTS DECIDED TO TAKE YOU TO THAT HOTEL BECAUSE I COULDN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF BEING STUCK WITH YOU MONSTERS FOR TWO DAYS!" Ronnie Anne: Happy Valentines Day, Lincoln. It was wrong of me to blame you for my failure and call you bad luck! I'm not. You took it too far! Also, just to note, not all of my stories are going to be this gritty or serious or emotional. ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? Hope you enjoy. The woman groaned and responded with, "It's not so much the dip that got them in trouble, rather it was their lack of swimwear that did." I hate that you made me feel like an outcast! "What's wrong with Aunt Ruth?" ", Lincoln: "Thanks. Those words just made Lynn Sr. and Rita feel even more lousy and know for certain that they messed up big time. The way the security officer said, 'Right now,' made Luna nervous, it was typically the tone of voice used when someone was in very serious trouble. Most of the fanfictions involve Lynn being more unlikeable, they contain Luna and Leni feeling sympathy over Lincoln because the fanbase is mostly biased between the relationships between Lincoln and Luna and Leni and the fanfictions don't even fix the episodes . *Later in the Duke's room, Lincoln approaches Angus* Angus: Ah Lincoln, What's seems to be on your mind? What kind of parents would do that? The parents were shown to be hypocritical at the end, telling their children to behave when they cause the whole family to be kicked out and then tricking them into going to Aunt Ruth's and letting them have a nice weekend at a homemade spa (yes I'm aware the Aunt Ruth thing happens more or less unintentionally but come on, it doesn't really make a massive difference). Lana said, glaring at her parents. ), Lincoln: "What am I doing here? I do not own Loud House, Spongebob Squarepants, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Wayside or Loud House Tales. ", Baseball Announcer: "Just look at our poor squirrels! I plan to do some more humorous parodies and some other stories that aren't going to be as serious as this one, so be on the lookout for that. While eating breakfast, Lincoln learns from his sisters that they have planned activities later in the day. Our family wouldn't be a family without-. "And don't even get us started on the chores she makes us do," Lincoln shouted, "Especially buffing her bunions." Why? Just so you know, in case you ask about that). "Although," Lana, a six-year old tomboy wearing a baseball, added, "if it helps we tried to fix it." Luna turned to him with a glare on her face and said, "Forget it, dad! Anything bad happen then? Leni stared crying and the rest of them followed suit. Ruth yelled, "I DON'T WANT YOU OR YOUR UNGRATEFUL BRATS OR YOUR MANCHILD HUSBAND ANYWHERE NEAR MY HOUSE AGAIN? I hate that you do nothing but ruin other people's lives, including one of your own! "We just wanna tell you how much we HATE YOU, YOU GROSS UGLY THING!" (thinks for a minute) "Hmm. Thats not how it works! Luna: We just weren't thinking bro, we're sorry. Time i sort out these looney superstitions once and for all!! Luan then walked up to Leni and whispered into her ear. You are about as braindead as you're heartless! We got your back. Lincoln is scared, expecting her to beat him up, but instead she wraps her arms around his neck and begins to cry), Lynn: (with a broken voice) "I'm so sorry Lincoln! Especially with the ending, so I created this story to give it a better ending. Lincoln: Stop it! The Loud House No Such Luck Altern. "WE HATE YOUR DISGUSTING PUDDING!" Rita walked over to her side of their bed and sat down, put her hands on her head and started sobbing. "What we're saying is is that you two are going to be confided to this building for the next 2 calendar cycles, only to leave for employment reasons or to get us sustenance from the one of our beloved stores." He gives her bat a furious glare, smashes it in half and throws it out the window. Maddie herself hid underneath the desk and she could hear the sounds of things being tossed and breaking or getting smashed on and breaking. (Inhales, then exhales) "I. My own family, locking me out. She smiled as Lincoln took it. Lynn Sr.: But son..if you wanted time off, all you had to do was just say so! I'll never be able to play games the best way again! Now watch as i do what I should have done in the first place! [Everyone headed to the living room to sleep together. She hugged him back.] Lana: (tearful) He might tell everyone in town and everyone will hate us. ", Mascot:[in a familiar voice] "Hey, man! The school bell rings at Royal Woods Middle School. He even throws many of his family's items out the windows, such as Luna's guitar, Luan's comedy props, Lisa's science set, Lori's phone, Leni's sewing machine and dresses, Rita's typing machine, Lynn Sr's cowbell, Lana's animal shelters, Lola's cosmetics and tiaras, Lucy's poetry book and coffin, the TV and most of Lynn's sports equipment. Lincoln: (tearful) No! I'm giving it a Teen rating, because while there is no serious violence in this story, there are still some moments that might not be comfortable for youngsters to have to read (primarily shouting and lots of it). Immediately, everyone started running or hiding to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs of their destruction. Lynn Sr. asked. "And," Lori said, as she approached her parents, "if you want to act like irresponsible teenagers. Ruth shouted back, insulted. You're nothing, but an embarrassment to sports. "Do you have any idea how lousy you made us feel?" ), (It cuts to the main street. After he said that, he finally saw his kids' faces and immediately started backing away, but the kids stomped forward, towards him and Rita and they completely surrounded them. As long as I know that it'strue, I wouldn't let this stop me from loving you, or anyone else. Rita asked. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. (They keep searching the house. Lincoln: "Oh really." Looking up from the soaking wet floor, the man said, in an unamused tone, "No. He turned to specifically glare at the parents and added, "And just so you know, you're banned for life now.