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Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War. Im an Anniston vet. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them It would most likely be cheaper and distinctly faster to approve every damned request for benefits. Respiratory Cancers, including Lung Cancer I went back in time and pulled up my old ships log and was shocked to see the ships daily log showing injuries to my fellow sailors falling down stairs, broken finger, stitches on their scalp and splints on their fingers but sent right on back to work, it happened to me also but now I find out that no records were kept. I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. Thank you for allowing me to vent. Guess it only matters how you became exposed. The VA has pushed aside those of us that used trichloroethylene as a cleaning solvent in the 60s. The Young man handling Agent Orange claims referred me to my own civilian doctor and even paid for the visit. Im not sure if VA has put me into the exposed group. Problem solved!!!! Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. s truly on the way! You also have to as a fully developed claim if you can do that, they process those first. Was on duty there when Hurricane Camille hit Gulfport, MS and was deployed down there for rescue and recovery. There are a couple of things that come to mind that you could try. He ONLY got 100% disability compensation from time of diagnosis. I think a diagnosis of prostate cancer from agent orange means an automatic 100% disability rating. That has been appealed with the help of the Dept of Veterans Affairs. How long until a decision is made on an agent orange applied November 2019. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. As I read story after story. There is plenty of evidence but no admission from our government. We also had Downs baby and a miscarriage also from Agent Orange. So, my thoughts are that anyone that is reading this . I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. Log on to VA.GOV. My siblings and I have more then one of the affects from my fathers exsposure. The VA took his money back, told me he was dead and wouldnt need a check anyway and his children could not receive anything from his estate nor file for compensation. All camp sites were heavily sprayed ,where our tents for our barracks and mess hall were placed. is being forced because of these new laws and regulations to admit exposure they previously denied. Every day is a challenge: financially, physically, and emotionally. I also am a cancer survivor. Wes, to leave the ship and make his way home to his wife and daughter. There should be a 1-800-827-1000 number or something similar. If you already filed, find a VA advocate that is passionate about their job and will fight to get you the benefits you are entitled to. Their use in Vietnam and Thailand took a heavy toll. These are the evidence pieces you should give to your VSO, or if filing on your own, the evidence you scan and attach when submitting a claim at 67-68 Tet. I served from 1968-68 with the first Marines . The term agent orange has to be removed from any claim and replaced with herbicide which is a denial by our VA that the chemical was used to defoliate the perimeters of all the air basis in Thailand. They will help you with your compensation claim. Marshall retold the story of his years during the Vietnam War where . Currently, the following conditions are presumed to be caused by Agent Orange and will receive presumptive service connection for qualifying veterans stationed in Thailand: AL Amyloidosis Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin's Disease Ischemic Heart Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Parkinson's Disease They go hand in hand but the government doesnt recognize all the years my husband had dementia. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Now that I am retired I have been diagnosed with asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis. Never! Tom, you need to file if you were in the exact place where agent orange was employed the perimeter of an air base. My Father Thomas H. Wilson Sr. (Deceased) died on February 14, 1986, after a gruesome battle with Bone, Lung, and, Stomach cancer. Be well, Bobby. A deceased buddy of mine was stationed on Guam. Does anyone know if Agent Orange was used during the Korean War? Is it two feet from the perimeter? Good luck and thank you for your service! My husband died in January 2021. I only get the run around when I call. April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. We were stationed together. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. This is the first Ive heard about my conditions might be related to Agent Orange. After many years of dealing with the VA in Iowa City, I got him in to Danville, Illinois VA. says good luck. Were you in Vietnam? Sounds as tho EVERYTHING is denied!! Submit the claim Robert, you will be eligible for compensation if you have medical conditions that warrant it. March 3 (UPI) -- Renewable energy company AVANGRID said Friday an agreement to spend $30 million on components supports a final investment decision for a solar power facility in Texas, a national leader in solar power. Dont give up. During 2020-2021, VA and DoD updated the list of locations based on new information to several locations in the U.S. and oversees, including Thailand, Korea, and . The burn pits were operating no matter which way the wind was blowing. They save a lot of money by just refusing claim after claim. Hard of hearing as well. VA is establishing a holistic approach to determining toxic exposure presumption going forward. At least Korean and Vietnam combat veterans should be 100%, eliminate the bureaucracy. Both his parents lived to the age of 96. Together WE can connect veterans with their benefits by sharing this information. What about those of us Vietnam era vets that served on stateside bases such as Ft Gordon ga? I have applied for agent orange compensation nearly two years ago. Im fully compensated, tax free, and have free medical. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Camp Lejune , 6 months of 71. Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? March 3 (UPI) -- The Interior Department said Friday that it was taking new steps to restore the declining American bison population. When I called the VA, I was told that this was not related to exposure of Agent Orange. I have Parkinsons, nerve, ligament damage and nodules on my lungs. It took several days to call me back. One place my brother was stationed was Dong Ha. Even if I never see one additional dollar in compensation, it makes my day to see them put in print that yes, Agent Orange exposure causes Hypothyroidism {Graves] Disease!!! Hi Ted, I run a project called Operation Triumphus and have helped point some veterans in the right direction regarding this issue. My husband was in Vietnam in the late 60s and early 70s. Currently, Skinner hopes to make a case before a VA judge in perhaps a year, maybe longer. Big news from Iceland Feb. 2021 in the amount of lead in the base, NASKEF, drinking water in the late 90s. Turner hassupported similar legislationin the past. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. But not to veterans in Thailand at least, not yet. Major 321 MW solar farm in Texas moves close to a final investment decision. I still dont understand why skin cancers are not recognized of all things that were exposed SKIN. Troops exposed to Agent Orange outside of Vietnam could be in line for article ul li { list-style: disc; padding: 5px 0; } He told me the funeral home would take care of it. Centerville resident McHenry died in July 2021 at the age of 74. He stated that they used Agent Orange several times while they were in Korea. Agent Orange. Paula Im with you, daughter died 18 months neuoblastoma, brother 44 brain cancer, sister breast cancer and ovarian cancer, i have had lung cancer, leiomysarcoma, soft cell sarcoma, pre colon cancer, I recieved the MUTATED TP53 gene, i dont care what any say the agent orange is a direct reflection of so much death and pain in my family. Just about everywhere we went looked like the vegetation never existed! He loved his job. every single day,a never ending nightmare. Be aware (request a copy) of your DBQ exam as I did mine and one of the examiners did not completely fill out the questions that were asked of her and for some reason referred to me as a STREET PERSON, get a copy ASAP so that you will know what they said, its in your best interest. Sol Bobst is a great guy. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. Drink eat and shower in agent orange in the Tonkin Gulf. Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976. FTVA! Just how much can one family take we keep dieing!!! USMC 67-71. Lawrence I am so very sorry to hear what they are doing in FAILING to recognize and properly 1) take care of your situation and 2) acknowledge responsibility and approve full 100% benefits. That is all they are waiting for ? But we filed a claim for our daughter for the Agent Orange. Have never been able to figure out who he was :-( Good luck! Doctor told me heart ( VA has me on meds, surgery in 2002) not in AO conditions. Trump legal team requests six-month delay in New York civil lawsuit. I was also told that even before the pandemic, claims decisions were never made in less than four months. Hard of hearing!! He worked on a base heavy with agent orange. He passed away In 1994 from Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease. I am a VSO and I always get comments that the VA is That is partly correct. Falls short of what needs to happen, VA needs to make sure above all that people contaminated why doing their jobs in service get help. Typically, veterans need to prove -- usually through medical exams and service records -- that their injuries and illnesses are directly connected to time spent in the military, Military Times noted. He said he worked in areas close to base fencelines and perimeters, sometimes chaining down jets to run the engines, which would actually kick up dust and dirt everywhere around the aircraft.. Makes no sense. I was at a base camp in South Vietnam when after taking a short shower, ( limited water ) a chopper flew overhead and spraying Agent Orange in the tree lines when I got another shower, Agent Orange! We all suffered mentally and physically and are still suffering. And still didnt know what all that noise was,,I thought I had to live with it You will find a very good article that explains qualifications. You have to have served in Vietnam AND have one of the medical conditions recognized by the VA. Text - H.R.2569 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Veterans Agent Orange