Examples translated by humans: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Who was the last king of Gonanda dynasty? Waged a war against the Tantrins with help of their rivals (known as Ekanga), but was defeated and killed. Here, the emperor's top scribes and secretaries were given the task of translating a range of Sanskrit texts, including the Rajatarangini (The History of the Kings of Kashmir) and the Ramayana, into Persian. This too appears to be a reference to the ice lingam at Amarnath. Each issue contains four to five feature articles on topics It describes almost two centuries of the old and early middle age history of the Valley. In our own time, the Kashmiri Sanskrit scholar and former diplomat A.N.D. Published online by Cambridge University Press: Running into almost 8000 stanzas that are inconsistently disseminated among eight books or areas, the. The translation of the Mahabharata and Kalhana's Rajatarangini into Persian was its most outstanding achievement. In his old age, the childless king ordered killing of Sandhimati to prevent any chance of him becoming a king. He assigned the work to a few officials to translate the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language, the literary language of the Mughal court. It is a very good painting of the beyond with splendid recorded understanding. Persian Literature During Delhi Sultanate - MCQ Books Son of Durlabhaka and Shrinarendraprabha. The author Kalhana was a son of a minister of Harsha of this family. It covers the entire span of history in the Kashmir region from the earliest times to the date of its composition. For example, Kalhana has highly exaggerated the military conquests of Lalitaditya Muktapida.[18][19]. The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided into eight books called Tarangas (waves). epic poem Download our apps to start learning, Call us and we will answer all your questions about learning on Unacademy. Get all the important information related to the Railway Exam including the process of application, important calendar dates, eligibility criteria, exam centers etc. His descendant Meghavahana later restored the dynasty's rule. Sultan Shihabud-din did not have a large number of soldiers to battle against the Kashgar army. Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. Verse 15. it has been transformed into Persian, Get subscription and access unlimited live and recorded courses from Indias best educators. Unacademy is Indias largest online learning platform. Little is known about him except from what he tells us about himself in the opening verses of his book. His queen eloped with a Buddhist monk, so he destroyed the Buddhist monasteries and gave their land to the Brahmins. Zain ul Abidin, a 15th century ruler of Kashmir, appointed scribes to translate the Mahabharata and Kalhana's Rajatarangini into Persian with the aim that these translations would give an insight into Hindu philosophy and culture to the rest of the world. Jonaraja became a Kashmiri antiquarian and Sanskrit writer. Kalhana was a poet. Subscriber Only Stories View All Buy 2-year plan with SD20 code for special price During Akbar's time the Ramayana and Mahabharata were also translated into Persian. The author of the Rajatarangini history chronicles the rulers of the valley from earliest times, from the epic period of the Mahbhrata to the reign of Sangrama Deva (c.1006 CE), before the Muslim era. His son Kshemagupta married Didda, daughter of Simharaja of Lohara. In that officials, Abul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. The book has a magisterial Foreword by Puthezhath Raman Menon, a considerable figure in Malayalam literature and a contemporary of the translator. Her son was Chippatajayapida. Jizya was abolished too in his command. 1 Who translated Rajatarangini in Kashmiri? By looking at the inscriptions recording the consecretations of temples and grants by former kings, at laudatory inscriptions and at written works, the trouble arising from many errors has been overcome. [25][26], Sikandar died in April, 1413 upon which, the eldest son 'Mir' was anointed as the Sultan having adopted the title of Ali Shah. Who translated Rajatarangini in Kashmiri? - ProfoundTips Son of Lalitapida and his concubine Jayadevi. Verse 13. He was (I.191) the first of his race. He established a university in Naushehra and a Darul Tarjuma. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. From the regulation of commodities to the reviving of old crafts, Abidin did everything for overall development of Kashmir and his subjects. Answer: [C] Jonaraja Notes: Sultan Sikandar established a department to translate Sanskrit works into Persia and vice versa in Kashmir. It covers the entire span of history in the Kashmir region from the earliest times to the date of its composition. 'Rajatharangini' review: A Sanskrit classic from Kashmir revisited in Made king by the minister Shura. He abdicated the throne, and a became a hermit to seek peace. An unpopular king, he was killed. Rajatarangini 's first translation into a foreign language was as long ago as in the first decade of the 13th century, by Haidar Malik into Persian. Kalhana relates that Lalitaditya Muktapida invaded the tribes of the north and after defeating the Kambojas, he immediately faced the Tusharas. [citation needed]. Thus (IV.678) is Book IV verse 678. It emerged in South Asia after its ancestor dialects were subtle there from the northwest inside the overdue Bronze Ag. university presses. [6], Son of Shreshtasena, assisted by his brother and co-regent Toramana. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Murdered his father, and starved his half-brothers to death. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. His Dvity Rjataragin can be a continu Answer. 2011 Duke University Press Persian Literature: How Kashmir Came To Be Known As 'Little Iran' But with a small army, he fought and defeated the whole army of Kashgar. The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive and powerful political and military empire in ancient India, founded by, After a Damodara ("of Ashoka's kula or another"), we have Hushka, Jushka and Kanishka (127147 CE) of the. Neither in style nor in authenticity do these works approximate the quality of Kalhanas Rajatarangini. It does not store any personal data. It joins a long catalogue of such translations from Sanskrit beginning with that of Kautilyas Who translated Ramayana into Persian? | Indian History - Sawaal Kalhaa's account also states that the city of Srinagar was founded by the Mauryan emperor, Ashoka, and that Buddhism reached the Kashmir valley during this period. Kalhana was an educated and sophisticated Sanskrit scholar, well-connected in the highest political circles. [5], Kalhana mentions that Gonanda I ascended the throne in 653 Kali calendar era. As the result of the decline in linguistic oriented approaches, Translation Studies witnessed a move towards a more descriptive and cultural direction in the 1990s. Horace Hayman Wilson partially translated the work, and wrote an essay based on it, titled The Hindu History of Kashmir (published in Asiatic Researches Volume 15). Render date: 2023-03-04T12:29:12.553Z in the broad and interdisciplinary area of "theory and history of cultural production," Gopikrishna Shastri (Ujjain) also translated the work into. Sanskrit It is a Sanskrit file of the diverse look of Islam. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In principle, it is for three reasons, specifically, the texts regard to sequence, causation, and (affirmed) objectivity, that European Orientalist researchers who concentrated on the text from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, called the Rajatarangini the solo work of history legitimate to rise out of old India. How do people make money on survival on Mars? the solo work of history legitimate to rise out of old India. View all Google Scholar citations Answer: Kalhana was the author of Rajatarangini (River of Kings), an account of the history of Kashmir. In 1574 Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. The Lohara family was founded by a Nara of Darvabhisara (IV.712). . Subscribe here. [21][25] However, Sikandar was also the first Kashmiri ruler to convert destroyed temples into Islamic shrines, and such a display of supremacy probably had its origins in religious motivations. Toromanu is clearly the Huna king of that name, but his father Mihirakula is given a date 700 years earlier. He stopped the killing of cows by means . We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Kalhana says that Samdhimat Aryaraja used to spend the most delightful Kashmir summer in worshiping a lingam formed of snow/ice in the regions above the forests (II.138). The broad valley of Kashmir, also spelled Cashmere[2] is almost completely surrounded by the Great Himalayas and the Pir Panjal range. Uchchala's step-brother; became the king after Radda's death. Verse 7. Such striking historical details aside, the preeminent fact is that Kalhanas is a literary text of extraordinary merit. Eventually the Karkota dynasty ended and a grandson of Utpala became king. Verse 12. Feature Flags: { Kalhana was excellently equipped for the work. He tried to abduct a Nga woman, who was the wife of a Brahmin. To avoid this outcome, the king married his daughter Anangalekha to Durlabhavardhana, a handsome but non-royal man from Ashvaghama. Notes in parentheses refer to a book ("Taranga") and verse. He was known by his subjects as Bod Shah or Budshah (lit. [3] The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided between eight books called tarangas ("waves"). The translators of Rajatarangini framed the text as more than a solitary example of Indian historical writing; rather, they engaged with it on multiple levels, drawing out, debating, and rethinking the definitions of literature and history and the relative significance of and relationship between them in capturing the identity of the nation and its regions. Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin of Kashmir had the famous historical work Rajatarangini and the Mahabharata translated into Persian. The courtyard of the Jama Masjid, Srinagar. He ascended the throne reluctantly, at the request of his guru Ishana. The fate of Ali Shah is uncertain: he may have died in captivity or have been put to death by Khokhar.[28]. All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. Answer. Devout Shaivite. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Siddha, the son of Nara, was saved from Nga's fury, because he was away from the capital at the time. Prominent among them were Kota Bhat and Udyashri. Haksar captured the mystique of Indias coordinates in this couplet: Younger brother of Chandrapida and Tarapida. After that, the English translation. His father Champaka was the minister (Lord of the Gate) in the court of Harsha of Kashmir. How long is MOT certificate normally valid? The status of Kalhana's poem Rajatarangini was mediated in colonial India in part through its English translations. There too, legend is mixed with reality, and Toramana Huna is incorporated into the line of Meghavahana. Made his brother Sussala the ruler of Lohara. Raman Menon, an erudite scholar in both Sanskrit and Malayalam during his time. Among original compositions in Persian, historical literature easily occupied the first place. He was adopted as a son by his maternal grandfather, and assumed the title Pratapaditya after the title of the grandfather's dynasty. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. in Persian - Gilaki-Persian Dictionary | Glosbe But his traditional conceptual framework, using uncritical assumptions and a belief in the role of the poet as an exponent of moral maxims, makes the idealizing content in his narrative, particularly for the early period, rather dominant. Answer: It is court chronicle that deals with the history of rulers of Kashmir. Sandhimati was selected by the citizens as the new ruler. Zain-ul-Abidin was the eighth sultan of Kashmir. (Arjuna) of Mahabharata fame. In that officials, Abdul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. Regarding the events of the past, Kalhanas search for material was truly fastidious. Although the earlier books are inaccurate in their chronology, they still provide an invaluable source of information about early Kashmir and its neighbors in the north western parts of the Indian subcontinent, and are widely referenced by later historians and ethnographers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. During his reign, the Mlechchhas (possibly, According to historical evidence, Mihirakula's predecessor was. Rajatarangini was translated into Persian by Zain-ul-Abidin order. The minister was persecuted, and ultimately imprisoned because of rumors that he would succeed the king. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Verse 12. Rajatarangini (The River of Kings) is a metrical historical chronicle of north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir, written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 12th century CE. Who translated Ramayana into Persian? - Vedantu [6], No kings mentioned in this book have been traced in any other historical source. His admittance to minute subtleties of contemporary court interests was practically immediate: his dad and uncle were both in the Kashmir court. The Himalayan area of Kashmir is an intermontane valley shaped by the stream Jhelum (antiquated name Vitasta), a feeder of the waterway Indus. Answer. What was the content of the text the Rajatarangini? Jogesh Chandra Dutt in the late 19th century. He endorsed the work to a few officials to make translations of the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language.