Not only that, but this stone can also help overcome self-doubting by protecting and grounding the overexposed energies of Leos. Hold it against the spot where you're experiencing physical discomfort, whether it's in the abdomen or elsewhere, as you establish some caring wishes. As opposed to the Chalcedony-rich Mookaite, which has a hardness of a 7 and can be cut, polished, and carved. Located between the navel and ribcage, the solar plexus chakra mainly controls your digestive and immune system. It has the same therapeutic and metaphysical powers as each of the others. So, as Mookaite helps deal with your negative emotions during sudden change, the labradorite stone can deal with other peoples reactions. It's made up of the microscopic remnants of small radiolarians, which form the sedimentary rock structure that gives rise to the Mookaite crystal. Placing Mookaite beneath your pillow or bed at night will help you recharge as you sleep because it's also helpful for balancing health and is recognized for its therapeutic effects. . Chakras- Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Base Chakra Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Mookaite, Pink Topaz Gemstone Handmade Silver Jewelry Pendant 1.9" PRJ16306 at the best online prices at eBay! It's an instant auric rejuvenator, replacing feelings of anxiety and worry with a wave of peace. There are many crystals that can be used for this purpose, but some are particularly effective for envy and diseases of all evil. Then, it helps in releasing them so you open yourself to more loving energies from the universe. All Mookaite Healing Jewellery and Gifts at Charms Of Light are Reiki enhanced and created with love and healing intentions. Mookaite aids in the communication of individuals who have passed away. It's also claimed to bring us back to the present, giving us the sensation of being in the "now," allowing us to make more informed judgments based on what's happening around us. Used as a decorative material and for its healing properties, most stones take on a high polish. Mookaite Jasper crystals for sale from Australia.. Because of its extraordinary mix of color, design, and toughness, Mookaite is one of Australia's most well-known gemstones. The Mookaite crystal is not a traditional birthstone. Mookaite Meaning - Healing. Furthermore, it is a great sone for removing harmful or anxious thoughts. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Mookaite stone was formed as the skeletal remains of Radiolaria. The Mookaite jasper is described as opalite, chalcedony or chert, or a combination of the three, varying only with the degree of silica. Mookaite jasper is also a powerful grounding and stabilizing stone. In the workplace, Leos are born leaders. Mookaite is an AustralianJasperwhich comes from Mooka Creek in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia. It is placed around the home and workplace in order to generate its beneficial energies. Leos too can benefit from the energies of Mookaite. Or if you do not have time, then you can simply store the stone together with other large quartz crystals in order to recharge. In addition, the Mookaite can also make it easier for you to accept change and to take the chance without fear. It usually results in spontaneous leadership and independence. The stone can also help repair a wounded heart while also training you to be aware of threats to your emotional well-being. It has many crystal meanings that make it a powerful healing stone. Oops! Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. clears blocked energy. Not only that, but both crystals can also provide a powerful shield around you that can prevent unwanted negative energies such as jealousy from influencing you. The Mookaite crystal reawakens your inner spirit, the sensible part of yourself that always knows the way towards the light, especially when you're guided by love. Mookaite is a beautiful stone with earthy red, yellow, and purple colors. Mookaite jasper is a wonderfully supportive crystal for going beneath the surface of emotions. It can also be used as a gem elixir since it does not overstimulate your body. Therefore, it can be used to prevent sleep insomnia. Cancer is known for its intuitiveness, emotionality, and caring traits. This particular chakra is located at the base of the spine is said to anchor us to the ground and help us stay stable. This stone teaches your contentedness, bringing you peace, serenity and tranquility into your relationship. Every piece has a different chemical make up, with some containing more Chert than Chalcedony, and vice versa. A Mookaite crystal stone bathed in wine was her famous but simple treatment for alleviating sleeplessness and nervous strain. Use the energies and the lessons this stone offers (through deep meditation), and one will soon learn how to stop and smell the roses. Add to favourites Details. It provided inner strength and mental clarity, and its slow, stabilizing energy makes it equally valued today for those same properties. This formation dates from roughly 120 million years ago, during the Early Cretaceous era. Even in the most chaotic environments, this stone's healing properties and energy can create a sense of ease in its holder. The red energies of Mookaite mainly stimulate your root chakra or base chakra. This way, you can strengthen your intuition, gut feelings and other non-linear communications. Not only that, but its yellow energies can help stimulate your intellect and wisdom, aiding in memory concentration, focus, willpower and logic. It promotes adaptability and aids in the acceptance of the change. This stone is said to promote an ageless spirit that is willing to accept changes and seeking new adventures and experiences. KIWI JASPER. If you want a cleaner way to recharge your Mookaite stone, you can try smudging it with your preferred herb bundle or an incense stick. Mookaite, Carnelian Gemstone Handmade Silver Jewelry Pendant 2.0" PLG11856 | Jewelry & Watches, Fashion Jewelry, Necklaces & Pendants | eBay! Mookaite's healing properties are linked to growth and getting past difficult challenges in life.. Also, the Mookaite jasper is said to help enhance blood purification and is quite beneficial in healing wounds and cuts. It is often fashioned into earrings, pendants, and rings. In order to cleanse and recharge its vibrations and metaphysical properties, you can try varying methods. It will also promote flexibility by encouraging you to consider several options in a circumstance and supporting you in selecting the best one. The Mookaite stone is found in only one place in the world the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia, in outcroppings close to Mooka Creek, the area for which this stone was named. Meditate with Mookaite in conjunction with primary solar plexus crystals such as Orange Calcite, Mahogany Obsidian, Citrine, Tiger Eye, Imperial Topaz, and Brucite. Mookaite has a powerful, earthy elegance that will draw your attention and keep you enthralled. The Mookaite jasper with its beautiful colors harmonizing in one single structure makes it perfect for pieces of jewelry. More recently, the Mookaite is a favorite to include in healing layouts because it represents the earth element, making it a stable and grounding complement to other stones. We may be a little older elsewhere, but when it comes to reducing the aging process, the Mookaite crystal is unrivaled. It is also beneficial in treating excessive blood sugar, cystitis, and bladder and kidney diseases. Mookaite also protects kids from harmful vibrations in their environment and provides a solid foundation for processing complicated emotions.. To do this, you simply leave it in your garden or bury it in a pot filled with earth and nutrient-rich soil. 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It is believed to boost the functioning of your immune system and help in countering the effects of aging. They promote exploration while also providing physical protection when carried. One may also find more uncommon colors in their piece of Mookaite such as beige, brown, grey, and even purple! When mining this mineral, one must dig through decomposed Radiolarian clay, which unfortunately is the floor bedding of a small creek. Healing Properties: The strong resonance of these stones at the higher heart chakra may help to stimulate the immune system and has a powerful energy to aid emotional healing. "Mookaite" refers to an unofficially coined name for an Australian Jasper. A . It provides grounding energies that can help you stay calm and collected even during times of stress because of sudden changes in your life. Mookaite, which is also known as Australian Jasper, Mookite or Moonkite, is a type of Jasper found only in Australia. Other than healing emotional stress, this well-known stone helps to heal the body from physical stress. In addition to the healing properties mentioned above, some believe that Mookaite Jasper can help keep the body young. Jade (helps animals that have been abused) and rose quartz (gives unconditional love for . This aboriginal stone is also known as the Mother Earth stone, which is very popular gemstone throughout the world, because of its influential healing capacities and connecting facility with the Earth's energy. This chakra is located at the base of your spine and mainly controls your energy for kinesthetic movement and feelings. The Mookaite crystal stone meaning has long been associated with royalty, particularly during medieval times. Mookaite is considered to be a stone of strength and stability. But on the other hand . You can also bury it in sea salt to remove toxic energies from within. It is the foundation of our physical and spiritual energy and is responsible for our feelings of safety. Not only that, but it also manages the flow of information from the mind to the body and vice versa. Then, it removes any feelings or emotions that do not help you in achieving emotional balance. Its warming and loving vibrations will shine positivity and optimism in your life, erasing the depressive moments and anxious thought patterns. When one has access (and control) over this part of their bodies, there is no limitation on what can be achieved in this world. Nurturing Grounding Shielding Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. Mookaite's therapeutic powers help Cancer feel more grounded and in control when feeling overwhelmed. The history of Mookaite is fascinating. Its healing properties are known to help sharpen your intuition, which is the language of your soul, a wise inner voice that has the ability to just know. The increased iron and silica concentrations at the Mooka Station deposits have resulted in this one-of-a-kind kind of Radiolarite known as Mookaite. It can be used to boost motivation while also bring personal power. This makes it an interesting stone to work with. About Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC. Blue Apatite healing properties clean the aura by eliminating pessimistic and defeatist feelings brought about by our own thoughts or the negative energies of others around us. Olivia's husband is wonderful, and they love traveling and reading books together. In order to physically clean your Mookaite stone, you can simply wash it in warm, soapy waters. This should help prevent the toxicities of daily life from influencing and affecting your thinking and mood. Spiritually, when the solar plexus chakra is stimulated by the Mookaite jasper, you will be more courageous. Thus, you can make more confident choices. This gorgeous Mookaite Generator harnesses the power of mookaite, a gemstone known for its protective and healing properties. Typical colours -pink, red and yellow. As you can see, the Mookaite jasper is a beautiful earthy stone that possesses some incredible healing energies. Mookaite is a caring stone that helps to nourish and sustain you while you're under a lot of stress. If you need patience, then pair the energies of Mookaite with the watermelon tourmaline. Numerical Vibration- Number 8 With that said, here are some of the best crystal combinations for the Mookaite stone. They are very spiritual stones that may help you recover from stress and worry while enhancing your creativity and connection to self and source. The emotional healing energies of Septarian are also very useful in knowing the direction you want to progress. Slow aging is one of the most important healing properties of Mookaite stones. It may also be a powerful force in overseeing restoration or repairs in your house or on your property, maintaining a careful and optimistic eye on things. The energies of Mookaite can provide an increased focus and concentration so that Leos can align their attention to achieving their goals. Other than that, the Mookaite jasper is also a stone of the here and now. It sparks energy. It is also associated with the healing of conditions like cystitis, water retention, and glandular disorders. The scarlet energy of this stone can bring your vitality, strength, dedication and willpower. Mookaite has energies that enrich ones trust and love for Mother Earth and all of her beauty. The Mookaite stone is a fiery ally for the zodiac Aries. Run it underwater if you like, but don't soak it for too long. Mookaite encourages Capricorn to be more compassionate and patient with themselves and others, mainly when things don't go as planned. This striking jasper type comes in yellow, red, and brownish-red . Capricorns are known for being intelligent, diligent, and natural achievers. They prefer to follow the rules and flourish in well-defined, well-established hierarchies, such as corporate hierarchies, which they can quickly ascend. What is Mookaite? Mookaite is a flaming stone full of brightness and strength that may be used in any scenario or location where you feel you need this sort of energy and protection. Not only that, it should help you stay focused so you can reach your financial goals. Like all jasper healing properties, the Bumblebee variety is a friend to keep nearby while you work, as its powers protect against electromagnetic radiation. The word mooka, in the traditional aboriginal language, means running water. You will gain a sense of self-empowerment and adventure as you become less fearful to go with the change and reach your dreams. Thank you! Splashed with purple potency, this stone is all about positive transformation. This makes it a suitable rubbing or worry crystal for soothing your nerves and increasing your focus. It aids us in recognizing chances for change or improvement in our working processes at work and reduces the influence of distractions or impediments. Lastly, the Mookaite stones that are mostly red in color are known as the natural birthstone for those born on October 22 November 20, during mid-autumn. This chakra is located below your navel and just above the pubic bone at the front of your pelvis. Stone Properties: Mookaite Jasper helps take control of destiny and make dreams a reality. Mookaite is a colourful variety of jasper found only in Western Australia. Mookaite acts as a protective barrier against all forms of negativity.