There are further detriments to any planet in association with Pluto (and to a lesser extent Mars), and there is decidedly a detriment to being the opposite gender to ones archetypal expressions. Sometimes, you might be less than sympathetic because you simply dont realize that not everyone has the same natural energy and drive. xx. Onward! Facing the real significance of these newly-discovered trans-Neptunian bodies is not work for the faint-hearted. It is one of the less discussed pairings, compared to say, Venus Pluto, who attracts all sorts of special mentions and lyrical insights by comparison. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Sorry my answers are so long i love all your topics and they make me think and ponder over a lot of stuff you really rock Ami ! I have a grand fire trine of venus/mars/ pluto, in addition I am the oldest and only female with three younger brothers. I dont like it but I blame that on my father leaving when I was 3. This trait is also present with the other harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) but not quite as strong. Thank you so much, Janay. They're always charged and indicate both sexual and romantic/relationship-oriented energy. Nemesis is a hidden enemy, so much worse than an overt enemy. A planet conjunct or closely aspecting the ascendant also has an impact on this forward face. You can also be encouraging and inspiring for people who have trouble appreciating the grandeur of life. You dont tend to feel shy often, although you can turn on the charm, too. . Sporty Spice. You tend to say or do things that make others feel like youre actively opposing them. Connection is a complex aspect, since it gives the strongest pressure of energy that requires immediate implementation in . The conjunction to the Ascendant makes a person more marriage oriented, especially if Juno is in the 1st house. Mars trine Ascendant transit makes you more self-confident and outgoing. Depending on the situation, you will either be dominant or just straightforward, but you tend to go after what you want. HOWEVER. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. Mars-ruled, the ascendant sign shows itself in both appearance and physical attitude. Pluto Square Saturn Youre direct and assertive, but you arent usually threatening to other people. Mars conjunct Moon is a highly sexual aspect in synastry. In good aspect particularly, it feels to the native like a blessing, and others might even be envious of ones determination and drive to achieve success, but nonetheless, there are always downsides, even to good aspects. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. This is a good time for meeting new people, taking risks, having sex, competitive sports, and doing business. Taking on the reigns of your life. Make sure that you work to integrate the most positive, uplifting qualities of Mars with this Mars sextile Ascendant aspect. But make no mistake, this overt confidence and assurance is a reaction to difficult early home lessons, whether they be promulgated by Plutos subtlety, or his rapacious dimension. Fighting your way through life. The war is on ladies. Mars Conjunct Ascendant Transit. You project anger when you just meant to state the facts, and you tend to offend others when you think youre being yourself with Mars square Ascendant. I (a guy) have Medusa opposite my Venus. The need for moist, feminine, soul force balance. Lilith Conjunct Ascendant Natal. I retaking my mental health peer spealist courses and going to career centers to boost my skills so I can get a part time job as a peer specialist and be more financially independent. Chirotic Journal The Fast and the Furious. I was definitely made to feel crazy in a way.. though I thought that was just me but I guess nothing is ever just you in a relationship hey? These qualities of the Mars sextile Ascendant aspect dont always show up in your outer personality. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. This is why responses to compulsion might seem like a boon, but they in fact make it harder to fix the underlying problem, because there is not much payoff to challenging the behaviour. Sometimes there are brothers who teach uncomfortable lessons about male energy and sexuality, or about male expectation. Rather than seeing the energy without look within. I have always tried to pinpoint the precise location of wherein my sense of primordial rage at mankind originates astrologically. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Unlike other aspects to the Ascendant, Mars trine Ascendant gives you a lot of stamina over the long-haul. I also this connection in my natal. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite(figuratively speaking), she attacks. Mars trine Ascendant transit makes you more self-confident and outgoing. Your union is full of passion, and your intimate moment is fervent with desire. When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. She ought to be able to, but if she does, she risks assault. With Mars Pluto, masculinity is suspect, men might be weak, manipulative, or have hidden and lascivious motives, so one can either become prey, or can instead beat them at their own game. Your impatience is palpable. Practicing your independence through speech and action is very important with this aspect. Nowadays it is easier for women to embody Mars energy, but this does not preclude the problems of the gender gap, nor the issues of Plutos involvement. You're inclined to be more philosophical about how you approach what you do and how you do it. This is an excellent time to use your initiative and start new projects. You might be sexually expressive and very forward. It is not so simple to say that Mars-Pluto results in superhuman force, as though that is the whole story. People will see you as dynamic and energetic. Its virtually impossible for you to hide your motives, so while you can be a bit aggressive, youre also very upfront and arent prone to lying. But the lessons of early life do not lend themselves to such expressions. We've also had a great time sparring with each other, and are looking to take up ballroom in the near-ish future. No one is attached to your hip. Wow. Mars Aspects. However, your friends and partners will continuously challenge you. What does that mean? The Mars conjunct Ascendant aspect makes your outer personalityreally strong. Your sex drive is a key part of your outer identity, so you tend to be bold and straightforward. Work it girl! High self-esteem means your ego does not need approval, but it seems to come your way anyhow. The charts are a great tool but Jesus is everything! Your natural instinct is to project anger and frustration. Frowning. You tend to remind people of sex, especially when your Mars is triggered. Mars conjunct Venus. Red meat and red wine versus green tea and tofu. Mars aspecting your Ascendant can make you more of a leader, more energetic, and more blunt, but it can also make you appear aggressive or angry. The goal here is to be direct and self-assured without actually steamrolling over other people. Keep in mind that sextiles take hard work. You should have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for anything you are interested in. You can be direct and assertive with people while not seeming aggressive or pushy. Ideally, you would find a partner who has an equal amount of sexual energy. Mars Conjunct Ascendant You will have a direct and immediate effect on one another through your . Sorry, I meant both Ballbuster and Nemesis conjunct his Sun within 1.5-2 degree orb. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. You appear angry and aggressive or bland. My girlfriend has Mars in Leo conjunct nymph in 7th house exact, my Apollo in exactly conjunct it. Your physical vitality is apparent to others, though this can sometimes make you impulsive, depending on the sign that the Mars conjunct Ascendant aspect sits in. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. You arent afraid to stand up for yourself and tell others what you need. However, youre very adventurous, which can be attractive to certain types of folks. Better to stick to your overall intentions and learn to solicit feedback from others for how you're progressing with your goals. And more importantly than this, what is the triggering dynamic? Aspects / Astrology / Synastry. The position of Mars in your composite astrology chart indicates how anger, sex, and energy will be expressed in your relationship. Something about your personality irritates people, even if you arent actually doing anything to cause this. My MARS conjunct his ASC, 4. I'm sure situations are different when the woman is the Mars and the man is the Moon than when the man is the Mars and the woman is the Moon. Take no prisoners. Remember that you will learn more about your Mars opposition Ascendant aspect through small steps; it wont all come to you in a single day. Being mean sometimes to get people to back off. Its as though your early caregivers expected you to be independent and rather assertive but to also appear to be very well-behaved, gracious and polite at the same time. Thank you for writing this. You simply cant understand how other people dont automatically act as you do. Fortunately, it also carries us out again! Spitting fire. But I see women who claim to be mature and wise get older and just stay single. With Mars square Ascendant, you are naturally combative. You're feeling the difference, not them. Not keeping your head down. Military. You have a lot of sexual desire and could be promiscuous. I appreciate you and your blog so much, its stunning how much knowledge you provide here, you are a gem, love and light A. Thus, when your Mars makes an aspect to another persons Ascendant, a sexual attraction is indicated. This article is included in the Chiron + Planets astrology eBook. The Ascendant person tends to put the Mars person first, but may be nervous to stand up for her rights in the relationship. Crude and nonsensical. You appear comfortable with your sexuality around other people. When the world pushes back, though, you feel you must be defensive and prevent things from happening to you. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook. In groups, youwant to be seen as powerful with Mars conjunct Ascendant. You might wonder if others have always operated so slowly or with this much confusion. Medusa, in the myth, turns the amorous gentleman to stone. Brainstorm: Moon/Mars Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Mars. Life has more appeal as an adventure, so you're up for it and you can get down and comfortable with people who are willing to do the same. It is not therefore so simple as to say that the manifestation of Mars-Pluto is a problem. Brainstorm: Saturn/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Saturn and the Ascendant. With Pluto, its complex, but with Mars, certainly there was an expectation that you be self-sufficient and independent. This can be both a positiveand a negative quality! Somewhat later, Reinhold Ebertin discussed Mars Pluto as being, at worst The attainment of ones own objectives by means of ruthlessness to others, brutality, cruelty. He named it the principle of superhuman power, force, brutality, and though these initial observations were made when Pluto research was in its infancy, he is nonetheless close to the mark. Medusa is a great tease. And be mindful of putting yourself in situations with people you know will only piss you off, like engaging that one person on social media who you know isn't going to agree with you on anything. As we shall see this is key. Your vibe is physical and animalistic, at least in some ways. window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-640392048a164'). When dissected into its constituent parts, Mars Pluto women were subject to conditions in the early home which destroyed their trust. Learn how to speak your mind in a way that is both kind and compassionate. Moon square Pluto synastry is very similar to Moon square Mars synastry.The difference between them can be found at a higher psychological level. When you try to assert yourself, you go overboard and can come off as nasty or crude. I know several asteroids which will come into play here, so I will, probably, need two articles. One really has to get the charts done fully in order to get a complete and correct picture. Wiry bodies. My mother nearly has balbastre conjunct her ascendant but its too far apart maybe by 4-6 degrees minimum. Youre also a good talker with a well-developed personality (depending on the sign of the Mars conjunct Ascendant aspect). If you are shy, this is a great time to make the first move because you will make an excellent first impression. Mars-Pluto energy in the female chart is very difficult to address because the underlying anxiety is so frightening to examine. synastry, except if they are particularly emphasized. Then the speed doesn't matter. Thank You Jeremy This is probably one of the best interpretations of Mars /Pluto I have ever seen and I have been studying astrology since the 1970s. She moves in that domain with as much self-assurance and confidence as any man, and indeed, many of the criticisms of her are focused on her perceived lack of femininity from, one suspects, insecure men most often. People in your life often want to challenge or oppose you. In the professional world, you do well in any career that necessitates a show of strength and leadership qualities. Every single aspect of this article was jaw-droppingly accurate. You dont need people to tell you what to do. This underlying energetic theme has long been understood. In this case, arguments and conflict are likely. To some extent, the womans fears about controlling and abusive men becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as is so often the case with Plutos contacts. I have Mars conjunct Venus and thus also both trines Pluto (forming a fire grand trine with Saturn). The positive manifestation of the Mars conjunct Juno synastry aspect is the Mars person motivating the Juno . One fears annihilation, negation, and this pushes one to ever greater effort to, one might say, build a barrier against such nihilistic forces. We can thereby see quite easily how Pluto works on Mars, the anxiety about loss and ruin, about death and destruction is what fuels the infernal fires which in turn power Mars energies to reach stratospheric levels. 2. Hi Ami Anne, I dealt with kids growing up that had Saturn square Pluto. Mars opposition Ascendant means that, although you often have romantic interests, you also run intolotof conflict in relationships. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only) . You often appear to others as a little edgy or nervous, but, at the same time, you tend to have good relationships and are a great talker. I see Nymphe as a super sexual thing. This is a high-energy transit that gives initiative and a sense of adventure. The Ascendant is the mask we wear in society, but Mars is the sign of drive, authenticity, leadership, passion, and anger. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. Remember that you can truly work through many of your Mars square Ascendant issues. In defense of the native, she is carrying a very heavy burden. Women are just that bad. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Irritation plagues you when youre forced to sit still. Provoking others. Well, in this case, Venus is critical, since Mars-Pluto is operating for a Venusian agenda, so we might think about Venus sign, house position and rulers to give further clues. . . Give the posts you like a and join the ASTROFIX mailing list! And when these placements combine, they can give enormous drive to achieve ones ambitions, and manifest ones dreams. Others tend to feel like they have to knock you down a peg, even if you havent done anything. The fire in your belly says not to conform. Both planets are concerned with self-interest first and foremost, but Mars is considerably more forthright and direct in its methods of securing the prizes it covets, while Pluto prefers more subtle, some might say devious, methods to reap the spoils of life. Typically, Mars opposition Ascendant is a difficult aspect because you feel like you justcant access your Mars qualities. My long term career path is to be a psychologist, therapist, astrologist, and creative writer. I never heard the other but it could be. The Mars person may try to take charge of the relationship, which can irritate the Ascendant person. Like this is something that really is marked into or dominates my being, which I think might because I have Mars conjunct Pluto in Libra right on my ascendant. I do try though I really feel like I cant help it. You truly made my day, A! It creates a strong sexual polarity. Having initiative to make a dent in the world. You cant hide anything you feel, whether your emotions are positive or negative. After, ..well, the demons. He has Mars conjunct Venus, exact. Might take a while to learn how to compromise enough to keep a partner. What does ballbustre conjunct ascendant in a mans natal chart mean ? This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Ascendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Im doing good. You tend to get excited about things very quickly, but you have trouble waiting for other people to catch up. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. You easily become a leader and rise to the challenge of . Fire signs might be inclined to favor sports or exercise programs. Stressed-out. You have read and agreed to our privacy policy, The 10 major planets paired with the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC, Written in short, fragmented sentences, this eBook embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing, Entertaining read for newbies and experienced astrologers alike, FREE eBook! These people are angelic and dangerous. You display your enthusiasm and courage openly. Defining Traits. Supermodels. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Mars conjunct Lilith aspect partners like to indulge each . Just because one has a trine, it does not mean that the initial impulse is not promulgated by anxiety, or fear of annihilation, ones response to that anxiety is one of positive overcompensation. You arent known for finesse, but you do have a strong magnetic quality with Mars conjunct Ascendant. No desire to sublimate your desire nature. Although you dont start fights and dont make people angry, you would certainly attack if someone threatened you or your loved ones. The issues with men, domination, learning from a young age about the darker sides of masculinity and men (domestic violence, abuse of all kinds, directly and indirectly), the issues with sex despite having a high sex drive, the magnetism of powerful men exactly for their protective abilities despite knowing theyre not right, the feeling of settling and disappointment that come up when I purposely married a partner not like that. I would have to speculate here but were you sexualized as a child, B? I like my guitar teachers imitation of women before and after marriage. It all comes back. You easily attract friends or romantic partners and feel strongly for them very quickly. Pluto was, after all, the primordial rapist. This may make me sound like a pervert, but I cry . Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. I have medusa opposite moonhave never been able to find enough about what that means, is it simmliar to asc conjuction? Just choose your battles well. You need to learn how to develop more understanding and respect for people who arent like you. With this Mars sextile Ascendant placement, you have theopportunity to developed a more focused, driven energy in this lifetime. This power couple symbolizes themes of erotica, fierce sentiments, and powerful physical and emotional bond. We havent had sex yet. Youd be prettier if you acted more like a lady. Disdain for social graces. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, SALE! The Mars conjunct ascendant aspect makes you very similar to an Aries rising, no matter your actual rising sign. We live in a world where effectively men are the gatekeepers of womens independence, so it is in a sense a nonsense to expect Mars-Pluto aspects to behave the same in the charts of both sexes. Then the speed doesn't matter. Perhaps there were brothers (or step or half-brothers) who subtly dominated the matrix of family time and attention. This is a high-energy transit that gives initiative and a sense of adventure. Friends with Mars trine Mars will also give each other courage, and help each other to do things that are difficult or scary. This is the aspect of a sex symbol. Winner takes all. If anyone in these comments possesses wisdom as to overcoming these themes, or even just desires to relate to another, feel free to reply to this comment x. Ive been searching for a lot of articles about Mars -Pluto and Ill say this explains most of what Im experiencing now. The Mars/Ascendant person can move and . If it isnt dangerous, it probably isnt any fun. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Volodymyr Zelenskyy Horoscope Warrior Leader. Strut that stuff! Since the most important planets in synastry are the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars - Pluto is a planet that is overlooked when it comes to love relationships, and wrongfully so. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. It also conjuncts my psyche in the first. It makes two different people come closer and find comfort in the arms of each other based on . A woman must contend with very different pressures than a man with regard to sex and independence. Having a trine between two planets in your birth chart indicates the most positive aspect of synastry. And the planet Mars is important in the male horoscope because it signifies the male principle, the principle of struggle and energy. This is a trait that is simply natural for you. Entering unknown territory. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. My nemesis is square his ascendant ( nemesis is square my own ascendant natally ) and conjunct his jupiter. Mars opposition Ascendant means you attract a lot of competition, too. Her partner senses her secrecy and uncertainty about sex and his jealousy is aroused. 2.Lilith conjunct the ASC or MC. While this feels painful or difficult, the Mars opposition Ascendant aspect is actually teaching you how to stand up for yourself. I suppose some dont. It is as though they armour themselves with Mars on the outside while on the inside, Pluto holds sway, and they sense that were they to lose that outer confidence, then they would quickly spiral out of control and be annihilated. I have a Pluto-Moon square, too, so I guess that also plays a role. In this case, the people involved will get along wonderfully as their desires and passions are aligned, and they naturally complement each other both physically and emotionally. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. Well, one would need to beware of the asteroid aspecting many parts of her charts and yours, so just take down the number(12595) and check out all your girls. Taking care of yourself. Competitive by nature. When someone does threaten you, its not typical for you to back down. Its easy for you to feel that your partners are always moving too fast or wanting too much, but this is typically because these very characteristics are already inside of you. Can birth a new man. For the others, be aware that nymphe really does indicate someone who is too loose and free with their favors, shall we say. With pluto in my first house and Mars in my 12th house. Mars falls into 12th house and Pluto in my first. Confrontational stance. Save 35% off reports! This remains true regardless of the aspect between them. The stronger indicator, however, is both Venus and Mars in these aspects to the ascendant. "Jeremy Neal's masterwork about Orcus is a major contribution to the advancement of astrology. 4. 12th house Lilith in Aries conjunct Ascendant; opposite Sun. This entire article read me for FILTH. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. The ability to go it alone. You may relay on your partners to give you energy and drive, but you will come to learn that all of the motivation you need is already within you. Looking for a fight. Ie. Aries ascendant, Martian dominated chart, Scorpio Mars and Pluto both in 8th house conjunct each other, along with Chiron in Scorpio 8th house conjunct Mars. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. The distrust of men, who you described the early years where women with this placement learn that men are not to trusted (I grew up in a rough place exposed to things children should never be) the fear of domination, strong masculine energy, the issues around sexuality despite a high sex drive, magnetically attracted to the men I should avoid and still feeling the settling and disappointment feeling when I purposely chose a husband different than the type I am drawn toit felt like I was getting some deep clarity to my own inner psychology. The Mars person energizes the Ascendant person, and helps them achieve their goals. You will appear strong, sexy and daring. Life is a mystery to you, but you're more amused and entertained by it than overwhelmed. You're urged to get things going, and that, in turn, can make you rush when you otherwise wouldn't. Instead, embrace the confidence that comes with knowing that you also have the competence to accomplish and get what you want. Ultimately, you want to express (not suppress) your Mars sign in a way that is more gentle and positive. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Being one-of-the-boys have always been natural. With Mars opposition Ascendant, you may find that your self-image is distorted. Ballbustre is conjunct his own ascendant natally ( we have conjunct ascendants as per astrodienst ) . You have very quick reactions to events and people. It hasnt all been said and done. Read it for the transiting Mars, progressed Mars, solar arc Mars, or natal Mars in in the 8th house. Often there are hidden costs to a womans independence that a man would simply not have to consider. These can be great qualities in a fast-paced work environment. But it is a nonsense to suggest that any one aspect can be cured in isolation from the entire constellation of the chart. Depending on the rest of the chart, the Mars conjunct ascendant natal aspect suggests a strong body. Will i bust his balls and despise him for liking me ?? Difficult experiences with masculine undercurrents underline the ongoing need for vigilance. Facial scars. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Posts: 3788. Mars trine Mars is also a great aspect to have in synastry between two friends. Letting down ones barriers and discovering that one does not automatically become a victim of something wicked or predatory may be liberating and transformative and ultimately life-changing, but it does take a different kind of confidence to take that leap of faith, and every sinew of this aspect rebels against it. In such a relationship, various forms of resentment can emerge. I really enjoyed the quality and insight. It is a planet of transformation, death, sex, money and power. Making more enemies than friends. You must learn to communicate what you need (instead of ignoring it) in a way that is constructive and kind. On the downside, there may be some conflict and struggles; the Ascendant person may find the Mars person aggressive or domineering, while the Mars person may become impatient and irritable with the Ascendant person. Mars square Ascendant natal gives an extraordinary amount of energy that makes you driven, motivated and passionate. Moderator. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Mars Pluto is in many ways rather under-represented in the astrological parade of stellar combinations. Sometimes that understanding can come as the result of outright abuse, as in the case of Oprah Winfrey who was raped at the age of 9 and endured repeated sexual assaults between the ages of 10 and 14. Love and understanding of this old patricahial figure of indomitable will etc. Sometimes, you will only show the qualities of your Ascendant sign, while other times you come off more like an Aries rising. This gives some relief as nothing you against you but in you. take-charge attitude. Be careful of steamrolling the other person. Usually, the suspicions are centred upon men, who are seen as threatening, self-centred, and dangerous. People in a position to do some damage. The competitive edge. Ami , i have just met a guy whos got his own medusa and ballbustre conjunct my ascendant . Perhaps my Chariklo placement? The Ascendant is the mask we wear in society, but Mars is the sign of drive, authenticity, leadership, passion, and anger. The Mars person may try to take charge of the relationship, which can irritate the Ascendant person. People tend to take your words to heart because they come off more strongly, so keep in mind that you can very quickly hurt others. Anger. Instead, embrace the confidence that comes with knowing that you also have the competence to accomplish and get what you want. If you dont want to do that, why dont you give me just one question and I will try to answer. The Mars sextile Ascendant aspect can help you learn how to consider the opinions of other people.