Were against whoever is dropping the bombs on us, he said. Our home is destroyed! Refugee by Alan Gratz (18) They endure false alarms like this for a week straight, returning dejectedly each time to an abandoned mall that offers shelter. Women with burns. Mahmouds dad kept driving. Freedom! chanted some of the rioters. They threw rocks and bottles. Mahmoud lived in a refugee camp with his family in the city of Jenin, which is the West Bank. They were right. Struggling with distance learning? The Journey of Syrian Refugees | Sutori Hush, Josef begged her. They were headed for Hamburg, on the north coast, where his father would meet them to board their ship. Josef: Just outside Havana Harbor1939 Isabel: Somewhere between the Bahamas and Florida1994 Mahmoud: Lesbos, Greece, to Athens, Greece2015 Josef: Just outside Havana Harbor1939 Isabel: Somewhere between the Bahamas and Florida1994 Mahmoud: Macedonia to Serbia2015 Josef: Off the American Coast1939 Isabel: Off the Coast of Florida1994 Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary2015 Josef: Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean1939 Isabel: Off the Coast of Florida1994 Mahmoud: Hungary2015 Josef: Antwerp, Belgium1939 Isabel: Off the Coast of Florida1994 Mahmoud: Hungary2015 Josef: Vornay, France1940 Isabel: Miami Beach, Florida1994 Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany2015 Isabel: Miami, Florida1994 Mahmoud: Berlin, Germany2015 Maps Authors Note Acknowledgments About the Author Sneak Peek at Projekt 1065 Sneak Peek at Grenade Also by Alan Gratz Copyright At first Josef thought the teacher was going to ask him to do a math problem on the board. In all the turmoil, a policeman caught up with her father and grabbed him by the arm. Underneath this painting were the words, FIGHT AGAINST THE IMPOSSIBLE AND WIN. Josef Age 12. Mahmoud is 12 years old and lives with his father Youssef, mother Fatima, 10-year-old brother Waleed, and baby sister Hana in Aleppo, Syria. Bishar al-Assad. Daesh thought they were fighting the final war of the apocalypse, and anyone who didnt agree with their twisted perversion of Islam were infidels who should have their heads cut off. Middle East and Africa Air Barrier Industry to reach $1,576.20 million Mahmoud is 13 years old and lives with his father Youssef, mother Fatima, 10-year-old brother Waleed, and baby sister Hana in Aleppo, Syria. What do you think the States will be like? Isabels mother asked everyone. But when the Soviet Union went away, so did all their support. But arguably Josefs most difficult decision is the one he must make at the novels conclusion: when the Nazis offer Rachel the option of releasing just one of her children, Josef sacrifices himself to relieve Rachel of this burden and to keep Ruthie out of the extermination camps. No porters rushed to help them with their bags. His gas-powered fishing boat rocked gently at a little pier nearby. But the only people who could afford to give her pesos were the tourists visitors from Canada or Europe or Mexico. third person. There was blood in his hair, and the area around one of his eyes was already turning black. Without Russias gas, they couldnt run the tractors to change the fields over to food, and without the extra food, the Cuban people began to starve. No boat today. Mahmoud realizes it is up to him to do something. Ruthie had been born the year Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor of Germany. It was hard to tell anymore. Refugee is more than a story about children fleeing their homelands, it is a story about what unites us all: love, family, and perseverance. Christina Diaz Gonzalez, award-winning author of Moving Target A gripping, visceral, and hold-your-breath intense story of three young refugees. John Green, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Turtles All the Way Down An intelligent, human, harrowing read. Ellen Silva, NPR Meant to be read, discussed, and shared widely. School Library Journal A haunting fictional treatment of historic events. Booklist Unflinching and sympathetic. The New York Times A stunning, poignant novel. How many of them died because we turned them away? Josef! Syria is still engaged in this brutal and confusing war and the civilians are affected irreparably. And well have to get to Izmir, on the Turkish coast. They had walked for hours in the hot sun without a bath, without a change of clothes. Screamed in sheer blind terror. That seemed like a good omen to him. On one side of the road were blocks of green and yellow and pink and baby blue homes and shops. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it would burst right out of his chest, but Mahmoud found the courage to grab Waleed by the arm, drag him over the seat, and dive headfirst out the door. What if they follow us? Not that hes counting. The Brownshirt suddenly turned serious. Twelve-year-old Mahmoud Bishara is used to being invisibleit is how he survives. They yelled and chanted. She let him hug her, even though she still held her hands across her chest as if to ward him off. We can wait our turn. The startled man at the front of the line motioned for them to go ahead, and Josefs mother thanked him. But Mahmoud did everything he could to hide his size and his face, to stay under the radar. The girls yanked up the string, and they all dropped to the deck behind the rail where the man couldnt see them laughing. Last updated by Jill W on 01 Sep 20:48 Answers: 1. They had seen Frozen in a movie theaterback when they could get to the now-government-controlled side of the city that had theaters. North, Dad said. Her father looked surprised at the question. Not now. I have to go. No. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Refugee Important Quotes | SuperSummary He screamed even louder than his little sister, drowning her out. Renata and He was thinner too. Josef looked deep into Officer Padrons eyes, searching for some sign of help, some hint of sympathy. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. After school, Mahmoud, Waleed, and their mother, is gone. But when they arrive, they find the Hungarian soldiers building a fence to keep them out. Instant PDF downloads. Mahmoud learns to cope with these conditions by assuming a protective role over Waleed, and by learning to be invisible, keeping his head down and ensuring nobody notices him to survive. Who are the characters in the book refugee? Mahmoud's dad. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." We dont have any gasoline anyway, Ivn said. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. I should do something, he whispered. Isabel held her breath, and soon the fisherman came back with two enormous plastic jugs of gasoline. They looked tired and poor and wretched. to accommodate the crowd. Shia should know their place! Mahmoud and his family had fallen into step with them and disappeared among their ranks. When he was finished, Mahmoud sat back up on his knees and ended his prayers by turning his head right, and then left, recognizing the angels who recorded his good and bad deeds. No one had voted or named him captain, but he had built the boat, after all, and he was the one at the rudder, steering it, so that put him in charge. Mahmoud sat in the middle row of desks in his classroom, where the teacher wouldnt call on him. They fail, but they are not sent back to Germany. Ready or not, if we want to live, we have to leave Syria. Papi scoffed. The boy who had died so Ruthie could live. Mahmouds mother broke down in tears, and his father let the life jackets he carried drop to the ground. Mahmoud Bishara and his family live in war-torn Aleppo, Syria in 2015, four years after the Arab Spring had reached their country (the Arab Spring was a group of pro-democracy protests that occurred in several Middle Eastern countries in 2010-2011). The book revolves around three main characters from three different eras: Nazi Germany, 1990s Cuba, and modern-day Syria. But if they managed to survive the trip across the Straits of Florida and evade the US Coast Guard and actually set foot on United States soilbe caught with dry feetthey were granted special refugee status and allowed to remain and become US citizens. And then, six months after hed been taken away, they got a telegram. Lights came on in houses nearby, and curtains ruffled as people looked out at the noise. She was born the year Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor of Germanu in 1933. (In five days, Papa hadnt come out of their cabin once, not even for meals, and Josefs mother had barely left his side.) There was a riot on the Malecn, Lito said. Khalid was a Shia Muslim in a country of mostly Sunni Muslims. To no longer be a child. Instant PDF downloads. And work. We need help!, Dont you see? Lito said. His fathers shirt was stained at the armpits, and with a quick sniff of his own shirt Mahmoud realized he stank too. Ivn and Luis father, as well as Seora Castillos spouse, is Seora Castillo. I found us a ride, but we have to leave now.. Mahmoud has lived his life trying to be invisible since the civil war started because in Syria that is how he can stay safe. You have a family to take care of. Mahmoud Bishara is a 12-year-old boy from Aleppo, Syria who lives in 2015 in the book Refugee. "Refugee Characters: Mahmoud Bishara." LitCharts. Well all go! Isabel cried. Where would they go? If the phones were out, he was probably working on trying to fix them. He blinked, still dazed, and then he understood. We went out the back stairs, she told them. It seems inappropriate for such a sacred moment to be celebrated in the presence of Hitler. Josef had seen paintings of the Nazi leader all over the ship, and the first-class social hall was no exception. But we never did. Lito was crying now, distraught. Mahmoud had been going to meet his best friend, Khalid. He is of average height with brown hair and brown eyes. what does mahmoud want to control in refugee. Were against whoever is dropping the bombs too, the soldier at the window said. LitCharts Teacher Editions. But they werent in Cuba anymore, were they? Cuba couldnt turn them away. A skeleton in a threadbare suit three sizes too big for him. They were supposed to be on holiday, seeing ancient ruins and beautiful Greek beaches, not stepping over filthy, praying refugees. Wait here, he told her. The lights of Havana had faded to a speck on the horizon behind them, and they had left all the other boats behind. He stayed there the rest of the trip, his armband securely in place and as visible as possible. We have to get on that ship. and more. The US has spent 7 trillion dollars (!) I promise. The other policeman shook out his long black hair, and Isabel was startled to realize it wasnt a policeman at all. But everyone seemed to be having fun. Being invisible was how he survived. Sajid Javid (/ s d d d v d /; born 5 December 1969) is a British politician who served as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from June 2021 to July 2022, having previously served as Home . What were they doing? An hour later, they are stopped by four soldiers with automatic rifles. Not yet. Until now. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. But for Mahmoud, the scene brought back memories of another time, just after the war had begun. When the Jewish refugees are rejected from entering Cuba and it seems likely that the ship is going to take them back to Germany, Josef works with other passengers to try to take the ship hostage so that they can avoid this fate. Isabel and her grandfather set her papi in a chair in their little kitchen, and Isabels mother, Teresa Padron de Fernandez, ran to the cabinet under the sink. They pluck Mahmoud and, Mahmoud: Lesbos, Greece, to Athens, Greece 2015, 12 days from home (3). No, no, no, Lito said. Complete your free account to request a guide. what were two observations the boys made about lesbos from the boat? She put the little kitten back under her house and ran inside for her trumpet. I am a college student studying to be an elementary school teacher. Change). He hated that man. The smuggler had just told them their boat wasnt leaving tonight. It was a salsa tune she liked to play, but this time she listened past the music. Isabel shook her head. How about Jorge? Not until we reach Cuba. I dont want to go to Cuba, Ruth whined as the train got under way. Earn weekly rewards. The angry cop yanked his arm free from Luis and pointed his nightstick at Papi. They get to Cuba first and unload their passengers, and who knows? Mahmoud jumped when it fell, but Waleed stood still, like this kind of thing happened every day. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Angry and desperate, hundreds of refugees begin to riot and try to push through the fence. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Go in there and unlock those doors this minute. Just because you had your bar mitzvah doesnt make you an adult, Renata told him, and Evelyne stuck her tongue out at him. My brother, just a boy, becoming a man at last. Josef slipped back into his compartment, still shaking, and collapsed onto his bench. Hours later, the train pulled in to Hamburg Central Railway Station. Tell me something I dont know, Seor Castillo said. It fluttered to the floor, the Star of David landing face up for all the world to see. He recalls, We barely made it, the boat sunk, and many people perished. Mahmoud arrived on a barren Greek island, where he was picked up by another boat. What she heard instead was the sound of breaking glass. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. No! New Kids' Books Put A Human Face On The Refugee Crisis : NPR - NPR.org Shes a baby. Go, go. His uncle had worn a tuxedo and his bride had worn a dress of sparkling jewels and a tiara, and they had been escorted by a dozen cars to a party where Mahmoud had eaten a piece of the delicious seven-tiered cake and danced with his mother to a real band. Josef felt his skin tingle. Mahmoud explains how they gave, people who hadnt survived. Even though their apartment wasnt far away, Mahmoud led Waleed on a different route home every day. She wont take up any room!, Whether you were visible or invisible, it was all about how other people reacted to you. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. But these police werent doing anything. But, I No, Lito protested. She says that she thought, Frau Rosenburg explains that she was a refugee, too, and shows, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Back when they were Germans. With his fathers mental health deteriorating quicker, Josef threatens him to ensure that he can pass the medical inspection to get into Cuba, reversing their roles as father and son. Youre old enough to be her grandfather. Lito just took that as a challenge. And the Kurds hold all this territory here. The captains in a tight spot, he is. Tomorrow. Explore books by genre, topic, reading level, or series to find your next read. Boats built out of Styrofoam and oil drums. This reminds Mahmoud of, might be too old. Her thick black hair was cut short for summer and pushed back behind her ears, and her brown complexion was splotchy with freckles. Amahl Bishara, Tufts University . One of the stewards shook his head. Being able to travel anywhere we want, anytime we want! said Amara. Is it enough? Isabel asked. The soldiers throw tear gas and take the refugees into custody,loading the subdued refugees up in trucks and driving them to a detention facility almost all the way to Austria. I wish I was your favorite song, he told Amara, so I could be on your lips forever. A table at the front held a Torah scroll. You can let us off at highway 214. Dad turned the car around and drove. And together well find her, yes? Your name must be Summer, because youre making me sweat! The girl smiled, but Isabels mother slapped Lito on the leg. No, we dont, Seor Castillo said. As Mahmoud and his family travel from Syria to Germany, they become stranded in the Mediterranean sea when their boat capsizes in the water. Mama just shook her head, her eyes full of worry. Mahmoud By Refugee Action November 18, 2016 Refugee Voices In Syria, Mahmoud was a successful tradesman, living happily with his wife and four children in a big house in the country's capital, Damascus. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Refugee Book Summary and Activities | Refugee by Alan Glatz Are you ready? I have his ticket, she told the sailor. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. bel Fernandez is escaping Castro She wore a dark blue wool dress with a white sailors collar and carried her white corduroy stuffed rabbit, Bitsy, everywhere she went. Buy tickets. Everybody stay calm, Dad said, slowing the car down, and let me do all the talking. One of the soldiers stood in front of the car, his rifle aimed loosely at the windshield, while the others walked around the sides, peering in through the windows. the crossing from Turkey. But they had never told Isabel and her family. He pulled the family with him into the stacks of crates, and Josef tried to keep up with him as he darted from place to place, dodging imaginary enemies.