Snakes ability to smell is strong. So, if you are growing onions, and the snake brings into life another snake that means that onions will not deter the newborn snake. So, if you have one of these at home, you should definitely lookout. By encouraging beneficial animals to visit while driving away undesirable ones, marigold could be a sure choice for gardeners to plant in their yard. Unfortunately for people who do not like snakes, almost every yard and garden contain flowers, especially since almost no one objects to flowers presence in their surroundings. Snakes might not cause big harms to your plants since they are there mainly for the food and the habitat. You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as cinnamon, clove oil, and eugenol. You can grow garlic for culinary and medicinal use, but these bulbs also have attractive flowers which are particularly tasty sauteed or added to salads. However, its not clear whether snakes are actuallydeterred from travelling into your garden if those smells are present. This plant is also known as thorn apple. These also offer a beautiful view in the garden and it is easy to plant them. But how often do snakes secrete musk? The above-mentioned remedies are just general examples, for learning purposes, and may not be precisely suitable for your pest control requirements. There are about 30 species of venomous snakes in the US. Garlic and onion work to repel snakes by emitting an undesirable smell that snakes do not like. BEST OVERALL: Ortho Snake B Gon Snake Repellent. Try to plant the snake repelling plants that we discussed above. Considering the fact that snakes dont have eyelids, it might be quite irritable to their eyes. If youd like to try some of the natural remedies listed here around your garden, theres probably no harm. In addition to the smell of urine and feces, snakes also have a strong odor of ammonia, which is produced by the breakdown of amino acids in the body. Their long size and movement make them very scary. Mother-in-Laws Tongue is anotherplant that snakes dont like. Snakes dont actually sleep in brumation but rather their bodies adjust to the lower temperatures, slowing down their metabolism, and making them less active. This, according to some, is liked very much by snakes. Website Accessibility Statement Bird feeders attract rodents like chipmunks, mice, rats, and squirrels. A number of case studies show that roses have a snake repellent effect. The Queen of Night has a mesmerizing and powerful fragrance, which many people believe also attracts many snakes. Rattlesnakes can also give off a cucumber-like odor. Mix these with rock salt and sprinkle them around your home and yard for effectiveness. If you have ever experienced the smell of death, you will never forget that scent if you do not know what the death smells like-go to a funeral home, hospice, or nursing home. . . Sugar gliders are marsupials that pack an intensive smell in such a tiny body. The dryness creates a less-friendly environment for bacteria to flourish, which can help prevent sweat from smelling like onions. Snakes will not be scared by dog poop, even if it is a large predator. Unfortunately, dog poop is not effective at keeping snakes at bay. Last but not least, Lemongrass is the ideal plant for you to grow that repels snakes. Snakes are not comfortable with areas that have no places for hiding. There is an astounding variety of plants and flowers that have different properties, and with all the variety of plant species available, there will be plants that have opposing effects on certain animals, such as snakes. Apart fromplants that snakes dont like, there are also aromas and smells that snakes hate. Signs to Look Out For. Excessive amounts of Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus usually indicate chronic body odor. They are most active in early morning and late afternoon, as summer temperatures are often too hot for them to be out in during the hottest times of day. One of their defense tactics is their ability to emit a strong-smelling musk to deter attackers. All snakes are carnivorous, with different snake species varying in their preferred food items. Staphylococcus is typically . Copperheads are mostly found in North Carolina. It can be used by placing the mothballs in the places where snakes can be found. The entire plant, as well as portions of the leaves, repel snakes and bugs. But for sprayable products, this is only true if you directly spray the snake on its face or otherwise fumigate an enclosed area. These are the only scents recommended by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to repel snakes. Placing pesticides and chemicals around your property may be dangerous and can contravene local laws. This smell is not just unpleasant, but it also apparently serves to disorient snakes. You may also try proven and tested means of keeping away snakes by eliminating the elements in your yard that can serve to attract them. You might have snakes in your garden! They also have pointed stems so that when they are used to cover fences, they may have a discouraging effect on slithery snakes. It does not repel them nor prevent them from entering the garden, yard, or home. If you make a purchase through links from this website, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. In reality, all rabbits will smell to some extent. It produces a sulphonic and corrosive emission hated by snakes. White vinegar, also known as distilled malt vinegar, will help erase the smell. You can easily use such oils by putting them together in spray bottles and then diluting them with water. Repair or replace any damaged screens on windows and doors. Onion to has a very similar effect on snakes, just like garlic does. 7- Lemongrass. Snakes are attracted by yards or gardens where the grasses, bushes, and other vegetation are not trimmed and are left to their own devices. If possible, store firewood in sealed, lockable wood boxes. Does Victor Snake-A-Way Work [Expert Opinion], 11 Effective Ways To Get Rid of Snakes Naturally, Do Snakes Take Revenge? Snakes do not consider the presence of dog poop to indicate that they are invading the territory of your dog. Both garlic and onions contain sulfonic acid, and this is both the chemical that makes us cry . Aside from being a great addition to your garden, it also serves as a deterrent to snakes. Pest control specialist and entomologist . Cracks can be sealed by mortar or caulking. This is reportedly the best among all the snake repellent plants because it has always been reported to successfully clear areas of unwanted snakes. Overall, Id personally avoid using harmful chemicals like ammonia and naphthalene in my garden or around my house. While snakes can be beneficial in controlling rodents, they can become an issue if they turn their attention to your fresh eggs or baby chicks. This makes the roots have an unpleasant smell, which makes them unbearable to the snakes. Therefore, to discourage them from taking residence in your yard, remove every kind of pile, whether it be lumber, rocks, wood, debris, or brush. Predators aren't usually as interested in . Some other plants that can repel snakes are enumerated below. Vinegar is another odor that snakes dont like. Snakes scaly, legless creatures that slither into your yard and sometimes even your home. These tips fade to black as they age. Cinnamon and clove oils contain a chemical named eugenol, which has a unique smell that snakes just do not like as per the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Some common examples include marigolds, lemongrass, and wormwood. Spraying is slightly an aggressive way to discourage their presence but its surely an effective one as well. Again, however, they may not be as effective as is commonly assumed. Not only does sulfonic acid irritate human eyes, its also very irritable to snakes. Garlic . This plant is also called Tulbaghia violacea. These flowers are gorgeous, and they belong to the family of sunflowers. They have no venom that can be fatal to you. So make sure to grow some in your garden or a container. Place a bit of water ( a couple tablespoons) in the bottom of a blender. In fact, snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica. 1. At first, the scent of garlic may smell like prey. Many people take advantage of this trait by using scents that repel snakes, scents like clove oil, cinnamon, and eugenol are considered common snake repellants. This low maintenance plant does not put off a strong smell like the others included here. Remove body hair (in places like the armpits) to control odor. Also, like onion, it's another must-have among most gardeners and chefs. Each of . The thistles and spikes of cacti repel snakes so that they usually avoid these kinds of plants. Then sign up right now and you'll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free. To smell, the snake literally licks the air, then places their tongue onto the Jacobsons organ to taste the smells in the air. A lot of people are frightened by snakes. This makes them quickly leave your garden, and hopefully, they will remember the unpleasant experience enough to discourage them from ever returning. Below list is the type of scents that snakes hate. Mint. The below home remedies are general examples only, for educational purposes, and may not be suitable for your pest control needs. Does mothballs keep snakes away?- A Myth or Does it Really Work? There are some flowers that snakes can use. Snakes. This plant is also known as Rauvolfia serpentina, and it has a mechanism similar to the marigold, where it uses its roots and leaves to repel snakes. I also always had a passion for writing, so this blog is a perfect outlet for sharing my knowledge in the field and using my writing skills. In reality, snakes also like to stay in calm places, herbs, and plants, and sandalwood could certainly be one of them. The predator tends to find it unpleasant for eating due to this foul, strong smell. You better get your thinking right and stop all . Apparently, snakes can't stand the smell . The combination of garlic and onions is the most fatal combo for snakes. Just like onion oil, garlic oil will disturb and disrupt the snake. You can also use materials that make it difficult for snakes to slither over like holly leaves, pine cones, egg shells, and gravel. Botanical Name: Cymbopogon. They can control and repel a lot of pests in your garden. A good effective way to use the plant for snake control is by forming a barrier around the perimeter of your property. There may be no single plant among them that can eradicate snakes effectively. Cacti planted in the yard will prevent snakes from staying around. People also eat and rub its leaves on the skin for healing purposes. Now, he's guiding other Hikers to hike safely through this blog by reviewing the top best picks gears for safety and also guiding on Snakes and ways to deal with them.