If carry my Glock its in a solid Crossbreed holster with one in the chamber. Keep your booger hook off the bang switch, use a good holster . There are also the safety concerns . And so it is when carrying a Glock as well. I carry my Jericho the same way. Well saving room for some ice cream after dinner is a bit higher on my list than any damn LDL or HDL mumbo jumbo. A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. The Glock take down system is an accident waiting to happen and happen it does all the time. If you need to defend yourself, you cannot afford the time to rack the slide. No safety needs to include a stiff, lengthy trigger pull, like the LC9, or a DA revolver. i carry mostly to counter the mass shooting incident the type of which where afterward everybody says if there had only been a good guy with a gun and i will more likely than not have time to draw the weapon and charge it while i get my ooda loop going. Its your right to self defense. The IDF has quit carrying with a round chambered. 9+ is a glock safe to carry chambered most standard Same here. Cruiser ready generally refers to a gun that has a loaded magazine but an empty chamber. Folks, a GLOCK (or any other striker-fired pistol) is perfectly safe with a little intelligence combined with a bit of assiduity. Its like arguing Android is better than iOS. As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. I am thinking G2S, my ankle sometimes gets chilly, but, Im happy with my PA-63 In 918, and I have a CZ, in 918, that has the best SA trigger Ive ever felt, since the Smith S.S. Model 66, .357 which was accurized, and tweaked by a smith, that was flat out dangerous, hair wasnt the word. Didnt fire..interesting. I help equip people with knowledge and skills so they can be safe and effective with firearms. Dont you dare break the three rules of safe gun handling. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. Does the Mossad or other Israeli special services Israeli carry? Carrying a single-action pistol cocked-and-locked is far and away the best method of carry. Try it with any style sidearm. Passive safeties Are Not A Replacement for an active safety. Many striker/plastic pistols, like the S&W Sygma, have actual DA triggers, that do not use glocks UN safe-action trigger scheme. You shoud not count on having both hands available while being attacked. Do you, punk? Each new design enhanced the pistol and its features. Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered - BubbleSub DA/SA make the most sense to me. It was a girl participating in a shooting contest. 29 July 2022 by srnoj. Should You Carry With One In The Chamber? - Alien Gear Holsters When the handgun is retrieved, the mag is shoved in and the gun is ready to fire. Yeah, me too. I want something that goes bang when I pull the trigger, and I could care less how heavy or gritty that might be. I wonder how it avoids the googlebots? I am at a point in my life that I seem to lose a bit more of something every day and way I see it , I can actually admit to myself that I dont totally trust me without that little conscience click of the safety anymore . Guess what? The practice of empty chamber carry continued with the introduction of magazine-fed, semi-automatic pistols. Is It Safe To Carry A Chambered Glock - MonteneGroand Partners Or ya know, apply the tried by 12 or carried by 6 rule. . I now carry without it, with one in the pipe. And, Mad, you really like those ad hominem attacks. U.S. Somewhat different than in rural MS tho, speaking as one who attended a full auto shoot at a local range about a month ago. I ran a corner thru the trigger and around the other side up the grip. No kids at home anymore so no worry there. My home defense guns are locked and loaded ready to go. Glock G21 439. at Guns.com. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. Ron DeSantis Says He Supports Adding Open Carry to Floridas Permitless Carry Bill, Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New Yorks Law Banning Carrying Guns in Sensitive Places, Judge Robert L. Miller: Its an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didnt Expect Gun Control in Future Generations, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/the-truth-about-6-5mm-ammo/, https://patents.google.com/patent/US5724759A/en, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p28yT3Z3oj8&t=7347s. Carrying this way isn't for everybody though. Id have to go with the DA revolver. They have defense of the State, of their comrades, or of other citizens. Say, if you can make that mistake (and you did), are you willing to admit that maybe, just possibly, youve mad other mistakes? and you can have a hammer strap optioned for anything with a hammer except dao. If something else provides that energy to the pin, the primer wont care whether its in a chamber or not. . Confused fool. Just saying. But do suggest they make more of them and lower the price for us plebes. Wait a second, so youre telling me that I shouldnt keep my home defense gun in condition 3 but instead have it in condition 1 and put it in a lock box? If I was gona carry an empty gun Id carry a full sized 1911, that way if I had to throw it at somebody it would weigh enough to hurt when it him them. Both have pros and cons the secret is you must be well versed to bringing your gun up to the level of lethal quickly. Barnum should have said, There is a Moron born every minute so I guess I will have to say it for him. If you can have a momentary lapse of judgement handling a half million ft/lbs you could certainly have one while handling 350. Jul 18, 2010. Me personally I carry a snap cap in the chamber, so if some lucky bastard grabs my gun and shoots hes about to be dead. If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. I usually carry chambered with a revolver or my .25 but the trigger on my new Glock 19 is so easy I am not yet comfortable carrying chambered because there is no manual safety. The 223/5.56 is the most common centerfire rifle cartridge in the US. There are advertisements for trigger jobs on striker fired guns to make them with an even less pull weight!! The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have become very popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. And so easy to correct. And thats only firearms. Brain farts are a universal malady that effects 100% of all humans and the Glock and its clones are probably the least idiot proof handgun ever invented. Its interesting to note that Massoud Ayoob reported that when one Police Department got fed up with all the accidental discharges with Glocks and went over to a double action only auto that accidental discharges dropped to almost zero. I think the Glock leg argument is kinda straying off into another argument, that could be a good idea for its own article. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Youll probably die trying to get your semi-auto back into battery after attempting a contact shot anyway. The internal Safe Action System will not allow the pistol to go off accidentally. OK , Ill bite this time , I let it pass the first (hundredth) time , but Im all in now . The 1911 has a grip safety as well as a thumb safety. In the case of the 43X, the barrel is 87mm or 3.41 inches long. If you want a single action trigger pull, either carry a SAO autoloader in condition one, or choose a hammer fired model that one can manipulate its condition at will. Apparently the last time it worked. I felt a few of the points that were raised had enough merit to discuss further. Yes. uncommon_sense: I would hope that, by now, you know whether or not the handgun you actually OWN has a firing pin safety. Its decocker is better than a thumb safety. Older single action revolvers or those still manufactured without a hammer block/transfer bar are theoretically more prone to discharge back in the day when you ride a horse as the drop from that position could allow the pistol to rotate muzzle up when it lands. Ammoland was intelligent enough to allow only one person to use a name at a time. Not only that, but the holster allows you to "re-holster" off body which also greatly reduces the odds of clothing or something getting caught in the trigger guard. So, there are at least 2 actions required to get a round to fire after removing it from a pocket. Hmaag [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia CommonsTodays revolvers have a flat hammer. There are more and complicated details about the Israeli attitude (prohibition) of self-defense, but the point is that the Israeli system may work for the IDF, but not for you. So F_____g what? Capacity: 15 rounds. The name's Jordan, but friends call me Jordy. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it. Actually I carry a revolver, which is 1000% better at typical bad breath self defense ranges than an AR and 100% better than a semi-auto pistol that will get pushed out of battery on a contact shot. Because that argument is stupid in the first place, because the entire discussion is about *carrying* not about whether you should carry. Fat troll. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . Many people think walking around with a loaded gun is dangerous, irresponsible, and paranoid. i doubt that israelis whose primary weapon is a pistol actually use israeli carry. And you should be, too. Well, technically, you could also just not drop them I suppose. G44 - Glock 44 - 22lr Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered - Intelligent Search Pro 7. One other one was very tragic. Dave: And the 1911 series 80 fits into that category. Certified Glock Armorer, Colt Armorer, FN Armorer, Beretta Armorer, Smith and Wesson revolvers Armorer. My Taurus G2C is DAO, restrike, and no mag safety. Carry chambered ever since. I like having a gun ready to shoot but I need a second chance when Im juggling. Only, dumb guys wouldnt understand that. Pull back the hammer, you notice how it clicks 4 times? When she holstered her Glock .40 it went off and the bullet went down her leg utterly destroying it. If you are so scared of a striker fired trigger, then why not get a hammer fired gun? My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND ONLY ONE WAY TO CARRY A GLOCK SAFELY AND THAT IS WITH AN EMPTY CHAMBER PERIOD AND THERE CAN BE ZERO ARGUMENT ABOUT THAT IF YOU ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES AND NOT LIVING IN A NARCISSISTIC FANTASY WORLD OF GLOCK UTOPIA. I used one of those saf-t blocks that can be pushed out of the trigger real easy. A good 1/2 inch drive ratchet upside the head will drop most anyone like they were a sack of feed corn. I find myself walking around with my hips thrust foward, flinching away from the gun. It would be as if a round was pushed into the ground, primer up, and then a firing pin dropped from a height, point down, directly into the primer. Boy, that must be realllll nice. You always have time to do that. The Glock handgun is the preferred handgun of police worldwide. Why would anyone want only one of something? I do carry that way, however, with my 1911. Always eith one in the chamber, hammer down and safety off. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six??. My AR is half loaded with the mag in but unchambered. And my Glock 17. In the case of a fast draw in a conflict, you dont have time to check, but you still have time to keep your finger out of the trigger guard. Will again once they are old enough to figure out crapping ones pants is a bad idea. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective I am still way ahead of the guy who doesnt carry. I am lacking a rapier and main gauche though so maybe not ready for the six fingered man. Is It Safe To Carry A Chambered Glock. Do you supposes THIS guy knows the six letter word for a firearms dangerous end? Especially in a stressful situation. Carry chambered? | Glock Talk Perhaps if someone drops their gun from two stories up and it lands muzzle down on somebodys head? Is a cheap one as good as a safe from, say, a Liberty or Rhino? If youre going to do something like defend yourself with a firearm. If you cant respect the power and danger of an automobile why would you think you could be trusted with a firearm at all let alone one without a safety? A 1911 or single-action pistol in Condition 1 is comparable to a striker-fired, safe-action pistol, like a Glock, which is always in a semi-cocked condition when a round is in the chamber anyway. Many people have said, "A Glock doesn't have a safety." In this video, Dustin Winegar demonstrates that the Glock pistol design is actually one of the safest. Not a hard and fast rule. Maybe. Unlikely. The gun itself Cannot be rendered safe without the chamber being empty. Sad, isnt it? You would probably be more likely to survive in a Banzai charge. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. Colt change the SAA!? Glocks dont have an external safety because they were designed as a simple to operate as possible. But in my house, in the middle of the night, what do I care about 50 yard accuracy or the ability to knock over a steel plate or knock a bowling pin off a table? So you have no quibble with the line; If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire., in relation to SA revolvers? You may need your weak side arm to hold an attacker at bay while you draw, etc. Glocks response was to simply make a pistol that was safe without a safety. To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the time.so I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. It's a mental block you will have to outgrow. Gunfights can happen that fast. I carried it un-chambered for a few weeks till I was comfortable. plan A: have an empty gun you throw onto the ground to start the action. Most learn it in the third grade, so how scary hard can it be? I only know my own lifes experiences, fwiw, too many LEOs cant hit chit no matter what the tool, and Im an honorary. I carry a single action 1911. Hell, try it with a taser. Um. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'guntradition_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-leader-1-0');I do know one engineer who figured out that if it was dropped from 221 feet and it lands on the right angle squarely on its barrel, it could possibly go off, but the bullet would immediately strike the ground and not do much after that. Must not be working on it very hard. It worked before. In my experience, here in MS, a great many people have a great many home defense firearms of various descriptions. My wife carries her Beretta 92 loaded with the hammer down and the safety off so all she has to do is draw and fire; first shot DA and the rest SA. They're fun, handy, and can be very practical. Discharge during take down? To fire the pistol, the trigger safety and the trigger itself must be deliberately depressed at the same time. But people *MODIFY* (for chrissake) their Glocks trying to make the trigger compete with a 1911, then wonder why they shot their foot off. (just like some people freakout about a cocked and locked 1911) Rest assured the gun will not go off and shoot you in the ass. A un-chambered carry gun is useless. I have been a revolver guy my whole life, and just switched to a Glock 19 after getting two days of excellent training and realizing I could shoot the Glock better (to say nothing of more copiously) than my old Detective Special. De nada. The Glock 26 Gen 4 weighs approximately 25 ounces with a loaded magazine. But, it has a decocker, so I can put a round in the chamber, decock the striker, and walk around with a much better feeling about it all. Jordan has taught marksmanship, woodsmanship, and self-defense classes. How often are you drinking a glass of milk, or spilling coffee, or having a horn tooted at you while actually handling or holstering your firearm? I lost a whitetail in heavy cover to the click when the safety is released. And being that I am a Veteran the simple act of 1 second as I draw is a negligible amount of time just like the BS of you can only have a 10 round magazine but you can carry as many magazines as you like try it one day drop a mag change it takes less than 3 seconds. Best thing you can do is buy a pistol that you can safely carry loaded with one in the chamber. Unfortunately, the safety is on the wrong side of the slide for me so I dont use it. Almost as good as a ball peen hammer. Im a mommy-frelling ballerina with a pickem up truck towing. Not carrying a round in the chamber does indeed provide you a 100% chance of not having the gun go off in the holster. The 43 chambered for the 9x19 cartridge, along with its immediate predecessor the .380 caliber Model 42, were not the . Do you carry with one in the chamber or not? : r/CCW Am I being silly? On one of those occurances, my snubbie bbl. the safety doesnt enter into it. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. Often, its holstering the gun into a holster that compromised by clothing. People are going to make mistakes but when you design a tool as unsafe as the Glock its not a maybe they will have an accidental discharge its a fking fact that sooner or later they will. Nearly anything can be used as a weapon, whether it is designed as a weapon or not. Carrying One In The Chamber, Continued - The Truth About Guns Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. Yes. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I'm not exactly a diehard with pistol-caliber carbines but I definitely enjoy them. Let's dive into the depths of insanity when it comes to concealed carry myths. In practice? Is it just something one has to get used to? My opinion. I couldve even been Ken again, like I was here years ago. I thing Mossad guys are well trained, just saying. Again, though, training is the answer. This should convince you that your glock is safe to carry chamber loaded and you won't have to worry about blowing your 'nads off.